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Extreme Longevity
2C-P & DXM
Citation:   Boofy. "Extreme Longevity: An Experience with 2C-P & DXM (exp100659)". Jun 10, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral 2C-P (powder / crystals)
  T+ 15:00 450 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 26:00 1-2 hit smoked DMT  
Before I begin, let me set the stage for myself and my setting. I was 23 with extensive experience with psychonautics, and especially 2C-P, which is my favorite psychedelic and with which I possess a great diversity of various experiences. Previous to this experience, I had attained 2C-P for the first time in several months, and me and my partner, C (female, 22, 120lbs, limited drug experience, before roughly a week and a half prior no experience with 2C-P), had been using it extensively for roughly a week and a half previous to this, always at the same doses.

This experience began on the final night of a several day festival, in which C and I had been doing a number of drugs previously, including 2C-P twice (roughly 10-12mg each, eyeballed, as is the case with all dosages of 2C-P in this entry) two days previous, MDMA (actually likely BKMDMA, 400mg apiece), as well as two attempts at doing 'acid' which had no noticeable effects, one time the day before, one time earlier this day.

In my previous studies of 2C-P, I had observed that the chemical has a rapidly climbing, but rapidly decaying tolerance, and C and I discovered that we were still under this effect to an extreme degree. The first two ~12mg doses, at roughly noon on Sunday (T+0h) and 3pm on Sunday (T+3h) yielded no noticeable effects. A third dose at a slightly higher dosage of around 15mg at 6pm (T+6h) also seemed to be yielding no results (as with an attempt to freebase roughly 5mg about an hour later, which C did not participate in) by 8pm (T+8h) at which point we took a fourth dosage of roughly 15mg, soon after which we finally attained a +1, and shortly thereafter, a bare +2, characterized mostly by tracers, some bright colors/sparkles, and some surface movement.

We decided to retreat from the festivities (mainly dancing and socializing) to our tent to lay down for the relative discomfort of the come-up on 2C-P. We ended up engaging vigorously in sex in roughly three hours at this point, discovering that 2C-P's potential for punctuating the erotic is extremely significant (neither of us had ever had a sexual experience on 2C-P previously, save maybe for on the far tail end of a couple of previous occasions ourselves). The fourth dosage of 2C-P ended up taking us further into +2, though probably not all the way into +3. The main noticeable effects included further exaggerations of the previous ones, at well as the addition of vague, formless, closed-eye visuals, mood boost, and insight boost.

We continued to lay in the tent for several hours, emerging only shortly for a period of a few minutes. At roughly 3am, now Monday (T+15h), we decided to crack our two bottles of DXM cough syrup we had, one of 350mg of HBr, one of 550mg of polistirex, which we each drank half of, and we continued to lay in the tent. This is where things started to get weird.

We came up over the course of the next couple hours, and quickly reached a +3 in a high mostly characterized by the extreme spatial disorientation and disequilibrium, and various visual sensitivities/disorientations characteristic of DXM, but with much more noticeable closed-eye visuals, this time clear and distinct, bordering on out of body, and the cognitive confusion that is often present in DXM was not present at any point. Also noticable was the constant sensation of warmth, though I was also shivering almost the whole time.

We fell asleep and/or blacked at roughly 7am (T+19h) and came to about 1pm (T+25h), and were basically as high as we had been when we went to sleep, in shocking contrast to all of our previous experiences where the DXM high was nothing more than 5 hours, and even exceeding our previous experiences with the rather extreme longevity of 2C-P, which in my experience can last up to 24 hours all told.

About an hour later (T+26h), we each took a hit or two of DMT out of a freebase pipe, which created little more than brief body high and what almost felt like a *sobering* effect, with closed-eyed visuals and disequilibrium/disorientation noticeably clearing up.

We broke camp with some difficulty and headed home, and by the time we went to bed that night at roughly 11:30pm (T+35.5h) we were still at probably a +2. We slept for 12 hours and even now (T+47.5h) some effects were still noticeably. For me most prominently, this included sensitivity to light and blurry/doubled vision. This persisted for about half the day, bringing the total trip to about 55 hours, 40 of which were after the dosage on DXM.

Moral of the story: Unless you want to be dissociated for a very, very, long time, beware combining DXM and 2C-P.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100659
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 10, 2021Views: 695
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2C-P (305), DXM (22) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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