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It's Not a Game
Citation:   Eric Shun. "It's Not a Game: An Experience with 2C-P (exp103745)". Jan 12, 2021.

  smoked Cannabis  
    oral 2C-P (powder / crystals)
2C-P Is Not a Game

We started our accidental adventure with a game of football in the park. We sat and smoked a couple of doobs, and were casually invited to dip a finger into a packet of white powder. In honesty at the time I had no idea what I was dipping my finger into. It wasn't until half way through the trip that I was forced to find out for my own safety.

+ 40 mins - A feeling of slight euphoria. Walking around the supermarket, purchasing water to prevent dehydration, whist I was rushing ever so slightly.

+ 45 mins - Leaving the supermarket, myself and sober friend realised that we had indeed lost another traveler, whom I assumed was in some form of mild danger but it didn't overly faze me.

+ 1 hour - The effects were apparant in the visuals, almost like LSD but somehow DMT. I was relatively social at this point and seen in my friends that this was going to get intense. My lost friend returned from his own adventure, so the slight worry from his earlier departure was soon removed.

+ 1 hr 30 mins- Playing football in the park became very uncomfortable, I felt that the park was not the best place to be, and agreeingly the party moved to a friends place.

+ 1 hr 45 mins - VERY FUCKING INTENSE so intense that I just wanted to withdraw from all forms of input, whilst trying to maintain a connection with 'reality'. I'm laying on my friends floor hearing, feeling, sensing everything. I could not stand conversation, or any form of analysis. I could not stand noise, as the noise of my own nothingness was intense enough! Swirling visuals forming the face of a jester, and all forms of noise becoming extremely surreal.

+ 1hr 50 mins - At this point a form of seriousness ensued, I realized that I had taken something that was potentially lethal, I'm not sure how I knew, but I just felt it inside me... But nothing seemed like a problem. I became paranoid and requested our Sitter friend find out more about 2CP. It was at this point we realized our potentially lethal error.

+ 2 hr 30 mins - One friend at this point became unresponsive. His thought patterns had deteriorated and could not think nor speak coherently. He was stuck in a rigid position, forming to me what appeared to be the Above and Below image of satan. We attempted to make conversation, to see if he would respond in some sort of normal manner, before coming to the conclusion that he was OD'ing (sidenote; Everything, although very serious at this point became no problem, a sense of normality ensued where I felt as though there was nothing I could honestly do.)

+ 2 hours 45 mins - My friend was in a bad place mentally by this point. I honestly feel like we've lost him. He was in complete bliss from appearances, stuck in his rigid position on the floor, whilst talking in-coherently. We attempted to move outside, because a realization that a dead person in our sitters house, would have been hard to explain. My friend was still rigid, unable to move or speak properly. Attempting to move outside, they walked with me then their legs went. We carried them outside, and I called for Emergency services.

+ 2 hours 55 mins -The ambulance took forever, my friends neighbours began to question what was happening.

+ 3 hours 5 mins - By this point the neighbours and the intensity whilst on the phone to the Emergency services was all blissful. The ambulance lights then reverberated into the street, and at this point I realized that there was nothing anyone could do for my friend... He was gone, but had somehow managed to remove his top at some point whilst laying down.

+ 3 hours 15 mins - Leaving my friend in the capable hands of the paramedics, I felt bad leaving him, but I could not do anything to help, we had already done far too much.

+ 3 hours 30 mins - The police followed us, but we found somewhere nice to roll a spliff. At this point the rushing caused me to vomit pure fluid, the visuals at this point were other-worldly and I could at least deal with a light form of conversation, trying to figure out if my friend was going to be okay? (one of travellers requested this sidenote of 'I couldn't have given a fuck!!!', which does makes sense... )

+ 3 hours 45 mins - Time to head back home ... I tried to vomit, but nothing was there.

+ 4 hours - Sat with a sober person, trying to peice back my mind whilst drinking coffee. Looking at facebook I could see the words flipping around and rotating.

+ 4 hrs 30 mins - Things are still intense, the visuals and loving of sounds ... But at this point I begin to feel the winding down of the trip, although the stimulant is still there.

+ 5 hrs - Nothing much really happened other than realizations of the seriousness of this experience. WE MAY HAVE KILLED OUR FRIEND...
+ 10 hrs - Still wide awake, minor visuals and MAJOR kidney swelling. (one traveller still couldn't give a fuck.)

I would like to mention that I had completely lost track of time during this whole event. Time dilation does exist, and there will be an hour lost in there somehow.

As a review of events, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and feelings. The visuals and sounds were all very beautiful, so much so words cannot describe. It was much like the mental side of DMT infused with the effects of a strong intense acid trip, with the stimulation of Low quality MKAT. The downside was that we had to send a close friend to hospital because they broke mentally. Taking it like this, without measurements, in serious hindsight we sat and chilled with death for a little while, it could have been anyone of us in that ambulance, and we were complete BELLENDS.

At the point of writing this it is past the +11 hrs mark, my friend is in hospital, and we still don't know if he's safe...

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 12, 2021Views: 1,116
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2C-P (305) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), General (1)

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