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Psychedelic Hallucinations
Citation:   ralnraln. "Psychedelic Hallucinations: An Experience with Cannabis (exp102321)". Nov 20, 2020.

1 - 3 hit smoked Cannabis
Psychedelic Hallucinations on Cannabis

I wanted to share my rare experience with smoking ordinary weed, meaning multiple generic strains with no names or special labels that come and go. I started smoking a few times a year over the last few years throughout university and socially, I would say a maximum of 3-4 times a year. Up until the last year and a half I never experienced any visuals, hallucinations, or psychedelic experiences.

Now when I smoke even 1-3 hits I experience intense psychedelic experiences when I close my eyes. I'll listen to some music (Shulman for example) and I will begin to trip out on visuals that are so sharp, vivid and clear. I am a lightweight with alcohol and now beginning to believe I'm a lightweight with weed as well. For example this past weekend at 10:30pm ET I took only 2.5 hits of basic weed (that has been sitting in my ziplock bag for 2-3 months now), filling a relatively small pipe about 1/3rd up and not even burning half of it and for a period of 4.5+ hours (through until I fell asleep) I experienced extreme visuals. For example according to the Psychedelic Experience scale on Wikipedia I am experiencing a Level 4 and Level 5, of Level 5 sub point descriptions of 2 and 5. Which are extreme patterns, things melting into other images, being in space, discovering new galaxies, solar systems, stars etc.

For example I have a strong interest in science and I was zooming back to the creation of life, feeling like I was sprinkling elements (literally elements from the periodic table of elements) in a helix pattern into space and they slowly evolved and became more complex with the addition of gravity in-between atoms (it gets more complex) but they then turned into complex molecules, DNA strands, etc. it just kept going and going. I was discovering what seemed like new properties of how we think about molecular physics. I don't want to sound like a know it all snob but this is legitimately what I was experiencing... thinking about electrons, quarks, the nature of some of these theories and literally visualizing atoms coming together, electrons orbiting the nucleus in front of me... it's really out there.

For this particular occasion I haven't smoked in 2.5 weeks and I really only smoke 3 times a month at maximum, using a glass pipe. When I smoke I don't drink, I try to choose my poison and experiment only with it on one night on the weekend. Other instances of the same dose have occurred at a similar dose or more, the visuals are incredibly bright, and really really out there. It doesn't seem to matter where I am I have smoked in Vancouver and in Toronto with the same effects, I have never tried any other psychedelics i.e shrooms or LSD, LSD however would be interesting.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102321
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 20, 2020Views: 598
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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