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The Machinery of Death
Citation:   Anonymous. "The Machinery of Death: An Experience with DMT (exp103970)". Feb 13, 2017.

  repeated vaporized DMT
Being on probation and wanting to get high I decided to get 500 mg of DMT off of the [darknet market] because it is impossible to test for and I wanted to get high. The idea of an alien abduction experience also appealed to me because I was a fan of the X Files and thought it would be cool to see fractal aliens. Reading the Spirit Molecule made me decide to go ahead.

My research led me to acquire a lab scale, vapour genie pipe, and a butane torch. The scale was miscalibrated, I didn't know it at the time I used it, and what was registered as 60mg was actually at least 300mg.

I started to smoke the vaporized DMT. After 8 or 10 hits of the DMT I saw something that looked like a large plant that grew human beings or an octopus. I had the feeling that it was killing me or was the source of life and death--a force of chaos and decay that all living entities return to. I saw a poster of a tiger in my room glow with an eerie light and I saw my legs turned into a vine or decaying--I couldn't tell which. I then decided to smoke the resin in the pipe since I didn't know that I had more DMT in the pipe then is required for an extreme experience. The next thing I knew my back pack turned into some time of monster and I had the feeling that I would die if I didn't deposit the pipe into the back pack.

Upon staring at myself in the mirror I realized that I was lucky to be alive and could return to the forces of chaos at any time. This killed my fear of people; being a high functioning autistic person my fear of people was extreme.
being a high functioning autistic person my fear of people was extreme.
However, the DMT trip killed this fear as I realized that everyone on Earth has the same fate to put on a suit--our skin--emerge and then return to the forces of chaos. I realized that the back pack monster was also just this chaotic energy in a skin--it choose to manifest itself in my back pack.

Another effect of the trip was I decided to become a vegetarian so that I would not needlessly send animals back to this entity of chaos.

The next day I decided to smoke the remaining DMT to see if changing from a meat eater to a vegetarian would change how I reacted to the DMT. It did. When I smoked the rest of the DMT--I think I had 20MG left, I had the feeling that the entity of chaos was actually feeding me and letting me live and not killing me. The first trip was extremely scary, the second trip was life affirming.

I will smoke DMT again but I think I'll wait at least six months or more before I do it. The one thing I like about DMT is that I can't really become addicted to it--that is really good for me because I usually become addicted to everything I touch.

Would I do it again? Yes, but I would buy a 100mg pack so I don't have to worry about overdosing on DMT. As enlightening as the experience was I don't want to experience the primal force of chaos again and I have an intuition that I won't as long as I refrain from eating meat. Fortunately it did not take away my love of cheese because I like cheese better then I like meat.

I don't know how accurate the aspie-quiz is but before I took DMT these were my results:
Your Aspie score: 122 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 77 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
(bear in mind this was three years ago or more)

and after I took the DMT these were my results:
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 67 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 150 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical

I know this is not a scientific way to test how effective DMT is as a cure for aspergers/autism but it is the only tool that I know of to make such a measurement.

I have no idea why it transformed me so completely but it did transform me and that's all that really matters. If science can figure out why it worked so much the better, but if science cannot--at least there is a tool that people with aspergers/autism can try. DMT is the most scary psychedelic I've ever tried and one hell of a spirit medicine. I would say it is very healing.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103970
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Feb 13, 2017Views: 2,364
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