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Confused as to What Had Actually Happened
Citation:   J-Dawg. "Confused as to What Had Actually Happened: An Experience with 2C-B (exp100117)". Jun 5, 2018.

200 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
200mg Insufflated 2C-B

Firstly, I'd like to begin by saying that this experience was my most intense psychedelic experience ever, and I do not recommend taking this kind of dose to any psychonaut, regardless of their experience. Snorted 2c-b is powerful stuff; even 30mg can put me into a brain-busting trip.

After some initial hesitation, I decided to snort a fat line of 200mg of 2c-b at around 24:00. Within seconds of insufflating, I was tripping hard. The burning in my nostril was so intense I had to sit down. My eyes watered and the trip got progressively harder and harder over the next minute or so, to a point where my surroundings were waving and shaking and flashing with colors. I felt enormous amounts of energy surging through my body, and I began to fear I might have pushed my limits too far. After this, I cannot recall my surroundings or any of my actions until about three hours later, when the trip began it’s decline.

What ensued the taking of the dose was perhaps the most interesting part of any psychedelic trip I had ever had. I experienced countless DMT-like “brain-movies”, full on hallucinations where I was either watching a scene play out objectively, or experiencing a scene from a first-person point of view. Often I’d switch between the two; experiencing the perspective of a perceived person while simultaneously watching a scene play-out objectively. These “dreams” seemed to last for an extremely long time, what I perceived as years.
These “dreams” seemed to last for an extremely long time, what I perceived as years.
2c-b has the tendency to increase and decrease in a wave-like function, so there were times when I could somewhat make out my surroundings. Often friends and family who were not actually there visited me; I would talk and interact with them as if they had been. In the process of the trip, I had actually awoken my mother and father. Afterwards, they told me I had spent the duration of the night spurting nonsense and tripping over my self. I recall none of this. At around 3:00, the trip had subsided enough for me to recognize that I was sitting in my living room with my mother and father. I had no recollection of anytime prior to the trip, and I had forgotten about taking the 2c-b. At around 3:30 I was completely baseline. I attempted to leave the house, but my parents resisted my attempts. I went to sleep around 4:00. Amazingly I slept rather well.

When I awoke, I was extremely confused as to what had actually happened, as many of my hallucinations had been very life-like and believable. I spend the day putting together bits of information from my parents and myself and eventually concluded much of what I had experienced had been non-existent and a part of my 2c-b trip.

For the next two days I was rather depressed, whether because my understanding and perception of the world had been shattered or my serotonin receptors had been overloaded, I’m not sure.

The strange part of all of this is that occasionally I’ll have dreams of the hallucinations I had during the trip, and I can then recall more and more details that I had forgotten. It seems that I had spent a great amount of time in this state of consciousness, an almost unreal time. Again, I would like to stress that a dose of this magnitude is extremely dangerous stuff, and had I been in the wrong situation, I could potentially have been dead.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100117
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 894
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Alone (16)

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