Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
MexyHoneyFlip Awesome
MDMA, 2-CB & Methoxetamine
Citation:   NostalgicSt3. "MexyHoneyFlip Awesome: An Experience with MDMA, 2-CB & Methoxetamine (exp103822)". Oct 25, 2019.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (daily)
  T+ 0:00   oral MDMA  
  T+ 3:00 30 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 4:20 25 mg insufflated Methoxetamine  
  T+ 7:05   smoked Cannabis  
Soo, some backround on me first: I'm 26, heavy weed smoker, just recently got into psychs. Started smoking weed at 18, never smoked cigs, still dont. In high school me and friends would take E multiple times a week, and did coke a couple times. Didnt really care for it. I tried a hit of LSD a couple years ago, but I didn't take enough to get anywhere near full effects. After that I didn't care for anything but weed.

Me and my friend produce EDM music of all sorts and lost touch with each other. About 2 months ago we got back in touch. He had a list of things I've never heard of, let alone even knew existed. I asked him about a couple of them that I had heard about before, and I decided to get some Ketamine (K). Shit was amazing, totally took me away while I was still sitting in myself. Doing backflips in my head a thousand times over...Good Times.

I've used MDMA 5 times, 2-cb 4 times, Ecstasy 20+ times, MXE 1 time, Ketamine 5+ times, Coke 5+ times, LSD 1 time, Salvia a couple times, weed everyday all day. On with the exp.

Setting: My small room upstairs in the house. Have a trippy wall tapastry that covers one whole wall at the foot of my bed. Has alot of detail, colorfull but faded. Also have a pretty big world map on my wall, and a homemade bluntwrap poster on the wall (extreme color and detail) and thats sober.

Music of choice: I always start with Kryptic Minds. The cd called 'One Of Us' Damn! Anything EDM or oldskool DUB after that. Puts me in a great mood.

The Expierence (MDMA, 2C-B, MXE)

I get home from work and go to my room. Turn the computer on and open Itunes. Getting the theme set, getting everything set up so I dont have to do much thinking later. Hah

11:25: Dropped aprox 200mg of MDMA.

12:00: Feeling the buzz and Euphoria starting to set in. Smiles from ear to ear.

1:25: I'm rollin pretty good on a count that I rolled the night before. Jaw clenching like always. Ended up chewing my lip. Ehh mouth heals fast. Its good.

2:00: My friend drops off some 2-cb, and 100mg of MXE.

2:25: I Dropped a 30mg cap of 2-cb! Now for the wait. (I find for me at least that if I drop the 2-cb 3 hours after the MDMA, I get the comeup from the 2-cb before I comedown from the MDMA. Great feeling, who wants to start a trip on a comedown feeling?)

2:50: The 2-cb is starting to kick in. I have an electric feeling running through my whole body, no visuals yet, but feel great, and happy.

3:25: Full on visuals. My walls are dripping like an oil painting, shits moving out of the corners of my eyes, alot of colors, and breathing surfaces. The bluntwrap poster is popping out at me and rippling.

OEV (Open Eye Visuals)

Its the weirdest thing ever. Everything's moving and lighting up yet its not scary or out of the norm feeling. Very content with everything. Never gets too out of hand.
Very content with everything. Never gets too out of hand.
And the MUSIC you pick is pretty key!

3:45: I pull out the MXE and cut the 100mg in half and set aside 50mg's. Split the pile into 3's and took a line and a half to the dome.

4:05: I start feeling the comeup from the MXE mixed with the 2-cb. Wow! Its almost like Ketamine, but a tad different. I dont feel dirty or drunk really, but like very open minded and taking life in as it happens. Almost like watching a movie through my own eyes while I'm there, but without being there.

4:30: The visuals are great. I literally watched a fog like mist float around my room, up and down my walls. Almost looked like someone took a bong rip and blew it out. Haha

4:35: At this point my friend texts me to see whats up. And I mention that I'm trippin pretty good. He proceeds to tell me that It might not be a good idea to take the MXE with the 2-cb. I said 'Aight' Put the headphones on and sat on my bed.

5-6:00: Sat on my bed listening to music and watching my room morph. Id close my eyes and id see these Big Beasts in Armor fighting. Like a movie. Every thought I had went with the music I was listening to. I felt I knew the song meaning before it even happened.

6:30: I was in and out of the M-Hole it felt like. Looked at the window and seen the morning light. I started to smoke a bowl, and kept closing my eyes to play with the closed eye visuals more before falling asleep.


It was a great night! Didnt expect it to go like that, but am happy that it did. I can only describe it like this: I had euphoria from MDMA, the Disconnectedness from the MXE (prolly some slight visuals also), and full on visuals from the 2-cb! Great Combo. I'll do it again fer sure!

Btw, I wrote this on the other 50mg of MXE. Enjoy

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103822
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 25, 2019Views: 805
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Methoxetamine (527), 2C-B (52), MDMA (3) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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