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Synergetic Cleansing, Thought Loops
25B-NBOMe, Piracetam, Changa & Cannabis
Citation:   RussianBrony. "Synergetic Cleansing, Thought Loops: An Experience with 25B-NBOMe, Piracetam, Changa & Cannabis (exp105223)". Aug 14, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis (daily)
  T+ 0:00 800 mg oral Piracetam  
  T+ 0:00 1 mg oral 25B-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 500 ug oral 25B-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:00   smoked Changa  
  T+ 5:00   smoked Changa  
  T+ 5:00   smoked Cannabis  
Changa "50/50 mix" - 15mg smoked (Nighttime)
25B-NBOMe - 1500µg (1000 (evening), then 500 (nighttime))
Piracetam - 800mg orally (Morning)
Cannabis - repeated (er'ryday, all day)


My experience with narcotic substances is pretty extensive, so the validity of this report shouldn’t be in question. I started drinking chronically when I was 13, and started smoking cigars, pipes, and cigarettes at the age of 12 (Not mentioning use of those substances inconsistently throughout my childhood). I have started consistent use of psychedelics in diverse 'sets and settings' from the age of 16 (starting my own mushroom growing chamber). Besides that, I've done some research and trials into: Ketamine, methylone, regular LSD, diphenhydramine (now consistent use), piracetam, Strattera, DXM, the research chemicals 25B-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe, 25I-NBOMe, 2-C-B, and lots and lots of weed. I believe that cannabis is not only good for me, but it is vital to take while going through a psychedelic experience; it relaxes the body, lowers blood pressure, and gives me a very slight, but noticeable inebriation; which if I'm smart keeps me from doing dumb shit that makes sense on a psychedelic. The day that lead up to this experience went as follows.


I woke up in my dorm took 800mg of piracetam, smoked weed, and went to do my final, final exams for school. In that time I had three full meals in preparation for my experience, as I like to avoid any food during the experience (this is a personal preference). I was only planning on taking 2000µg/tab of the 25B research chemical to celebrate my elegant end to the first semester of college.

However as fate would have it, my close friend gives me a call around 3 or 4pm to let me know that god delivered his magical shipment. I got the message and immediately looked up the interactions between 50/50 Changa mix and research chems. Nothing specific to what I was planning – hence this report.

I went home, smoked some weed and said “Fuck it. Do it today because nobody will be here during winter break.”

After diligently doing some work in preparation for my future and helping a bunch of my dorm mates with miscellaneous dorm problems I felt wonderful about my prospect as a human being and was feeling ready for my first tab at around 7:30pm. I decided not to take both tabs, but rather spaced out 1.5 tabs. After consumption of 1000µg, I got ready for my night by getting dressed, packing my trip equipment (music, pipe collection, speaker, and various trip journals). I smoked more weed – “Purple Goo”, a strong indica strain.

I knew I was feeling the empathy from the drug when I started looking for a squealing kitten out in the cold and trying to wrap it up in my coat to keep it safe. Then I met up with two of my other friends – one of who assured me that the kitten wanted to be out in the cold. In the end I found it impractical to try to save a poor kitty from the cold, so we smoked more weed. I was starting to see the telltale signs of a 25B trip: loss of sensory function in my mouth, hyperactivity, subtle patterns, and very subtle tracers.
I was starting to see the telltale signs of a 25B trip: loss of sensory function in my mouth, hyperactivity, subtle patterns, and very subtle tracers.
It was about 8:30pm. At this time, it got too cold to continue, and I was starting to get 25B confused. So, I offered to get my piece for the changa in my room. I went into my dorm, stupidly looked around to get my bearings, took my 500µg (9:00pm), and went to go meet with my guys.

As it turned out, my friend with the supply was on something and was a bit confused. So my other friend and I just waited for him to get himself together and remember to bring everything he needed for the night.

When we were finally at the trip area it was already about 10:30pm and I was already tripping. The room was a perfect trip room; two beds, full sound and computer system, a window looking out over the college grounds, and good people who know how to keep trippers sane. It was finally after a few drugged up rambles that we were capable of packing a bowl of tobacco, weed, and the changa mix. I started feeling the half-tab booster. So I sat on a bed that I littered with my previous trip notes, so I would have something to do later. The three of us took hits on the Changa mix.

I am a peaceful meadow Buddha, sitting underneath an old willow. There are lights dotting the sides of the rolling hills. All of these are people’s souls that have come to smoke weed with me atop this grassy hill; these are all the people that I have known, do know, and will know because I am everything, I am god.

At around 11:30 I started to have the ability to interact with the other people in the room. Music was very loud and pleasant because everything else sounded very muted. I completely understood the name of the song “Predatory Instincts” by Phutureprimitive, “predatory instincts” is an accurate way to describe what I was going through. There was a certain precision and geometrical symmetry to everything – both of my friends drew rather amazing pieces of art that had rhythm, flow, and symmetry. One of the pictures even started going animated on me for a solid 3 minutes before my eyes couldn’t handle the blatant hallucination I was seeing, while the other picture flooded my retinal cones and rods with vivid colors that caused me to see some pretty cool stuff later on when the color signals finally reached where they were going.

After looking at the pictures I sat back down on the bed and looked out of the window. There were miles between my disembodied head and the ground; which of course, I found amusing. I kept looking. And looking. Another hit of the bowl. Then blam! I was seeing a geometrical cat shape (very Tron-like), shooting out purple, cyan, and alarm-bell red/yellow colors that ran across the ground and into the city. There were more hallucinations; which, although sharp and distinct, were difficult to recall because this state of consciousness is like a lucid dream, you frequently forget details or simply can’t use the obsolete English language to describe them. I kept looking and taking large hits on the bowl.
I kept looking and taking large hits on the bowl.
My bros understood I was kinda ignoring them because of the unique experience that I wasn’t able to fully recite. It was like watching your brain make half dreams out of your reality. Everything also had a specific glossy look to it.

A particularly cool hallucination I discovered was while looking at the city lights through a vertical slit in the cheap blinds. Due to quantum refraction of incandescent lights when they enter a confined space (or perhaps some unexplained reason), I enjoyed 8A level geometric patterns that consumed my body when I became ‘Buddha’ , but was never able to distinctively feel things that only existed in my subconscious as I am with mushrooms. The body feeling I received from changa is comparable to mushrooms taken after fasting for 3-5 days. The hallucinations were a unique mix of sober-minded, hyper detail, and digital-symmetrical-geometrical, patterns. Intense.

At this point my peak was winding down, but I felt like a floating head for the rest of the night. We left at around 12:30, and while one friend had to study for finals, my other companion decided to try to take more changa, and more weed. So we reconvened with replenished supplies and smoked some more. This was already after 1am and both of us were exhausted (my friend more than me). When we were smoking, my trip was refreshed and I could see the void again. Not nearly as intense as the first time, but my educated friend told me about a well known DMT tolerance that occurs moments after use. I noticed that my comrade was falling asleep in one of the outside lawn chairs. Everything in my body began aching for him, in a strangely amorous way inconsistent with my regular behavior, I just brushed off the thought trap and got my friend to his dorm so he could have a calm, warm, night.

I returned to my empty dorm room and pondered for 2 hours about how my life has changed, and how I should change to encompass that. At 4:00am exactly, I started to feel filthy, just disgusting. I took a shower, and noticed an anomaly under my skin, it confirmed some fears I had about my abuse and mixing of drugs in the past 4 months. I felt responsible for damaging something other people valued so much. The guilt in it of itself was a thought loop; I couldn’t get it out of my mind until I obsessively committed myself to good health, or relatively good health.

No sleep would come to me as I tried to sleep naked on my bed. I decided to watch the sun rise instead. I walked to the nearby park, and watched the sun rise at about 6-7am. I was suddenly feeling too much like Howard Roark from the book “The Fountainhead”. It was disconcerting so I left to get food to fuel the beautiful, refreshing day ahead of me.

Throughout my experience I was texting my girlfriend, making sure that if I died she would know that she mattered to me a lot. This action paid off in the end when I needed her reassurance to climb out of my self-hatred loop.

*This is a personal account, and I am not responsible for your stupid bullshit.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105223
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 14, 2018Views: 1,308
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25B-NBOMe (564), Piracetam (95), Changa (816) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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