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Staring at Satan
Citation:   ER100. "Staring at Satan: An Experience with LSD (exp100211)". Jun 20, 2019.

2 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
One night I was with a couple of my friend my friend Rob, D, and Jamie. One night Rob hit me up and asked if I could get him some solid acid and being so fortunate to know a guy with some decent cid. I help him aquire enough for all of us but my friend Jamie wasn't taking any just trip watching us. This all happens around 10PM

We take the tabs in my friends jamies car and realized that we had no where to trip at and we didnt not have enough gas to be just driving around. We decided to go to some tunnels inside of a gulf course near D's house. Jamie parks the car and I see my friend Rob get out with a huge backpack. Not asking anything we proceeded into the small opening in the middle of the course.

45 We are in complete darkness. My friend Rob brings out LED flashlight from this huge bag and hands us all some glow sticks. We turn on the light and crack all the glow sticks. At this moment I knew that we were about to start tripping. I look down the tunnel and it started stretching and I kept moving farther and father away. I snap out of it and realize it was all in my head. We start walking down this dark tunnel by flashlight looking at all the graffiti bombings on the walls. Most of them were very well done and the colors of it all was very vivid the red looked red-er, black looked darker then normal if you know what I mean.

We finally get tired of walking around in the tunnel and sit down in a spot and just talk and smoke. My friends are just tripping I could tell. I look at my friend D's face and his eyes looked empty like a body with no soul. And Rob was chill he was enjoying himself laughing talking with the group. We get tired of the light and wanted to sit in pitch black for the hell of it so we turned the light off. The OEV were strong things felt like they were flying past me in weird shapes. Out the corner of my eye I saw a light coming from the glowstick but ignored it and that made my visuals spin start moving in all directions.

D had gotten the idea of cutting the glowsticks and throwing the liquid all on the sides of the pitch black tunnel. After he had opened about 4 of them and covering the walls with the liquid we turned off the light again. Stars... All I could think of is stars. I stared strait at 1 in particular start and it didnt move but everything around it was morphing trying to take the star I was looking at but concentrating on it was the only thing keeping it still. I close my eyes and the only thing that changed was the stars were gone.

We all start to want to move to a new spot out side of the tunnels. So we get out of the tunnel and onto the gulf course at about 2 in the morning and walk to my friend D's house to kick it on his porch. On the way out of the tunnel I felt like I was sewer people or something the world outside just looked new and glorious. We walk off and I notice the ground that I was walking on was like cement on a gulf course not so much as hard but as sturdy. We got to his house and sit at the table he had set up in the front.

After about 2 more hours we were just talking and out of the blue a pair of red small lights look at me. I looked back... All I could see was a shadow behind Rob's shoulder with red piercing eyes. I was dumbfounded I couldnt move talk or blink I could only stare. It moved side to side as if it was going to take Rob alive. As soon as he got close to Rob I guess Rob went to reach for something on the table and the shadow collapsed right before my eyes. If you have seen paranormal activity 3 then its the part were the ghost uses the bed sheets and it looks like a person but then the sheet collapses on its own into nothing... Same thing happened. I was in complete shock and my eyes were tearing. I didnt tell my friends about it for some reason. I was compelled not to like if I told them what I had saw I would be releasing a bigger burden onto them so I kept it to my self. After our peek went down enough to look publicly non-intoxicated we went to Jack in the box and talked.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 100211
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 20, 2019Views: 686
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Guides / Sitters (39), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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