A Trip That I Would Love to Repeat
Citation:   2C-BaMazing. "A Trip That I Would Love to Repeat: An Experience with 2C-B (exp101016)". Erowid.org. Dec 24, 2020. erowid.org/exp/101016

T+ 0:00
12.5 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 12.5 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 25 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
This is my first trip report, but I feel that I need to tell people about this experience and how beautiful this compound is. I'm a 20 year old male, previous experiences include cannabis, MDMA, LSD, mushrooms, 2C-B, coke, ketamine, 2C-E, 25i-nbome, amphetamine and some other compounds. I have tripped on 'heavy' psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms around 15 times. So far, 2C-B and LSD is my favorite.

3 days before this trip I accidentally took a heavy dose with amphetamine and I ended up with staying awake for 44 hours. The same day that I took 2C-B the comedown had kicked in for real and I felt like shit. There was a forest party this day, and I was a bit unsure about going or not, but after talking with a few friends I decided to go.

As we arrived there, I found a trusted source who had 2C-B, I bought 50mg off him and split one of the capsules in two and took half a dose first, as I always do with new batches of a compound. After 90 minutes I decided to take the other half as I had felt no negative effects from the first one. After about half an hour the trip really kicked in. Things got interesting, and a friend started to talk to me as I looked a little shocked. I simply started to laugh, and laugh and laugh and I couldn't stop for about 2 minutes, as he had taken amphetamine and it was really funny to look how different our mindsets were.

I danced a little bit, but found it a little hard, as it was mainly deep house music that was played there, I always prefer psy or progressive trance as I find it easier to dance to when the body gets so 'floaty'. We sat down after some minutes, and this time I started to loop a little. The visuals were amazing, and everything was so colorful. 2C-B is a drug that I never find so hard on the mind, I can trip really, really hard and yet handle it so easy. At this point, I started to loop a little. Not in a bad way, I mostly found it hilarious as I tried to do something, but each time I tried to do it I ended up with just standing still for a few minutes before I got confused and just sat down again. Another friend came up to me and asked if I was okay, and I simply replied 'It doesn't work' before I started to laugh for half a minute. This went on for probably an hour before the trip started to stabilize a bit. At this point I had tripped for about 3 hours, and I felt the need to redose again. I downed the capsule, and after about 40 minutes the effect came on.

Now this time the trip got quite interesting as I started to loop a lot more, still in a funny way. I walked around a bit but ended up in going in circles for about an hour before some more people showed up. We talked a little before I started to space out a bit, just looking at the beautiful visuals. Someone asked if I was okay, and once again I replied 'It doesn't work', but I also managed to say that I was stuck in a loop that I couldn't get out of, but it was ok because I was completely happy with not being able to do anything. The night went on and after being in the forest for about 8 hours we decided to leave. I went home and slept for 8 hours, woke up and the amphetamine comedown was completely gone.

My mood before this trip was a bit low, mainly due to that I had been awake for 44 hours and had only gotten one night of good sleep before this trip. I had a horrible amphetamine comedown. When I got out in the forest my mood got a bit better, but not by much. I also looped a lot more than I usually do during a trip. Not even LSD put me through so much looping as this 2C-B trip did, but I think that it was due to my low mood.
Not even LSD put me through so much looping as this 2C-B trip did, but I think that it was due to my low mood.
I were never really uncomfortable during the trip, it was extremely euphoric, and I felt wonderful both during and after. The best part was that it removed my amphetamine comedown completely. This has also happened with a MDMA comedown when I've combined it with 2C-B earlier. This is probably the most amazing thing about 2C-B for me, it puts me in a wonderful mood for up to a month afterward.

All in all, 2C-B is an extremely colorful psychedelic, the mindfuck is not so big, so I can trip really, really hard and still handle it quite well. The visual part is really interesting and it kind of reminds me of LSD with a bit less fractal patterning. The euphoria reminds me a bit about MDMA, mainly due to the increase in empathy. There is some body load, but I mainly feel it if I sit still for too long, by moving around a bit the body load is turned into an amazing body high where I feel extremely light and floaty, almost like I'm just flying.

This is a trip that I would love to repeat in the future, but in a different setting than a party. Most psychedelics, even LSD is turned into a pure recreational experience for me when I do it at raves and similar events, and I would love to try it at the tail end of a MDMA trip with a good friend or somebody I love.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101016
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 24, 2020Views: 794
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2C-B (52) : Glowing Experiences (4), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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