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Grey Boy
Citation:   Swanky. "Grey Boy: An Experience with Heroin (exp104995)". Aug 19, 2020.

  IV Heroin (powder / crystals)
So I'll begin with a little background, I grew up in MN, right outside Minneapolis. I started with painkillers and marijuana and graduated to the deadly drug called Heroin. Now my time in MN was spent mostly doing black tar heroin, a dark brown semi sticky substance. It was alright, doing .2 a day and falling into addiction. I finally went to treatment and got clean for approximately two months then moved to Iowa. I started working and going to school, everything all good until I was hit with the most intense series of cravings I've ever experienced.

I finally buckled down and drove to my nearest city, looking for a dope dealer. I asked many people, mostly African Americans wondering where the gear was, most said idk. I finally came across two guys that seemed like they were going somewhere for a purpose. So I asked em, and hesitantly said what I need. I told em I'd like to get a 20, or a point. They said this is Iowa we only do 50s or more
I told em I'd like to get a 20, or a point. They said this is Iowa we only do 50s or more
so I said okay and got the shit. I drove home holding the bag and examining every inch while driving. It was unlike any dope over ever seen, grey in color with a rocky type of consistency, I thought I might have been fucked over. Anyway I proceeded to the parking lot of my work, since I needed to work in 15min. I quickly loaded a syringe with roughly a 5th of the bag.

Since I had no idea what the quality was I thought I'd take it slow and start small. also considering that it may not even be dope. I banged it in my right arm, and waited for a rush. 20 seconds later I was hit with a spine crawling feeling that spread throughout my body eavinly. It felt as if some one was massaging my nerves and giving me an orgasm at the same time. This is what I loved, what I missed. Completely throwed I stumbled into work and did my job, with a euphoria that has no match. That grey speckled heroin was my new favorite thing on the planet.

From the point on I bought many bags from the same dude, as it was consistent in quality and I knew no else. I began missing class and calling into work cause I was reintroduced into the world of withdrawal, now my WD aren't nearly as bad as some face. However it sucked. I began screwing up and doing the same shit I was trying to run away from. I am now back on the sober bus, just trying to stay afloat. If any of you think of trying heroin, I'd think again. Yea it gave me heavenly euphoria, but being alone and depressed sucks.

If I would have done a full point of the grey I wouldn't be sitting here today.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Aug 19, 2020Views: 969
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Depression (15), General (1), Workplace (51)

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