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Trip to Another Place Thanks to Using a Needle
Citation:   TryptaminesOfLove. "Trip to Another Place Thanks to Using a Needle: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp104367)". Sep 2, 2018.

40 mg IV 4-AcO-DMT (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I have been experimenting with this beautiful Tryptamine occasionally for the past year, and when I came across a report of someone IV'ing it I just had to give it a shot. Now, I had never injected a psychedelic before this so I wasn't sure what to expect other than what I gathered from the words of another mad man, like myself.

Unfortunately I had a small tolerance due to tripping 34mgs (30mgs orally, 4mgs insufflated) two nights before, but I didn't think it would matter much with a 40mg dose straight to the brain.

0:00:00 - Injection

0:00:30 - I can taste the 4-ACO in my tongue

0:00:40 - I say 'Hoooooolllllyyyyy shit.' Noticing a change in the texture of the open space in the room (I could see the air) and I immediately lay my head on the arm of the couch.

0:01:00 - The visuals have become so overpowering and overwhelming (more so like sensory overload, I just could not process everything I was seeing) that I close my eyes. The thought occurs to me that I have royally fucked up, and this was it. I was dying. The only worry I had was that she had to watch me die, because my trip sitter is a very close friend (more than that as of now, actually.)

0:05:00 - I remember feeling a female presence, as if hugging me from behind telling me everything is okay. As well as a male presence, but 'He' was just watching me. I didn't feel threatened or scared, I just knew they were there.

0:10:00 - My pulse has dropped to about 80bpm, and resperatory rate down to 5 or 6 deep breaths per minute. I have no concept of time, who I am, where I am, or that I had even taken a drug. I remember being in a black 'room' (I use quotations because it wasn't really a room, it had no dimensions) with a big, seemingly stone round table with round stone-like seats placed around the table. In every seat there was one of these.... entities. They looked like the aliens from South Park in shape,
but they were all fuzzy (like static almost) black silhouettes. They were all just starring at me, as if waiting for me to say something, or make a move. Something that really stood out to me about this part of the trip is that I knew I was human. Which, I usually lose with trips that result in ego death.

0:15:00 - I suddenly and rapidly feel myself being ripped out of the other world I had visited as if grabbed by the collar of my shirt and ripped back as hard and fast as possible. I mumble to my trip sitter that I didn't do enough.

0:25:00 - I'm sitting up and talking with my trip sitter, lots of giggling and I have the biggest smile I've produced without effort in years. I ask her to play some Miami Horror and leave me be for a little while with the lights out.

0:30:00 - I am in the dark, alone, listening to music. My trip sitter tells me I was talking to someone while by myself. My recording cut off at the 0:35:00 mark, but shortly before it cuts out I can definitely hear myself say 'My hands don't feel like they're mine.'

For the next two and a half hours I just talked with my trip sitter, laughed, and smiled as this amazing trip came to an end.
I am sorry about the incompleteness, but I have another adventure planned very soon and will try to record as much as possible. This is truly one of those experiences I cannot explain, or just write off as another good time on drugs. This is a very special tyrptamine, its power is not to be underestimated.

Be safe, Friends.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104367
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 2, 2018Views: 1,257
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