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The Wonderful World of Dabs
Cannabis (extract)
Citation:   stickyfingers. "The Wonderful World of Dabs: An Experience with Cannabis (extract) (exp101348)". Jul 17, 2020.

  vaporized Cannabis (extract)
Well, it’s finally happened. I have decided to write a report on my experiences with Butane Honey Oil, or BHO. This sticky, resinous form of cannabis has been a blessing to me, as it provides relief from my ever-changing ills during that particular week. My issue is that I work at a very physically-demanding and stressful job, and when I go home after that, I live in an environment that is hostile to my recreational activities. Being almost finished with college, I am not far at all from being on my own, but for now it’s too much of a benefit while I’m still in school so I’m not leaving till I can hit the ground running, so to speak.

For over a decade now, I have been plagued by one conspicuous, ubiquitous aspect of top grade cannabis: it stinks; bad. Everyone around me can smell it if I have it, if I burn it, if I just got done burning it an hour ago, and wherever I did/had it, it reeks. Then, one day, I learned about vaporizers. They are awesome, I thought. Now I can vaporize it, and it won’t smell. There was still the problem of the stinky cannabis itself, however. Let’s fast forward a few more years.

I was at an outdoor festival, hanging out with the same old crowd that toured the circuit in our area. These were all “the” people to know if you were at a show and wanted “anything” in any quantity. Point made. Anyways, I walked up to the main camp site, and everywhere I looked I saw blowtorches and weird crack-pipe looking attachments on all kinds of bubblers and bongs. I thought “Oh no, now crack is cool at shows!”. When I asked what they were doing, I was told that it was hash oil, and that this was a new way of vaporizing the highly-potent oil, a process called dabbing. My first hit nearly knocked me unconscious. I was totally winded and coughing like an idiot, but man was I lit! I was high for over 4 hours. I immediately procured a device for dabbing, or an oil rig, and 1/8 of an ounce of hash oil for my head stash. I was set for over a month.

None of my friends back in town had any clue what I was doing the first time that I demonstrated dabs to them. They pretty much had the same reaction that I did. But when they tried it, they were immediately eager to jump onboard the bandwagon. The only issue was where to find rigs, and how to secure a source for the oil? My best option at that point would be to make my own oil. This is about when I came into contact with a person who taught me everything I currently know about the processes involved in producing BHO.

I will not go into any details about the processes involved. There are plenty of forums and videos out there that demonstrate proper technique, and it doesn’t take an idiot to quickly weed out the bullshit. I read, critically. Practice makes perfect, as well. I have currently been extracting modest-sized batches for over a year with the same process, and have never once had a problem. As of yet, I have only progressed in the refinement of my techniques, resulting in safe, clean, potent meds. Medicinal marijuana has only just now been hinted at possibly being considered in the near future under very strict conditions in my state, so I don’t even want to get into my location in this grand scheme, but you wouldn’t think that something like this would be going on right next door in this particular neighborhood.

One more obvious benefit to dabs: they don’t leave any lingering odor whatsoever during administration or mere possession. The bane of my existence since grade school has been eliminated, and all by something that is about ten times as potent as any regular cannabis available. I have literally done dabs in my car and have gotten pulled over for dumb BS not a half hour later, and have gotten away with warnings every time. BHO, you are truly my savior and inspiration, and I thank you for that. I just don’t know what’s next…

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101348
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2020Views: 929
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Various (28)

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