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Reports from Jan 13 2011 - Feb 2 2011
All Reports
(69 Total)

Highly Recommended A Warning on Unpredictability Lillys Dolphin 2C-I 2011 Jan 28
Highly Recommended Rendered Eternal I AM Mushrooms & Cannabis 2011 Jan 17
Highly Recommended A Smooth Ride - But Illness Attacked Next Day Supdawg 2C-I, Cannabis & Escitalopram (Lexapro) 2011 Jan 14
Recommended Tough, Strange, and feels like Purgatory Rueful Syrian Rue 2011 Feb 02
Recommended Nightmaric Bliss PsychedBaby AMT 2011 Jan 25
Recommended I Should Be Floating Mundane Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Cannabis & Alcohol 2011 Jan 17
Recommended Serenity Psychonaut Mushrooms & Cannabis 2011 Jan 17
West African Gym Buddy drugrugdoug Yohimbe 2011 Feb 02
First-time Comparison with 018 Steel JWH-073 2011 Feb 02
Letting Go of All Spatial Self InnerExplorer Methoxetamine, Hydergine, & Nitrous Oxide 2011 Feb 02
Never Expected This secularfaith DXM (with Guaifenesin) 2011 Feb 02
Psychotic Breaks From DXM Use Are Real Lunalesca DXM (with CPM) 2011 Feb 01
The Way K Creeps Dopey Mcgee Ketamine 2011 Feb 01
Waking Dreams Sam Brugmansia, Calea zacatechichi & Cannabis 2011 Feb 01
Cured My Bronchitis pupil MImosa tenuiflora 2011 Feb 01
Extreme Depression After First Time jjjackie MDMA (Ecstasy) 2011 Jan 31
Calming Effect WhiteRook Phenobarbital 2011 Jan 31
Insane Adventure (Never Thought It Would End) batbat DMT & Cannabis 2011 Jan 29
High Dose Induces 3 Day Trip moe.ron 2C-P 2011 Jan 28
Bleeuugghhh! Cap DMAE 2011 Jan 28
A Novel Treat CalmAnDaring MDAI 2011 Jan 28
A Truly Awful Drug Rugrat MDAI 2011 Jan 28
Not Worth the Negatives Perry-Noid MDAI 2011 Jan 28
Energy Motivation with OCD and ADHD PsychonautRN 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) 2011 Jan 28
An Evening With It Joey Anonymous MET 2011 Jan 24
Unusual Reaction Long Term Anxiety inoxia Pseudoephedrine 2011 Jan 24
First Time For Experienced K Lover Phatboy303 Methoxetamine 2011 Jan 23
Finding the G-Spot Seven Up GHB 2011 Jan 13
A Terrible Trip and a Trip to the Hospital anonymous DXM 2011 Feb 01
Strange Pseudo-Trip with Odd Chemicals Robert Arctor Cannabis, Gabapentin & Unknown (MDPV?) 2011 Jan 31
Nothingness Tom P. Quetiapine (Seroquel XR) 2011 Jan 31
My Migraine Left finne Mushrooms - P. semilanceata 2011 Jan 31
Intergalactic Mindfuck tweak AMT 2011 Jan 29
Personal Account of Accidental Therapy Frater D LSD 2011 Jan 25
A Gift From God C Ibogaine 2011 Jan 24
Beware Seizure Warning d3vast8 Tramadol & Cannabis 2011 Jan 23
Worst Experience of Life Storm JWH-018 2011 Jan 20
Epic Snowball Fight Whitewater Mushrooms & Cannabis 2011 Jan 17
I Got Research Chemd Out ToSeeEye 2C-I & JWH-018 2011 Jan 17
E and Weed=Dissociation? KL MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis 2011 Jan 16
Worst Fears Confirmed Tae Guevara 5-MeO-DALT & Cannabis 2011 Jan 16
Unusual Reaction Five Hours Later raui 5-MeO-DALT 2011 Jan 15
Hyper Sensory Perception Shwinehund Cacti - T. peruvianus 2011 Jan 15
Never Again Evilpoptart Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Smiley Dog') 2011 Jan 15
Feeling of Death widdles Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Judgement Day') 2011 Jan 14
Horrible Trip Made Me Want to Die Will Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Trainwreck') 2011 Jan 14
The Day I Was Going To Die Nickster Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Space') 2011 Jan 14
Mellow Moxy Buzz Isn't So Mellow with K troy a. 5-MeO-MiPT, Cannabis & Ketamine 2011 Feb 02
I Had Some Idea of What to Expect AB 3-MeO-PCE 2011 Jan 28
The End of Anxiety Lockheed Propranolol 2011 Jan 25
A Rather Potent Relaxant Adam V. Chamomile 2011 Jan 25
String Analgesic kanna1 Sceletium tortuosum 2011 Jan 25
Placebo... Waste of Time Spektre Phenylephrine 2011 Jan 24
Healing Truffles Skinner Mushrooms - P. atlantis (sclerotia) 2011 Jan 24
Within the Grasp of Death AnOldHag JWH-018 2011 Jan 24
So Is That 4-HO-MET, Right? ErowidLover 4-HO-MET 2011 Jan 23
'Ban-Compliant' Spice You Tell ME TravisB_from_Indiana Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Funky Monkey') 2011 Jan 23
Into the World for the First Time Newcommer Cacti - T. pachanoi 2011 Jan 22
Best Feeling of My Life Ryan 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) 2011 Jan 20
High Dosage Orally MTB JWH018 2011 Jan 16
Opiate Withdrawal Miracle Neutopia GBL (& GHB) 2011 Jan 13
Usage Multiple Times cny psychedelic MDPV 2011 Jan 13
My Heart Stopped Beating No Pulse Never Again Products - 'Molly's Plant Food' 2011 Feb 02
To see everything ajna 2C-E & Mushrooms 2011 Feb 01
Freaky Blackout Buddy1 HASH 2011 Jan 31
Far More Than What I Expected CaliforniaDreamin 4-MeO-PCP, 2C-I & JWH-*** 2011 Jan 29
A New Year Whiterussian 4-MeO-PCP 2011 Jan 29
The Incredible Cocktail BigL LSD, 4-Acetoxy-MiPT & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2011 Jan 24
Awareness and Loss of Everything bushdoc420 4-HO-MET 2011 Jan 23

NOTE: There are 4 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

COPYRIGHTS: All reports copyright Erowid.
TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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