Light Darkness and Betrayal
Citation:   coldlight. "Light Darkness and Betrayal: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp103595)". Apr 16, 2018.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
  T+ 1:40 10 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
I was interested in the mushroom-like aspect of the 4-aco-dmt because I couldn't get access to shrooms anymore. In the past I tried weed, mdma and mushrooms/truffles multiple times. I am very open-minded and I do mostly positive trips. This first trip turned out to be not very pleasant and I spiraled downward in a vortex of shame and betrayal emotions.

t0:00 I took half a capsule (10mg), with plain water.

t0:25 slight buzz, colors gets more intense/yellowish around me.

t0:40 a body sensation is definitely present, I feel like a continuous adrenaline rush, I cannot stop moving my legs, I have to stay concentrate if I want to speak clearly. At this time I start to play my electric guitar which is the usual activity I do whenever I try new substances. It keeps my mind occupied and it gives me a measure of what's happening to overall body-mind coordination.

t0:55 I play like a madman, way above my normal skills, everything is precise and clean... fingers fly on the fretboard, colors are very vivid, I can see lots of details and different shades in the wood veins. I look at a big apartment plant we have to see if there are stronger open-eyes hallucinations but nothing of importance happens aside from slight colors shifts. Overall I feel very good and my train of thought is pretty normal.

t1:30 I unplug the guitar and now I wander around the living room and I start talking to my wife about the apartment plant and the fact that I seem to know its sex...and that she enjoys some good music...

t1:40 I keep talking to my wife about various subjects... I am still waiting for a more mushroom-like visual part, but nothing seems to happen on open eyes, only colors shifting.
t1:40 I keep talking to my wife about various subjects... I am still waiting for a more mushroom-like visual part, but nothing seems to happen on open eyes, only colors shifting.
I close my eyes and after a couple of minutes I finally see something..a octopus-arm moves in front of my eyes and it's textured with some sort of glowing blue fractal's quite interesting but it's nor very stable, like it is with mushroom, I need to focus alot and it's overall very dark. I get a little upset about the lack of visuals so I decide to take the remaining 10mg.

t2:00 the body effects are very mild now, my wife suggests to put on some music: big mistake... I start with the tron legacy movie soundtrack, after 10-15 minutes the music gets more ominous and dark, I lay down on the sofa eating a little snack, at this point I start to go in a downward spiral of dark thoughts and anger. I am upset because I remember reading on the web that 4-aco-dmt was supposed to be a psilocybin precursor and I was expecting those results (mushroom like) but instead I seem to get more of DMT reaction (which I never tried). I get very upset and I start thinking about why I need to get these chemicals that emulate the beloved mushrooms (or so someone wrote) and I felt very cheated and upset with the society/law about they fact I couldn't simply go out and buy some mushrooms. The train of thought continued on the 'betrayal' theme, I felt like I had betrayed myself thinking that something called '4-aco-DMT' was closer to psilocybin than DMT as the name suggested... all this thinking drove me quite desperate and at the time I completely forgot about the good vibes I was getting during the first part of the trip.

t2:30 meanwhile I changed music twice, first tenacious-d and then pink floyd, still, bad mistake... while on the D I couldn't follow the words, I was concentrated on the 'rage' in the voice and similarly for pink floyd (on other details). I kept thinking of betrayal of perception, someone who sings funny things but his voice is always harsh, I think that his true feelings must be different, etc.

I spend the next half hour in bed with closed eyes. I get some more complex visuals finally and I am slightly more pleased, but the whole focus is on my self-betrayal and I am ashamed I mistaken something called 'dmt' for a mushroom substitute, etc.

Now the closed eyes visuals are very connected to the music sensations and I see some enormous rhino-creature completely covered with a metal glowing armor that is charging toward me, with big puffs of smoke out of its nostrils, I am pleased of the effect but I still have the heavy delusion/betrayal feeling hanging over my mind. At some point I get so desperate that I believe it's me that is wrong, that other people do feel and see fantastic beautiful things and I am just fucked up myself and not up to the task, etc.

t3:30 I force myself out of bed, now my mind is more clear, I talk with my wife more and slowly I go back to almost normal.


Overall was an interesting experience and I am still thinking about what was the real reason it went like that. I don't consider it a very bad trip, but certainly I did better. Maybe it was my eagerness to try the substance quickly and without much research, maybe it was other inner factors due to my actual life situation. I don't know. What I know is that when I will try it again I will NOT put any music at all, unless I find something totally peaceful, and most expecially I will NOT expect any connection with mushroom or anything...
just openness.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103595
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Apr 16, 2018Views: 1,397
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), Bad Trips (6), First Times (2)

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