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Inside the Lightspeed Capsule
25I-NBOMe & Cannabis
by Dux
Citation:   Dux. "Inside the Lightspeed Capsule: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe & Cannabis (exp100599)". Oct 31, 2013.

1 mg sublingual 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
    repeated vaporized Cannabis  
I and my two friends each took a 1000 µg blotter of 25i at around 10pm. We didn't make many preparations aside from making sure there was no one around to disturb us (or vice versa), making sure there was food and drink available if we wanted it later, etc. The blotters had a strong 'chemical' taste that wasn't exactly pleasant and left my tongue feeling burnt for a short time. None of us felt anything until at least 30 minutes in, and by 1.5 hours in we were all feeling it. We decided this when we all realized we had been constantly laughing for what felt like an hour but was actually probably like 3 minutes.

The three of us were basically laughing at everything. Even stuff that wasn't really funny. One guy tried to imitate spider-man's web slinging gesture with sound effects (badly) and we were giggling about it for no less than 5 minutes.

Right around now you might be wondering why this article was titled the way it was. Around 2 hours in I asked if anyone else had felt like we were inside a space capsule traveling at light speed to some unknown destination and I got an enthusiastic unanimous yes, followed by another round of uncontrollable laughter.

The scene in the room constantly changed. I didn't feel like I was in my bedroom at midnight. I knew consciously that I was there but my immediate impression of the atmosphere was different. At one point we were in a hollowed out silo of some sort on a beach, at another point we were all orbital drop shock troopers on our way to a suicide mission, but I didn't mind because I was going to die for my country (or maybe my planet).

It's hard to say what happened and when, but I think it was 3 hours in that I was getting accustomed to this euphoric under-current I was feeling. At around this point we started watching youtube poop videos and I was thinking to myself, 'Wow, this is brilliant. Rearranging another video to make it say something else. Changing the message...without changing the content.' We also watched 'Symphony of Science: the Quantum World' and afterwards I swear I completely understood quantum physics.

At one point or another I decided I was feeling too energetic and decided to fire up my vape to try and take the edge off with some weed. It did just that. If you like weed and you want to try 25i, I would highly suggest you have some handy when you drop the 25i. It helped when I started to feel freaked out.

Now I wish I could go into more detail but my memory gets very unreliable at this point. It was about 4am, and all I remember was that I was sitting on my chair, stark naked, and then I realized I was naked and I must find my clothes. For this reason I would recommend anyone considering 25i make sure they are with people they trust and who won't judge them based on your actions while on drugs.

When I woke up the next day I tried to recall the events of the previous night. I remembered it as a bunch of random moments flashing before my eyes very fast and with a building suspenseful string quartet, the kind you'd hear in a horror movie right before someone gets killed. That day the silence inside my head felt vacuous but comforting. As if there was a constant noise I had been wishing would stop. I also had a hard time communicating ideas for 2 or 3 days and I had developed a habit of nervously chuckling without realizing it. Also my face had been hurting from laughing and smiling so much.

Some other things I wanted to mention: during the whole course of this drug I had lost the ability to accurately sense the locations of my body parts in relation to one another (I forget the word [proprioception -Ed.]) and for this reason my hand-eye coordination (and coordination in general) were very crappy. I also couldn't feel myself walking, like walking on a treadmill for a long time and then stepping off it and walking some more. Finally, I did have a good time with this drug, but if I take it again I'll 1) do it during the day since I could not sleep while I was on it, 2) do it on a Friday so I'll have mentally recovered by Monday, and 3) avoid taking the drug when I'm feeling down. This is not a drug I could take to forget about my girlfriend leaving me. I have to be in at least a decent mood in order to have a good time with this.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100599
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 31, 2013Views: 3,301
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25I-NBOMe (542), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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