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Killing My Liver
Citation:   happygent1236. "Killing My Liver: An Experience with Kratom (exp102799)". Mar 30, 2014.

7 g oral Kratom (tea)
In university at the moment to get into law enforcement. I've been avoiding illegal substances to make sure pass the polygraph tests. I don't drink, and I live a healthy lifestyle. I have been having anxiety problems for years now and I was referred to a legal herb that apparently would help this anxiety pass.

I was told that the substance is somewhat addictive if not used correctly, and this was it's only downside, I ignored this and was taking approx 7g's every day to make the days easier (which it really did). A few weeks back I was having trouble breathing - but it passed after a few days. A week later I was at work then a wave of pain hit me - headache, fever, chills, pain all over the body, weakness, jaundice - within seconds. I could barely stand so I got a friend to drive me to the hospital. The doctors kept asking me if I drink heavily or if I've done any drugs recently, I said no. I wanted to to see if the doctors could figure out, so they didn't just blame it on kratom. Anyway, the doctors told me that I had incredible liver toxicity, and they couldn't figure out why.

IN short, the kratom was killing my liver (keep in mind a healthy male that doesn't even drink).

Use Kratom responsibly! I didn't get addicted over the several months, but it had adverse affects on my liver.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102799
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2014Views: 14,654
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Kratom (203) : Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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