Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Other People's Thoughts
Citation:   Sibelius. "Other People's Thoughts: An Experience with 2C-B (exp100627)". Jan 9, 2018.

28 mg   2C-B  
  3 glasses oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I had a **VERY** intense 2C-B experience last night and can say, after me having experimented with it twice and my girlfriend once, that it is not an easy drug--or at least not as one-dimensional as some people make it out to be.

Not sure where you plan to begin, but my comments below are related to a 28mg dose of assured purity.

I would like to say that I'm very, very experienced with psychedelics and have been on bad and good and scary trips, but nothing quite compared to this--even countless DMT experiences that utterly shattered my understanding of reality, where we come from, and the nature of human origin. This, however, I will save for another story.

First thing to note: The come-up can take a very long time. I literally fell asleep waiting for it to come on and then... Oh no! By that time I was not too interested in tripping, but I had to deal with it. Golden rule #1, once you take that pill you can not back out--bad trips begin and end with regret.

Second thing to note: I always have my stomach is empty; it may have been that I'd had a few drinks, but once everything started kicking in I felt like someone was twisting my stomach with pliers. I was moaning, quite loudly, for over an hour until suddenly it just stopped for reasons that are unclear. (In retrospect I feel that I came to some kind of psychological, rather than physiological, solution, but I can't quite say what it was.) The remaining 4-6 hours were fine.

'Body load,' or the physical sensation of being on the drug: At the beginning, it is very, very heavy. Time slows down, your pulse slows down, and you sort of nod in and out of consciousness. People say it feels good, but I would have to differ here: the feeling is one of a heavy opiate, but psychedelically tinged--not exactly pleasant, but not so bad either. In a word, 'druggy.' This lasts about an hour and a half and then fades.

Visuals: 2C-B, like most of the 2C family, is extremely visual but in a way that is suggestive, not transformative. Tryptamines generally transform the world I am in, in an almost mystical, inexplicable way, whereas 2C-B makes things shine and sparkle and flow, almost superficially. Very pretty, but somewhat long-lasting and intense. It's strange that there is not a significant come-down or hangover afterwards; things are moving SO much that you think your brain will just be toast at the end. Not so. You feel no negative side-effects. (As a side note, my girlfriend did not experience any open-eye visuals in her 2C-B experience.)

Emotional/psychological effects: This is where one needs to take serious note, because this is where the difficulty (and interest) lies. I've never seen this aspect described before in other trip reports but it happened to both me and my girlfriend, at different times and on different days, so it's sort of an independent confirmation of things, so to speak.

This substance can get very confusing very quickly, and scary: to put it simply, when your mind is idle something can happen up there that causes you to basically forget who you are. Last night, while lying on my couch with my eyes closed, I suddenly thought I was a WWII-era fighter pilot, complete with a history and past that was imagined, with utterly complete details; it came to me instantaneously, like I was transported out of my body and placed in another, with the ability to recollect this stranger's memories and life details so completely unrelated to my own. I was on a base somewhere sunny and mild with palm trees everywhere, talking to another pilot. I had a voice and a face different from my own. I was not 'me' any longer.

Sequences like this continued for a while, and in some instances it became mortally terrifying. For reasons that are unclear, the military seemed to be a motif throughout the night and in another instance I was operating an old-fashioned tank in the desert, looking through a periscope, wearing military armor and fatigues. I was just about to fire at the 'enemy' (who?) when I 'woke up' and screamed out, 'What the fuck was that!' It was **completely** real, like life-real and not dream-real, and totally convincing in every way.

In another sequence I was sitting at a desk in 'my home' contemplating my long, 70+ years of writing screenplays for film and television, and basically sensing that time was running out and I should start tying up loose ends. I felt deep sadness and remorse for what I had not yet accomplished but what I still felt a need to do. I was an old man, with a long, flowing beard. I was 'thinking' these thoughts, reflecting, turning over, examining myself as a 'writer' who has spent his entire adulthood with a pen. I cannot express to you how strange this was. I'm in my early 30s, have never written (or contemplated writing) a screenplay, and don't even own a television. It was like telepathy but without the self-awareness of observing oneself in the other's head.

The last one: This is from my girlfriend, from our previous experiment a few weeks ago. After a few hours of feeling no effects and then taking a nap, she awoke to find that someone else's thoughts kept intruding on her own. She was in a Harvard laboratory, part of a small band of scientists doing extremely important research in bionics. It occurred to her repeatedly that she needed to get back to her work, and this was peppered randomly with notions of celebrity. Her closed-eye visuals centered around bionic body parts. She studies psychology so she found the fact that she was essentially manifesting the delusions of grandeur of a schizophrenic totally fascinating.

Guys and gals, witnessing/experiencing this sort of thing is seriously fucking disturbing. I'll leave it at that.

As I was literally going crazy for about 1-2 hours popping in and out of other people's lives and history, I felt that I'd had enough and had to do something about it because it started to become destabilizing.

At this point I remembered that music on 2C-B was supposedly very good, so I grabbed my iPod and some headphones and put on some tunes. This was the saving grace of the trip, and allowed me to direct my attention in a focused and clear way to avoid the weird teleportation/telepathy thing that was going on. Second only to psylocybin mushrooms, this was my best psychedelic music experience. The layers were so rich and numerous, and I could really pick apart, mechanically, what was going on in a way that exceeds my baseline abilities. It was very beautiful.

My mood changed from this point on and I started enjoying the trip. I finally felt safe, sure that I would no longer 'imagine' that I was, say, a person substantially more different or dangerous or insane than I am normally. You get my drift? The 'fine line' here is almost imperceptible.

All in all, the trip lasted about 6 hours. I ended up not sleeping, but I feel totally fine--almost better than fine, with energy and mental clarity. There is a restorative quality to 2C-B.

So, that was my experience. Would I do it again? I would not. (Actually, come to think of it, the last time I did 2C-B I said I would never do it again. Anyway.)

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100627
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 799
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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