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Bad Decisions Lead to Nightmare Experience
Citation:   weedmonster. "Bad Decisions Lead to Nightmare Experience: An Experience with 2C-I (exp102541)". Oct 25, 2022.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-I
  T+ 3:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
I am a 21-year-old male college student who is very experienced in MDMA, Marijuana and Ketamine. Prior to this experience I had never taken a truly psychedelic substance or experienced acid like hallucinatory effects (apart from the odd MDA heavy pill).

My friends and I were all very interested in trying a hallucinogen and for some reason 2ci was what we had gotten our hands on. We all arranged to meet at a friend’s house and drop the 2ci at around 16:00. I had not eaten in approximately 3 hours. At the house there were 6 of us who were taking 2ci, and 2 people who were not taking anything.

I had researched 2ci online and thought that I would be able to handle its effects. It had been described to me as a kind of “baby acid”. This could not have been farther from the truth.

By 16:30, I could already feel a strange sensation, quite different to the familiar MDMA rush that accompanies a come-up. I was beginning to notice visual effects already, a slight warping and shape changing of the posters hanging on the wall. All of us began to describe the high to each other and how strange it was.

By 17:00, I am well and truly tripping. Everything appears so strange and unusual and everything anyone is saying to each other is hilarious. We’re all laughing and tripping, but the feeling that accompanies the high is beginning to become quite intense. I also am noticing a strange unpleasant muscular clench. Still discussing the high, we all agree that there is something slightly unpleasant about the entire experience, almost like it takes an effort just to be on this substance.

At approximately 17:30, I realize that I am still completely coming up. The feeling is very unpleasant and difficult to go along with. I try not to fight it but the overwhelming sense of unease just won’t go away. The house is manic, everyone is tripping out and talking in circles and the whole world has developed a shimmery quality. Light and shadows are very prominent and ever changing. I feel like a spotlight is being cast around the room.

By around 18:00, my evening is taking a turn for the worse. The feeling is too much and I feel like I need to be outside, and away from it all. S, one of the non-trippers attempts to console me and keep me in the apartment but all of a sudden the thought of staying here a second longer is unbearable. I need anything to take away this feeling. And so I made the huge mistake of leaving the apartment by myself, and wandering out into the city.

I cannot believe it’s only been 2 hours since we dropped, it seems like an eternity and the idea that this experience will not be ending any time soon is panicking. I start to walk in the vague direction of home, very confused and afraid. Somewhere, I am aware that this is probably a bad idea and that I could get myself in a lot of trouble, but I’m too high to stop. I begin to walk fast through town.

The next part of my experience is all a bit blurry. For the next 30-40 minutes I walk briskly through the town, filled with people, in a low-grade panic. The visuals are extremely intense at this point, the moon keeps rising and setting and lights are sweeping through the streets. I am aware once again of the peril to my own safety, and it frightens me. I receive a phone call from one of the lads back in the apartment wondering am I all right, but I’m not sure what to do and hang up quickly. I decide I need to get off the main streets.

As soon as I turn off the main street, the high intensifies further. I rapidly forget where I am and how to get home. I’m lost, alone and extremely under the influence of 2ci. I stop at a street corner and place a call to my flat mate, D. She has had no idea that I was planning on taking anything tonight. She answers my panicked phone call; I tell her I don’t know where I am and I’m panicking and need to go home. I genuinely fear for my own safety at this point, as I don’t think I can get myself home. Somehow she finds me and I get into her car. In the car are three other classmates of ours, none of whom do drugs or know anything about them. I immediately start to freak out. Silently, I’m waging an internal struggle as we drop these girls off at their various houses. Embarrassingly, I think it was extremely obvious that I was freaking out on drugs.

Finally they’re gone from the car and I just break down. I’m screaming, crying, I don’t know my own name, where I am, what is happening. It was an absolute nightmare and the only thing I’m aware of is that it’s only been about 3 hours, and this drug has been known to last for 12. Poor D is unable to console me as she drives home as fast as possible. Once we get home she puts me in my room where I proceed to scream and cry and panic for what seems like an age. D is crying, she doesn’t know how to deal with the situation.

D rings a friend of mine Z, to enlist her help in my care. Z arrives in the house soon thereafter. After an age of hell, I manage to calm down just enough for Z to talk me down. I’m still tripping, but the pure terror has abated slightly. Z puts on some relaxing music and rolls a joint for us. After smoking this and relaxing with Z, I can finally calm down and enjoy the high. I realize what has happened and I am frightened for what could have been, had D not found me in time.

We smoke in my room until about 01:00, and all is well. I stay up thinking and coming down until around 07:00, when I finally sleep.

The following day I am shaken. None of my flat mates are speaking to me. I’ve put them through hell. I’ve scared D, and worried everyone. I’ve scared myself especially. I am writing this one day after the events written. Everyone is extremely angry with me and none of them will speak to me. They’ve all gone home for the weekend so I am alone in the house, feeling afraid, and down. I don’t know what I can do to fix this.

2ci- never again.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102541
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 25, 2022Views: 357
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2C-I (172) : Various (28), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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