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Walks in the Park & Trippy Chinese Buffet
by Dunz
Citation:   Dunz. "Walks in the Park & Trippy Chinese Buffet: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp100714)". Nov 28, 2013.

1.5 hits oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
The first time I dropped was with one friend. He said it was 25i-NBOMe. I knew this was true after the fact, due to the metallic taste and numbing of mouth and the effects that were similar to other experiences I had read on this site. Now I feel like it's time that I contribute to the community and share my own experience on 25i.

Before this experience I had smoked a lot of marijuana and had also experimented with adderall and hydrocodone.

We both woke up earlier than we normally would have on this day, at about 10 AM. It ended up being a great day to trip since it was spring break and we didn't have to worry about school. Also, the sun was already shining bright. I think the combination of these two things put us both into a good mindset right away (even if it was subconscious).

We both took 1.5 tabs, but this shit was no joke (still pretty intense).

We dropped (kept it under our tongues), and chilled inside for about 20 minutes watching family guy. My friend said that my wallpaper was beginning to breathe and was looking really trippy. Well, this made me anxious, being my first time tripping. I said we should go outside and walk around the park nearby since I was feeling a slight body load and a little anxiety on top of that.

On the way to the park, probably about 25 to 40 minutes in, the ground really started to do the stereotypical breathing you see during a psychedelic experience.

Before we went into the park, we had to walk through a slim trail that was surrounded by trees. It made me feel so close to nature and hearing the birds chirp was amazing. Getting to the park, I see how sunny it is, but there is still snow on the ground. I thought that was so cool and that probably put me into a great mindset. It was probably the perfect day to trip balls on. It was only around 60 to 65 degrees, but the sun was out, and there was still snow on the ground (my friend and I live in Minnesota).

I don't remember walking back to my house but I know the reason for walking back was because I had to go to the bathroom pretty bad. I had heard from so many different sources that recommended to not look into the mirror while tripping but I knew I could handle it - I just didn't know how self-reflective and damaging it would be to my own ego.

Before even taking the piss I looked straight into the mirror, deep into my own eyes. My face looked so damn ugly. Staring into the blacks of my eyes made it seem like I was staring into the depths of my own soul. I couldn't believe I looked so terrible as a person, and I feel like my interpretation of myself was a combination of how humble I thought I was as a person along with my looks. It made me feel like a bag of shit.

I just remember walking out of the bathroom and back towards the door to outside, where my friend had ended up waiting for me. I laughed, relieved that I no longer had to think about myself or whatever I had just seen while looking into the mirror.

My friend and I agreed to go to the chinese restaurant/buffet, which was only about a mile away. At this point I would say that we were about 1 hour and 10 minutes into the trip.

On the way to the restaurant, I told my friend that I had looked into the mirror. I remember him asking 'How was it?' I told him that I pretty much looked like a piece of shit. I know he replied something along the lines of, 'Yeah, I know what you mean.' Him saying that made me feel much better about what I had just saw.

Next thing I remember is taking my iPhone out of my pocket. This is where I could tell I was starting to peak. The apps on-screen would not sit still. I told my friend that my apps were moving on my phone. He said, 'Yeah do you think anything's going to sit still right now?' I asked him what he meant by that. He said that everything during the following hours during the trip is going to look like it's breathing. He was experienced in psychedelics (I wasn't, this was my first trip).

So with that, I just kept walking along side him. Through out this whole story by the way, we were obviously talking and laughing.

When we got to the road where we would take a left, I said we should sit down on the small brick wall that was put there for landscaping purposes. So we sat down on the bricks and then a car drove by. I stared at the drivers side window only to find a woman staring back. As she passed, to the point of where she was far enough so that she couldn't physically look at me anymore, her neck seemed to twist like an owl and her face melted towards the side so that she was still able to see me.

This tripped me out, I knew I had just seen some shit. My friend apparently knew that I had just hallucinated too because he told me to stop staring and to start walking again. I laughed at the situation but couldn't come to terms with what I had just seen. I guess I just couldn't describe it in the moment.

Now we were walking along the sidewalk of the side road (the one we had just turned left onto). The street creeped me out, partially because to my left were large trees hung over us and the whole street, and big houses on top of the hills behind those trees. I just remember that being intimidating. After seeing that, I tried concentrating on the ground instead.

The melted snow had created puddles on the sidewalk, all of which I was trying to avoid unreasonably. The puddles looked much more deep than they actually were. I figured this out because I accidentally stepped into one and the water level only reached the top of the sole on my shoe, when I had thought that my whole foot would fall into the puddle and get wet. That was trippy as hell. Even after knowing this, I still didn't want to step into the puddles. My vision was playing tricks on me.

We finally got to the end of the street where there was/is a major intersection. We needed to cross it in order to get to the chinese place. I pressed the button but the wait seemed way too long. My friend and I were both very anxious. With the the cars driving by so fast I asked myself, 'Why is everybody in such a rush?' I wished that everybody could enjoy the outdoors as much as I was enjoying it in that moment.

We finally crossed the street and the next thing I remember is grabbing onto the handle of the door and entering the chinese buffet.

'Whoa! Way more people than I expected! Fuck' I remember thinking. I just knew that I didn't want to see this many people. Anyways, we picked the corner table and went to sit down. When she finally brought some water I realized I was so dehydrated and just fucking thirsty most of all. I drank like three fourths of it right in front of her. I think she laughed at that. I was satisfied for my thirst, so I approached the buffet, with intentions to snag my favorite sesame chicken. It was empty! 'WTF?' I thought to myself. So I grabbed different shit and went back to my table. Now we were in about 1 hour and 30 to 45 minutes after taking the tabs.

Over the speakers in the restaurant I could hear a song I knew. I started to feel anxious while talking to my friend - I felt like everyone else was listening in on what we were saying. So in my head I tried to avoid this anxiety by singing along to the music I was hearing. I knew the melody but I couldn't remember the lyrics to save my life. Plus the song was warped to shit, it was tripping me out. We had been there for about ten minutes when my friend said mentioned leaving. This place was giving him bad vibes. It was tripping me out too but not so bad that I felt the need to leave right away. However, after he said that I also wanted to get the fuck out of there.

So I paid for the both of us, which was a longer process than desired since their printer takes like 20 seconds to print and also I forgot certain aspects of paying at this restaurant like what the security code on the back of my debit card was. I was getting so fucking anxious when they asked for that - I couldn't sign my name for shit either.

Busting through that door to the outside chilly air was the best fucking feeling in the world. We were free! No more anxiety. 'Good-bye anxiety,' is was it felt like inside.

When walking back to my house I stopped inside of the Super America. I wanted to see if this place had better vibes and it ended up being very pleasant! The music was chill and the lights were very bright. This is where I realized that the chinese restaurant atmosphere was horrible because it had pretty much no lighting. It was dark in there.

Any ways, for some reason I thought it would be funny to buy two four packs of red bulls for the two of us. Paying was easy this time, no security code bullshit. But I could tell they knew I was on something today, my pupils were big as fuck. I was also a regular and I still am to this day (6 months later). So they knew how I acted and looked when I was normal, since I went there every day.

I exited Super America with one pack of red bulls in each hand. My friend grew a big smile and laughed his ass off. 'What the fuck are we going to do with all of this Red Bull?' is how I felt he reacted to this.

I can't remember much more memorable things from this trip besides walking to the park with my friend again. Sitting there on the bench was very euphoric and extremely enjoyable. It was such a nice day out. I remember my friend almost went through a whole pack of cigarettes too, haha! He says he always smokes more when he's tripping.

We also took along my dog to the park after stopping by my house. She was calmer than normal that day. I feel like she knew we were both tripping balls. Anyone else with pets who can relate with this? I feel this is true for when I am on any substance.

If you have made it to this point in the story, thank you for reading. I hope it was enjoyable to you and I hope you can learn something from it as well.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 28, 2013Views: 3,076
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25I-NBOMe (542) : First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23), Various (28)

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