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DOC (2,5-Dimethoxy-ChloroAmphetamine)
Fatalities / Deaths
by Erowid
DOC (2,5-Dimethoxy-ChloroAmphetamine) is a highly potent psychoactive substance with effects lasting 12-24 hours. Although there are very few deaths directly associated with DOC, it is also uncommon as a street drug and thus it is not known how common serious health risks are among those who try it.

If you know of a confirmed fatality that is not listed on this page, please let us know.

Pharmacological fatalities are those deaths caused by the direct action of a plant or drug in the body, not including deaths caused by accidents or as a result of inebriated behavior.

Incident: 21-year-old Male, 2013
In April 2013, 21-year-old Lewis Greig died after having life support removed following hospitalization. He was believed to have taken DOC. As of May 8, 2013, the toxicology report had not yet been released or the presence of DOC confirmed. As of May 2014, a news outlet reported that the person supplying the drug to Greig sold him DOC. (An earlier news report erroneously implicated a second person in the supplying of the DOC. That article has since been taken down by the publication.)
The Saint. "'No excuse': former student drug dealer jailed". University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK. May 2, 2014.
The police officers who searched [another student's] flat found him to be in possession of 3.6ml of DOC [...]. The student [he] had supplied with DOC, Lewis Greig, died last year after a reaction to the drug. He and a friend had gone to Mr Wright under the impression that they were buying LSD. He was on life support for three days before his family made the decision to turn it off.
The Saint. "Moment of madness: rare drug implicated in student death". University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK. Apr 25, 2013.
[...] relatives switched off the life support of Lewis Greig, 21, who is believed to have died as a result of a fatal reaction to the drug DOC. Greig had been on life support for three days before his family turned off the machine. [...] 'He was attended by paramedics and taken to hospital in Dundee but never recovered,' she wrote. Although the toxicology report is still awaited, Greig's mother has spoken publicly about her son's death, telling reporters that he suffered a fatal reaction to the drug DOC.
None known. (unconfirmed)

None known. (unconfirmed)

None known. (unconfirmed)

LD50 #
It is extremely difficult to determine an LD50 for a drug in humans. LD50s are only ever experimentally determined in animals, and extrapolations from one species to another for lethal dose are notoriously unreliable.