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While Watching Porn
Citation:   Monday. "While Watching Porn: An Experience with DMT (exp102649)". Apr 23, 2021.

30 mg smoked DMT
DMT and Porn

This was my second time using DMT. My buddy suggested that I use it while watching porn as he had done a few days before, as opposed to doing it in a dark room as I had previously done initially. He claims that when he watched porn on DMT, the performers transformed into aliens, genitalia became tentacles, and the scenes were 'hyper real'. All of his descriptions were his best generalized terms that he could use to describe what he perceived.

Setting: In a lit bedroom, sedentary on the floor with my torso leaned back against the base of the bed, facing a ~50 or so inch television. I had a various selection of porn to choose from which my buddy brought for me. I was being choosy, to my buddy's dismay, who was in the room with me as well. He was becoming impatient telling me that the choice of porn was irrelevant. I wanted everything to be 'perfect' because it would be my first time viewing something so animate while on DMT.

After sorting through the porn scenes on the DVD, I randomly settled with a scene. I placed my headphones in my ear with some chillwave genre music playing. I bring the glass pipe up to my face, place my lips on it, set the fire on the DMT, and toked. Toking was sharply interrupted as I almost choked on marijuana seed from the small amount of weed that was at the bottom of the bowl. I took the seed out my mouth and threw it at my buddy who was positioned sitting in a chair next to the bed; he was just within my peripheral view.

I bring the pipe up to my face and toke again, this time very deep. I held the smoke and tasted the familiar foul taste of DMT. As I began to exhale the smoke, I realized that there was so much smoke slowly coming from my mouth and nose that it was illogical. The smoke consumed then outlined my field of view and took on a life of its own. I felt my body tingle, and my body felt so good that I did not want to move. I became aware that I had a soul, and it felt as if my soul was being massaged. I automatically put the pipe down because it became heavy and I could not hold it any longer. Scenery began to take on a dark pinkish tint. My eyes were fixated on the porn that was on the TV screen. My buddy was saying something to me which I could not understand. I saw him waving from my peripherals. I attempted to look at him, but from where he was sitting in relation to my field-of-view, that area faded from red to crimson to black, so I did not look there because I could barely see him and I did not understand what he was saying.

I was a bit scared because I know how fast DMT hits. I continued viewing, fixated on the porn, looking for the aforementioned tentacles, anticipating the entrance into what my buddy and I call 'DMT Land'... I was viewing the actors perform. I was becoming unusually captivated by the porn. Then, the music of my headphones fused to the performance. The porn briefly switched from autonomous and became 'sapient'. Then, I started to think 'What are they really doing? What the hell am I watching?'
'What are they really doing? What the hell am I watching?'
Then, the female adult actress knew that I was thinking this, and she knew that I was watching her. And because of this, she looked at me and smirked and was feeding off of my shock & awe. She couldn't wait for me to hit the DMT. The segue from autonomic porn movie to sapient beings in another realm was so smooth and natural. She was performing as if she knew that at this exact moment in my life, I would view her. Camera views (perceptions) were changing rapidly. This became my perception. There was no TV. The camera views were changing so rapidly and perfectly with my music that it would have been impossible to do in the studio during the scene. She began to make eye contact with me and what is perceived as sex, became a completely different act that cannot be defined. The instrumental music I was listening to transformed into a language, which was also sapient, and fused perfectly with the porn. Everything was working together so perfectly.

At this point, I was in complete disbelief. I began to focus on her male co-star's performance (I did not see him at all beforehand). This guy was completely hammering this chick like an enraged beast and he was displaying the strongest emotion mixture of love and violence that I've never seen in my life. It was so dramatic that he did not appear human. His movements were 'slow in fast motion' and it appeared that he was killing the woman. He had a reddish glow of smoke surrounding him. I decided to focus back on the woman who I thought must be seriously injured by now because of the man's violent motions. Surprisingly, she had never stopped focusing on me in that flirtatious, provocative manner and she non-verbally reassured me that she had not been killed or injured by the man. I noticed her body had changed; she seemed to have a layer of transparent-esque blue force that served as skin, but it looked natural and almost ethereal in beauty, which was perpetuated when the camera view tilted on a different plane and allowed me to view her complete nude body from an overhead angle. The whole act ('sex scene') seemed natural even though I had never seen it before. The sex continued in the dramatic, scene-switching, intense manner for maybe 2, 3, or 4 more minutes. I became emotional watching this because it was so touching and it exuded a vibe of extreme importance. I felt blessed to be witnessing this. I had to hold back water in my eyes.

The woman and man became automatons again, sharply. They lost what made them sentient and sapient at the snap of a finger and I sensed it. I tried to make eye-contact with the woman again, then I realized she was gone. I felt a bit of despair as I wondered where she could have gone and then my perception was detracted and then I realized that I was watching a porn in the room. The area behind the TV was pinkish red, then I realized that everything was touched with this color. I began to look around. My hands and mandible were trembling. I looked at the area where my friend was sitting. This time it wasn't so crimson colored and dark. He was asking me why I hadn't hit the pipe twice.

I began to feel a deep love for the woman I saw. I loved how she made me feel and the fact that she had sacrificed her brief time of 'being' solely to entertain and please me.

I was coming down. Colors were offset but appeared ordinary. Flickering waves, 'reality bubble distortions', and sparks, through space could be seen as everything was being put back together.

I kept thinking about what I viewed on the porn. I was thinking and expressing to my buddy 'How could that have happened'? I decided to rewind to the scenes I watched to see if it would happen again. It did not. The scene was so dry and mundane compared to what I saw before. I actually did not see any of the 'scenes' that I saw on DMT. They were actually not even scenes. It was happening in that current time, live.

I began to research the porn actress on the interwebs. I was enamored by her. Looking at all of her facial pics (no pun intended), I focused deep into her eyes to see if I could connect with her again. I could not obtain that full connection with her that was made possible by DMT... But I still love her.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102649
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 23, 2021Views: 1,377
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DMT (18) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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