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Cells Awake or Alive and Excited About It
Citation:   Hanzo Keen Cptcurt. "Cells Awake or Alive and Excited About It: An Experience with Cannabis (exp104092)". May 29, 2021.

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Edible Cannabis Report

Vibrations & Unexpected Out of Body Experience

Preparation Method – Cooked Cannabutter with Vaporized White Widow Cannabis
Amount of preparation - 60grams of the vaporized cannabis in 1lb. of butter
Preparation of Ingestion – Made toast with the butter, using 13 grams of butter

I want to preface and say a friend and I tried this before with smaller amounts of the Cannabutter and didn’t feel much but slight body sensations if anything, even though I was sure the medicine was doing good things even if we weren’t feeling it per se. So we did not expect this at all to say the least!

One day after work a friend & I got together and ate some dinner & then “dessert.” (The TOAST) We ate and watched Road Trip, classic funny movie! It was around 6:30-7:00pm when we ate the “dessert.” I decided to stretch while watching the rest of Road Trip. My friend C joins me in the floor and begins stretching. Looking back we think the stretching may have help bring on the effects as stretching creates good blood flow through the body, maybe it helped deliver the cannabis to the system.

About the time Road Trip credits are rolling I notice C start to stand up. “I think the toast is kicking in” he said. He recalled having a flushed feeling of warmth and that he needed to get off the floor and sit down somewhere, he felt almost an urgency. He found a spot on the couch. I continued stretching my arms, it was 20-25 minutes in to the stretches & at this point I could feel a flowing in my body. I then got up and went to check on C and asked if he was alright and he was leaning back into the couch not moving or talking much. I knew then it was coming on strong for him so I let him be as the sacred plant began to take effect.

From there I continued to walk around the living room just feeling the sensations coming over me. The waves were building and I began to feel vibrations or sensations moving in my body. Later on I describe that it felt like all the cells in my body were awake or alive and excited about it! At one point I told C it seemed like my cells were “talking to each other.” I continued to move around and do light stretches and yoga movements. Every now & then I would go over to the couch to talk to C and ask how he was. “Good buddy.” I knew he was on a trip, because I was too.

But little did I know. How much he was TRIPPING. What happens next is truly mind altering for us both. The waves continued to build in intensity and C and I talked as the night went on. What was trippy is C would go in and out of consciousness throughout the night. One time I sat beside him and said “how’s it going,” C opened his eyes & replied “I’m good buddy!” Again, at the time I didn’t know the full effect the magic toast had on him. He was TOASTED literally…Sometimes when we talked he would speak with his eyes closed. Later I turned the movie off because we were fully into the trip and not watching it and it was almost distracting at that point.

I would walk around because this pulsing energy or waves of feelings kept going through my body throughout the night. I hung out in the living room and every now and then would go over to C and talk to him. He always sounded like he was in high spirits and so I knew he was doing ok. We just hung out in the living room. Every now and then I would walk into the kitchen or go outside and do my Taekwondo forms. Sometimes it felt like I couldn’t feel my body, like it was gone or like I was weightless. It’s hard to remember how long certain things lasted because I didn’t look at a clock while it was happening. As it got close to about 10:30 we had our last conversation about psychedelics, I was telling him different things that was coming to me from Terence McKenna lectures I listen to from the Psychedelic Salon. All the sudden C says, “I gotta call Earl!” I knew what he meant and helped him to the bathroom. After he threw up he leaned against the wall, slid down and sat there with his eyes closed. I knew he was done for the night. I got him a cold rag and his pillows and told him to just sleep right there and not worry about getting to the bed. I turned the light off and said gnight. I put on a Terence Mckenna talk on my ipod & was up for probably 2 more hours as the waves slowly went away and then went to sleep.

The next day. We woke up and had a conversation about the night. We both agreed it was eventful, profound, mind altering and overall something we would want to do again. As we talked C told me about how he floated out of his body. He learned he had an out of body experience or astral travel or projection while on the couch. He recalled floating in the air and looking down from the ceiling and seeing us sitting there on the couch. “Is that me?” He said looking down at us. He described the feeling the best he could, due to a lack of better words, it was like he was unlocked from his mind or body and floating, overwhelming sense of freedom and peace and contentment, overall well being. A total calmness, “all the bullshit in the world doesn’t matter and everything was at peace.” Everything with the world was good. He recalls time not having meaning or as though being in present moment. For me the experience lasted for hours, for him it was maybe 15 minutes. He experienced this at least 3 times. Each time when he came back to his body, it felt like it was quick when entering back. He felt like when his body would go out it was a slow lift from the toes going up. He recalled this with the times I would talk to him over the night. We think when I talked to him he would come to his body and when we stopped talking and things got quiet, he would go back out again.

C describes it as one of his top 5 most positive experiences he ever had. He can’t describe enough the good feeling of being out of body. It’s an overwhelming peaceful feeling for sure. What makes me think it was a psychedelic experience is that when we try to describe it it’s as though language fails to fully describe it. It’s amazing because afterwards we starting learning and reading about astral projection and learning that it’s been going on for years and years. The topic was fascinating to know how prevalent it is in the world history and today. We came across writings of similar experiences of what we experienced.

C said, “This story doesn’t do the experience justice.”

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104092
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 46
Published: May 29, 2021Views: 609
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