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Pterodactyls Fill The Sky
Citation:   cosmospirit. "Pterodactyls Fill The Sky: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp100639)". Aug 1, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 hit sublingual 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 1 hit sublingual 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
My friend L had gotten her hands on some 2C-I-NBOMe blotters, but hadn't tried them out yet so I volunteered to be the guinea pig.

A little bit about myself, I consider myself to be a very young and inexperienced psychonaut. Almost too eager at times. I have used the following substances in the past; cannabis (a whole lot), ecstasy (once), DXM (a lot) and codeine (a couple of times.) I also smoke cigarettes daily and smoked them during this trip.

T: +0.00

It was a sunny summer morning. With no particular plans for the day and my mood being pretty good, I decided it was an opportune time for my experiment.

I take a blotter from the bag - it has a teddy bear on it, how lovely. I heard that 2C-I blotters don't work if you just swallow them, so I place it under my tongue. I immediately notice a bad taste in my mouth, it's hard to describe. It tastes like a sour chemical, metallic. Not being able to swallow saliva didn't turn out to be as much as a problem I thought it would.

T: +0.30

Starting to feel a little funny. Colors seem to be more lively, my general mood is confused but joyful. I'm listening to some music and talking with my friends online to pass time.

T: +0.50

My friend links me a song, suddenly everything explodes in my mind. The song just sounds so weird and awesome that I burst out laughing. I laughed for a couple of minutes straight. I start to notice some minor CEV's.

T: +1.00

I swallow the blotter. I decide that since I have 4 blotters in total, I might as well go full force and take another one now. I place the second blotter under my tongue.

T: +1.30

I start to get increasingly powerful CEV's. Everything is filled with neon green and purple. I see a female face, swimming amongst the green and purple liquids. I'm thinking, 'oh, she must be the 2C-I goddess! Greetings!' She just smiles at me with this sly smile and swims away. She knows I'm about to trip hard.

T: +1.35

I open my eyes from my meditation, I look at my computer screen and realize that the letters are moving all around the place, and every colour is moving like a liquid. I decide that's it's time to go enjoy the outdoors.

T: +1.40

I called my friend V earlier to meet up with him, so I leave outside. Walking down stairs felt weird. Walking in general felt really, really weird. I probably looked weird too. I get the feeling that everyone outside knows I'm tripping and they're looking at me. I feel lonely and lost. I get sad because of lack of friendly human contact and call V, luckily he was just around the corner. I feel happy to see him.

T: +1.50

We went to sit on some grass. V puts some Beatles on, which sounds eerily disturbing yet somehow beautiful. It's hard to explain if you haven't experienced it. The closest to this was when I had a bad DXM trip and the music sounded really upsetting, disturbing, even scary. He changes the song to Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and closes his eyes. I get into a meditative position and close my eyes too. BAM!

The moment I close my eyes, I get extremely intense CEV's. I see hundreds of images, colors, letters, japanese kanji and numbers floating around, appearing and disappearing. I look to my left and see that V has an aura, and all this information is being transferred from him and all the people around us to me. I stay there for a while and then snap out of it. I feel the urge to hug V, and do so. This was the first time we hugged in the two years that we've been friends, according to him.

T: +2.00

I feel thirsty and I forgot to bring a water bottle with me, and obviously I can't go into the store like this so V goes in to buy some for me. I stand outside, with quite a relaxed feeling, until I look at the sky. The clouds are starting to form together. They create what looks like a pterodactyl (a flying dinosaur.) Soon, other clouds around them follow, and then the sky is filled with them. At first I manage to smile it off, knowing that I'm just hallucinating but as time goes on I get more anxious and decide to head inside the building.

T: +2.05

I see my friend in the line near the counter, but as people walk by me I get increasingly paranoid thoughts. 'They know I'm tripping! They're gonna call the guards!' I manage to not panic though, soon V arrives and we head back outside.

T: +2.15

We're sitting on a bench near my house, and I start to look at the asphalt. You know when people get murdered, and then the police or whoever draws the white lines around the corpse? The ground was filled with these, like a pattern. I looked at the wall and it was crawling with these mayan/incan like patterns. I look at my arm, I can see all my veins are starting to darken and pop out, like when they don't get blood. And in the middle of the back of my hand, I see the chemical structure of 2C-I-NBOMe, formed out of my veins. I describe these hallucinations to V, managing to be calm about it. I decide that I wanna go sit somewhere closer to nature, so we leave.

T: +2.30

As we're heading to nearby forest, I notice that everything looks and feels like we're in a rainforest. In an alien rainforest. The grass and the plants and the trees all look familiar, yet alien. We sit down and I look at the sky. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The only way I could describe it, it was like watching a 3D animation or a video game with 3D glasses, but in real life. It looked too good to be real. I feel euphoric.

T: +3.00 ? (the times starting here are estimates, I lost total track of time at this point)

We're discussing philosophical and spiritual thoughts with V. Or more like, I'm presenting them and he's analyzing them. I'm thinking that I've found a solution to all the world's problems. At some point, I come to the realization that I am god. I must be god. I am a mayan god. I'm SO convinced of it, not a thing in the world could change my mind at this point. I look at V and he draws an eagle with his hands and I can feel the energy of the 'eagle' flying into the air. I look at the sky and see a temple of some kind. I look at the ground and the grass has gotten even weirder. I simply can't find words to describe it. This must be how our world really looks, we are just too spiritually close-minded to see it's real form.

T: +3.30 ?

I made plans to meet my other friend T later on, so I said my goodbyes to V and headed home first to get something to drink. I noticed that walking felt very weird, I was feeling hot and I just wobbled all around the place. I come home and look at my computer screen. It's a garbled mess. Nothing makes sense and all the letters of Google just float apart from each other in this white liquid background.

T: +3.40 ?

I go outside and begin to wander towards T's place. I ran for a bit and felt like a was moving faster than a train. I meet some unknown hippies along the way, I don't know what I said the them, probably something about universal love and stuff and hugged them. I felt ecstatic. Extreme feelings of empathy, I loved the whole universe and every single being in it. I felt the urge to hug and cuddle with everyone I saw.

T: +4.00 ?

I go to T's place. This is where all the hallucinations hit full force. Not just visual hallucinations, but auditory, sensory, gravitational, olfactory (smell) and tactile. I sink into the bed and drink some juice. It doesn't even taste like juice. It tastes like every fruit in the world got stuck together in a blender to make a potion. Everything is really flippy. I'm sweating. I feel I can control my gravity with my mind. I see T's cat everywhere at different places at the same time. T's face looks really weird, like he's changing faces with someone else. Time feels like it's going all over the place - backwards, sideways and speeding away wherever it wants. Things are happening in reverse order.

T: +4.15 ?

By the way, I'm still 100% convinced I am a mayan god. And T just seems to go along with it, everything makes sense. I don't understand what the hell happened, since he hadn't taken anything, he was completely clear, yet everything he said clicked perfectly. Maybe it's a psychosis? I'm not sure. Maybe it's what they call a contact high. You know, when you're on something, the state of mind spreads to those you're with even if they're not on anything. I don't know. It's very strange, looking back.

T: +4.30 ?

T is doing stuff with his computer, and he has a huge TV for his computer monitor. We're sitting in a dark room, and when I look at it... It doesn't make any sense. Everything is just all over the place, things are where they can't be, everything just looks like a giant mess of computer images. Nothing makes sense anymore. I can feel the music as colours and smells. I'm hearing things outta nowhere. Gravity is going all over the place. Everything I see and feel is like liquid, there is no solid matter anywhere to be found. I feel at peace with myself and the universe.

T: +5.00 ?

I feel like the effects are starting to wear off, I decide to head home soon. Still getting some visuals, still thinking I'm a god. I decide to call my ex, which was a VERY bad idea. Let's just say she wasn't exactly bouncing with joy, with me calling her while I'm tripping.

T: +5.30

As soon as I get home, the visuals and all the hallucinations disappear. I finally realize that I'm probably not a mayan god, and it was probably not such a good idea to try and convince my ex to 'make love under the moon at the beach with a newborn god.' The euphoria is still there, but slowly fading.

T: +6.00

I fall to my bed. I feel empty. Depressed. I've reached the end of my trip.


I felt depressed for a couple of weeks after this. I have suffered from mild to severe depression along the years. I think I wouldn't have gotten depressed if I didn't call my ex, so it's not really the fault of the 2C-I.

I feel like this text doesn't properly convey how intense this trip actually was. Especially compared to my previous experiences with psychoactive materials being limited to 'softer' ones.

2CI definitely feels 'mechanical.' I don't know because I haven't tried shrooms or DMT or anything like that yet, but you can just feel the artificial sides of it. The best way to describe the 2CI experience is like being inside a really, really weird psychedelic 3D animation.

One thing to note that I did the same dosage a couple of days afterwards, just to test the tolerance. I only got mild color brightening, mood lift, euphoria and music sounded really awesome. So these suckers build a heavy tolerance and fast.

It also probably was a foolish thing to take another blotter so soon, I should've waited another hour to take it, if even then. Considering I didn't even know the dosage I was taking, I could've easily overdosed.

Anyway, I'm definitely gonna be further experimenting with this substance in the future. Stay safe kids.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100639
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 1, 2017Views: 1,402
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