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Reports from May 7 2010 - Jun 3 2010
All Reports
(60 Total)

Highly Recommended The Bad Shaman's Sapo Erik Davis Phyllomedusa bicolor 2010 Jun 02
Highly Recommended There and Back Again: A Journey to Death Harry Shimlight 5-MeO-DMT 2010 May 31
Recommended Capsules Mundane Mushrooms & Cannabis 2010 Jun 02
Recommended Frog Sweat ~ Matses Rainforest Medicine Peter Gorman Phyllomedusa bicolor (Sapo, tree frog venom) 2010 Jun 02
Recommended Incredible Insight and Periodic Paranoia Malarky LSD 2010 May 25
Recommended Delerium in Perdition Mushroomagic Datura 2010 May 17
Recommended Choose Smack and Life and a Career? Bee Heroin 2010 May 15
Recommended Under the Watching Moon Jacob Cannabis 2010 May 15
A Flow of Loving Relaxation Zorgin MDAI 2010 Jun 03
The Shadow is Out to Steal My Soul Spacey Cannabis 2010 Jun 01
Joyful Synergy MarcusHL 2C-B 2010 Jun 01
The Ultimate Evil Destroying Life Cache LSD 2010 May 27
It DOES Get You High Ecto Morph Inhalents (Paint Thinner) 2010 May 27
Kaleidoscopic Leaves and Branches Hypersphere DMT & LSD 2010 May 21
Effective when Smoked Aurantiaca 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) 2010 May 18
Awakening as a Child Mord Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2010 May 15
Benevolence Towards the High, Annoyance at the Sober NotDamaged MDMA (Ecstasy) 2010 May 15
Time Flies! TestSubjectB Napthylpyrovalerone (NRG-1) 2010 May 15
My Bubbly Love Affair MeMeC 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) 2010 May 14
A Study Into the Train Stations of Mind Pyromedic 2C-E 2010 May 12
The Pot-Luck Weekend Trichotomy Cannabis 2010 May 12
A Rich and Beautiful Sleep Noddy Calea zacatechichi 2010 May 11
Kicking and Screaming W Heroin 2010 May 11
Not Something to Mess With Not Fun JWH-018 2010 May 11
One Hit Chipper Duster 2010 May 11
Entrance into 'Their' World Purple Sticky Salvia Salvia divinorum (20x extract) & Alcohol 2010 May 10
Uncovering the Meaning of Life Chief Amanita pantherina 2010 May 08
Double Edged Sword Primo Tramadol (Ultram) 2010 May 08
Scorpion Face NoodleGirl LSD 2010 May 08
Legal Peace Tea Meshugganer Kratom & Smoking Blend (K2) 2010 May 08
Mildly Entertaining, Massively Intense Syntaxerror Diphenhydramine 2010 Jun 01
Luminosity Tia Serendipia Tabernanthe iboga (extract) 2010 May 27
Acid Coke *Squeam* DMT & Alcohol 2010 May 21
The Colors, Ohhh the Colors Inflames 2C-I & JWH-018 2010 May 21
Overview of the Last 8 Months Pofacedhoe 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) 2010 May 19
First Encounter With the Psychedelic Kind Pyromedic 2C-E 2010 May 19
You Can't Untake a Drug R. Chow 2C-I 2010 May 18
First Time - Very Impressed Bakininmephrica JWH-018 2010 May 18
Mapping the Territory Bhairava 4-HO-MET 2010 May 18
Really Good times Alex Methamphetamine & Ketamine 2010 May 18
An Night of Epiphany A Spiritual Pirate MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis 2010 May 17
Memories Can't Hurt Me Anymore Gigi MDMA (Ecstasy) & Ketamine 2010 May 15
Too Much for Me Bad Guess Methylphenidate 2010 May 12
Whispers of the World Witefire180 Cannabis 2010 May 11
Dearest Friend ... Zack Alcohol 2010 May 10
A Fight with Sanity Psy-conaut DOC 2010 May 10
I Always Come Back to You Steveja Heroin 2010 May 10
Difficult Emotions Hasphat 2C-I & JWH-018 2010 May 09
The Tunnel of Light 36fuckin5 Mushrooms & Cannabis 2010 May 08
Mephedrone, Methylone and Me Bazbonehead 4-Methylmethcathinone & Methylone 2010 May 08
Nasty on the Nose! RA 4-Methylmethcathinone 2010 May 08
Don't Ever Mix RC's Uncle_bud Methylone, MDPV & Mephedrone 2010 May 18
Weakened Heart Oki DXM 2010 May 17
Counterproductive Combination FunkyFreshDude Amphetamines & Caffeine 2010 May 15
Lose Your Looks, Job, Friends & Mind! rock*chick 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) 2010 May 13
Tolerance Not Like Marijuana Theserenityman Serenity Now (smoking blend) 2010 May 10
A Little Miracle Drug Damian 2C-E 2010 May 18
Transcendental Information Budda Roach D DMT 2010 May 18
Directors Seat Jdog JWH-018 2010 May 11
A First Combo with Amazing Results Zerotype MDMA & LSD 2010 May 10

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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