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It Felt Like I Was in a 3-D Movie
Citation:   anotherartist. "It Felt Like I Was in a 3-D Movie: An Experience with Cannabis (exp103283)". May 18, 2019.

1 hit smoked Cannabis
My First Experience

I was sitting in a park, at a spring celebration known for its subversive tendencies by those who care to look deeper than the concession stands and may pole. It was mid-afternoon on an overcast spring day in the South, warm but not too hot yet.

I had had a busy morning at work (it was a Saturday but I work weekends), but had been looking forward to this outdoor excursion and an afternoon/evening of fun with my lover, so I was in good spirits. I may have been a tad dehydrated, but was enjoying the breeze and the general merriment of the crowd, including the drum circles and fun costumes.

My lover smokes regularly, and I had tried cookies and candies in the past when an old back injury was acting up, but this was my first time smoking. I hadn't planned to try cannabis that day, but he offered me the pipe, and I said yes. We were far into the park, and plenty of other people were smoking, so I wasn't worried about getting caught. First, I tried to take a hit but kept sucking ashes onto my tongue, and I don't think I managed to really ingest much of anything.

I waited until the bowl was loaded again to try. I inhaled once on the pipe while my lover lit it, and then breathed in more air to try to get the smoke into my lungs. I ended up having a coughing fit for the next few minutes, but he said that is normal.

At first, nothing happened. Some people were leaving already since the event had started at noon. We helped the person we were sitting with move his blanket and other belongings over across the hill to sit with some other friends. My lover and I were going to wander the park some more, but then I got dizzy.

I had to sit down and close my eyes. Leaning against my lover with my eyes closed, I realized that I felt a little bit like I was floating on air.
I felt a little bit like I was floating on air.
(Standing on a hill but feeling as if I was floating is probably why I got dizzy.) Also, the music in the background started to sound louder and brighter. It was a little harder to concentrate on or understand the conversations happening around me.

When I could open my eyes again and not feel dizzy, it felt like I was in a 3-D movie. It still felt like someone had turned up the sound, and also like everything I was looking at was sharper and more three-dimensional than usual. We walked around the park, then realized we'd been sitting for longer than we thought by the time someone checked a watch. Perhaps time felt like it was passing more slowly than it really was?

The effects tapered off, but lingered in some form for a while. I felt as if I was talking loudly and more slowly than normal, though I'm not sure if it was just my perception. Within a few hours I was feeling back to normal, and well before we left the park at dusk.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103283
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: May 18, 2019Views: 678
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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