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Reports from Dec 13 2016 - Jan 17 2017
All Reports
(166 Total)

[1 - 100 of 166]
Highly Recommended The Philosopher's Stone Slippery Sclera Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue, D. cabrerana, M. tenuiflora, & A. confusa) 2017 Jan 02
Highly Recommended Remember to Have Respect for Bliss Student of Life LSD, Ephenidine, Phenibut & Cannabis 2016 Dec 21
Recommended A Rookie's Bumbling Notes Oswald Rabbit Ayahuasca 2017 Jan 09
Recommended Spirit Animal Communion Garuda444 Cacti - T. pachanoi 2017 Jan 06
Recommended Eternity in the Abyss B Smoking Blend with Cannabinoid Receptor Agonist 2017 Jan 05
Recommended The Drop Rejoining the Ocean InnerExplorer 5-MeO-DMT 2017 Jan 02
Recommended Defining Intramuscular Dosage Range InnerExplorer 5-MeO-DMT 2017 Jan 02
Recommended Testing Its Potential and Method Kuro418 Morning Glory Seeds 2017 Jan 01
Recommended On High Alert Curious Chemist Pentedrone 2016 Dec 27
Recommended Control ProffD Piracetam & Choline 2016 Dec 22
Recommended The World Was Made of Marshmallow Pillows AnarchaCannabis Methoxetamine & L-Tyrosine 2016 Dec 17
Recommended Everything Happening Around Me nervewing 3-MeO-PCE 2016 Dec 15
Waking Up Again Thinking I Had Been Dreaming t-bone Salvia divinorum 2017 Jan 17
The Psychedelic Tattoo Parlor Dan 4-AcO-DMT 2017 Jan 16
Afraid to Go Over the Edge agoraphobia 2C-I & Beer 2017 Jan 15
The True Nature Of Things WiLnO DMT & Ketamine 2017 Jan 14
A Million Vistas of Predestination nervewing 3-MeO-PCP, 4-AcO-DET, DALT & Ketamine 2017 Jan 13
A Cold, Ubiquitous Lucidity Sethian Salvia divinorum 2017 Jan 12
Way Too Strong a Voyage Centaur DPT 2017 Jan 11
Woodland Wonderland Tamino 25I-NBOMe 2017 Jan 10
Horrid Body Load Glowing Thoughts nervewing 2C-P 2017 Jan 08
Over the Edge walters ride DMT & Citalopram 2017 Jan 07
Something New Started Kicking In yetilove Escitalopram & Yohimbine 2017 Jan 04
Powerful Mood Lifter Stargazer Salvia divinorum 2017 Jan 03
Epic Music Playing Volsam 4-AcO-DMT & 4-AcO-MET 2017 Jan 03
I Don't Like Tofu 686 2C-D 2016 Dec 31
Blasting Off psudopsybin 4-AcO-DMT 2016 Dec 31
Fear of the Dark LD_50 5-MeO-DALT 2016 Dec 30
The Hand of God Marbleyes Kratom & Spice 2016 Dec 29
First Trial Surprisingly Potent Xorkoth DOIP 2016 Dec 29
Psychological Exfoliation 6a6nlsd 1P-LSD 2016 Dec 28
A Whole New World Dustystix 3-MeO-PCP & 2C-B 2016 Dec 28
Nothing Special nobody Pentylone 2016 Dec 27
I Still Had the Same Feeling lovebug MDMA 2016 Dec 26
The One Trip Paradox 1P-LSD 2016 Dec 24
Focus Among the Frenzy Jungle Girl DMT (from M. tenuiflora) 2016 Dec 23
Better than Ritalin Darrell E Armodafinil 2016 Dec 21
Just Let Go Goddess Mode LSD & Salvia divinorum 2016 Dec 20
Man From France Lauren Mushrooms 2016 Dec 18
Saw 'til We Fall Woodsman Black Tea 2016 Dec 18
Vivid Dreams of Morphine Frogs Kade Rouxier Poppy Seed Tea & Amanita muscaria 2016 Dec 16
It's Always More SnakeEyes LSD 2016 Dec 16
Harmlessly Addictive GF Methiopropamine 2016 Dec 14
Forgetting Everything Being Reborn Jake B LSD, MDMA, Cannabis & Sleep Deprivation 2016 Dec 13
Mildly Psychedelic Fish A. confusa, Cannabis, Passion Flower, Nelumbo nucifera, & Tobacco 2016 Dec 13
Out of My Eyes Like a Window Dandelion Tilidine 2016 Dec 13
Unexpected Interaction Vanessa Lisdexamfetamine, Quetiapine, Diphenydramine & Valerian 2017 Jan 16
Confusing and Stressful Interaction Delusional Bear Cannabis 2017 Jan 16
Luxurious With Each Sense cosmic ray 6-APB 2017 Jan 16
Perfect with Patience fluoxamph Fluoxetine & Amphetamines (Adderall) 2017 Jan 15
Felt Like and Overdose but It Wasn't ad91on 5-MeO-MiPT after Methamphetamine, Alprazolam & Alcohol 2017 Jan 15
Introspective Gold S.B. 25C-NBOH 2017 Jan 14
Nice Speedy Stimmed Feeling Nov3 2-Fluoromethamphetamine 2017 Jan 14
Hard Time Starbucks 5-MeO-DMT & DMT 2017 Jan 13
Interesting but Intangible Sinnlos Scopalamine 2017 Jan 12
Seems a Bit Lackluster ThePoobaman DALT 2017 Jan 11
Completely Unexpected manofwoman Gabapentin 2017 Jan 11
New Year and the Mother Moth nervewing LSD, 2C-B & 3-MeO-PCP 2017 Jan 10
Taken for a Cold Experienced Demonics nervewing Diphenhydramine & 3-MeO-PCP 2017 Jan 10
Shorter but Otherwise Exactly Like Diazepam Zirtonic Diclazepam 2017 Jan 10
Dancing Around My Flat Silly Recluse bk-2C-B 2017 Jan 09
Loving Breath Cold Body Libertine MDA 2017 Jan 09
Wonderful Colorful Combo nervewing 2C-P & Mushrooms 2017 Jan 08
Dangerous Addiction Anonymous Dimenhydrinate 2017 Jan 08
Worst Fear Came True, Surgery wisedup Buprenorphine with Naloxone (Suboxone) 2017 Jan 08
Interfering With Other Drugs Bigredox Abilify & Various 2017 Jan 07
Itchiness and Nausea Are Definitely Not Worth It Medeiros Tramadol with Acetaminophen 2017 Jan 06
Cannibalism and Loose Teeth Juxie Spice-Like Smoking Blend ('Space') 2017 Jan 06
Reducing My Nicotine Cravings melli Nitrous Oxide 2017 Jan 06
Adderall Is Merely a Horrible Memory Tweeknot Armodafinil (Nuvigil) 2017 Jan 05
Red, but Not Rusted, Root rootboy Sassafras 2017 Jan 05
A Night at Los Cahorros Wisifu 2C-B 2017 Jan 04
Five Hours of Nausea Surface Warrior Kratom 2017 Jan 04
It Makes Me Love Life ConstantEnergy Kratom 2017 Jan 04
My New Perspective Jonnyboy369 Etizolam 2017 Jan 03
Depression Dissociation Placation nervewing 3-MeO-PCP, Ketamine & Cannabis 2017 Jan 01
Hyperreality nervewing LSD & 3-MeO-PCP 2017 Jan 01
Unexpected Liberation - Will It Last Errata Cocaine 2016 Dec 31
Just 'Flat' doctrphil St. John's Wort 2016 Dec 31
The Best and Worst Decision I Could Make K Heroin 2016 Dec 30
Vivid Dreams, Did Not Feel at All Rested thewho Mugwort & Cannabis 2016 Dec 30
On the Importance of Set and Setting AFriendInNeedIs LSD 2016 Dec 30
Seeing My Surroundings Almost Perfectly Big Stog Sleep Paralysis / Dreaming / OBE 2016 Dec 29
Kid Myself Into Some Awareness? Alexander Shulgin DOIP 2016 Dec 29
This Stuff Is Potent Tim Yohimbe 2016 Dec 28
Low Dose For A First Time bamoida2 3-FEA 2016 Dec 27
Now I Can Barely Focus in School daytripper Salvia divinorum & Cannabis 2016 Dec 27
I Didn't Know I'd Get Shit Done Zacharia 4-MEC & Pentedrone 2016 Dec 27
Keta-MEAN! Out of Body Bad Trip Klimit Ketamine 2016 Dec 27
Things Are Absolutely Fine Sparkypotamus Gabapentin & Alcohol 2016 Dec 27
I Love This Stuff formermillionaire Adderall 2016 Dec 26
Asking Questions Did Not Work This Time Helen Mushrooms (Sclerotia/Truffles) 2016 Dec 26
Better Than Bad Coke Pentman Pentedrone & Alcohol 2016 Dec 26
A Spiritual Journey Jerry H. Amanita muscaria 2016 Dec 25
Beneficial Results Were Profound Bipolar2Guy Suboxone 2016 Dec 25
A Variation on Candyflipping Alligator Methylone & 25C-NBOMe 2016 Dec 25
I Lost Half a Decade to This Drug dan420 Alprazolam (Xanax) 2016 Dec 24
Not Worth the Side Effects Socratic Goldfish Voacanga africana & Nicotiana rustica 2016 Dec 24
Not Experiencing Any Euphoria KFrid Bupropion, Lamotrigine & Amphetamine 2016 Dec 23
I Have Been Enjoying It So Far noSine Calamus 2016 Dec 23

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