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Teetering on the Edge of Schizophrenia
Citation:   John Doe. "Teetering on the Edge of Schizophrenia: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp10543)". Nov 13, 2001.

30 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
I am writing this report as my advice to any 'psychonauts' that are considering taking 2C-T-7 in dosages above 20 mg. In particular, I would hope anyone considering dosages at 30 mg would read this report and seriously reconsider taking it.

I consider myself an experienced user of 2C-T-7 and various other entheogens and research chemicals. I have experienced 2C-T-7 in dosages ranging from 5mg to 40 mg. I have insufflated it and taken it in gel caps. On the whole, I've done it about 2 dozen times.

As for myself, I have had no bad reactions while on the drug or any lingering effects. Aside from mild muscle tension, I have had beautiful experiences and learned many great things while under the influence.

However, I have witnessed two freak outs now with two different close friends. Both of these friends had near-death experiences and barely survived.

What happened to my best friend, A, nearly scared me to death. We had each taken 30 mg in a gelcap. At T + 2hrs, we were fully engrossed in some wonderful animation shorts I had recently bought. The subjects of these movies weren't the usual porky pig-bugs bunny fare, but rather experimental, using stop motion animation, etc.

We were having a good experience at 2 hours in, and I relaxed on a couch, while my friend, A, lay down on another couch adjacent to me. I was beginning to doze off when I noticed something peculiar: 'A' was undulating and becoming overly absorbed in the movie, The Bead Game by Ishu Patel (nfbc 1977). I wasn't taking the film's moral too seriously but was trying to sleep. This is when it all went wrong.

I got up from my couch and walked over to where A was lying. He didn't look himself, but looked scared and happy at once. I asked if he was ok and he said yes. And then I said I was going to turn off the movie. So I did. A got up, pumped up full of energy and began shouting about the will to live. Because two of his roommates were asleep, I tried to calm him down. But that was when he snapped and began flailing his arms and punching the air and me. He wound up leaping into the air and falling on the coffee table, shattering wine glasses and everything else on it.

I thought he had hurt himself so I reached down to pull him up and I called for his roommates to wake up, as I was worried his heart might have stopped.

Sensing the mess he was creating, A felt remorseful and ashamed, but then in a split second he felt brazenly careless and reckless, then remorseful again. He was now shouting incoherent thoughts. He was having all sorts of delusions, bizarre, paranoid, and grandiose. A was now a threat to himself because he continued to make a bigger mess and didn't care if he hurt himself. He was violent and was attacking me and the 2 roommates. One of the roommates put him in a wrestling move from behind that temporarily immobilized him. This roommate is a soft-spoken, kind person and is also a very close friend of A's. We all calmed down and then tried to talk some sense into A. We wanted to take him down from his excited state into a more relaxed state. And it worked --but for only a few minutes. And then his aggression came out and he became more excited again, shouting unintelligible thoughts and words. We were now worried because it was obvious this 'trip' wasn't going to be over soon. Occasionally A returned, as if coming out of a coma and we thought we could talk him down. But he kept slipping deeper and deeper into his own mind.

After repeated attempts at trying to calm him down, we were becoming physically tired. The roommate who had been holding him in the wrestling moves was fatigued, bruised, and in general was getting extremely annoyed. So, we made a decision to call 911. We didn't want to risk giving A Tylenol or anything else, because it was obvious his heart rate and blood pressure were very high; and so we wanted a doctor to sedate him, so he could sleep, relax and 'come down'. [I should remind the reader that I was still tripping on 30mg of 2C-T-7 while all of this was happening.]

When the paramedics showed up, they were immediately suspicious. They knew what was up but had no idea what he was on. A became more delusional and more aggressive. These paramedics ended up putting him in a straight-jacket-like thing and took him out of the house to a hospital.

I didn't see A until 2 days later when he came back from the hospital. He appeared normal, his old self. I had seen the same incident happen to another friend at Burning Man not more than 2 months earlier, and he had made a full recovery in a very short amount of time. I have to admit I was worried that A's temporary schizophrenic state would become permanent. Fortunately both of my friends returned 'back to home base' and are now continuing their lives. Even though both friends don't remember the details of their temporary dementia, I do remember it in explicit detail. And I have to say, it scared the shit out of me. These friends risked their mental health and their lives doing a drug to have a good time.

Their experiences have made me realize the recklessness of risking one's mental health just to have a good time. There are millions of people that suffer from schizophrenia, and they didn't have a choice about their insanity. They just got it. Now, I can't understand why anyone would want to be a psychonaut and run the risk of permanent mental disability. My friend, A, considers himself a psychonaut. I think psychonaut is a euphenism for a very selfish, self-centered person who has little regard for human life.

So, after two dozen trips with 2C-T-7, I am through. Through with research chemicals and street drugs. No more intra-muscular ketamine journeys, no more mushrooms, no more foxy, no more E. Seeing my friend teeter on the edge of schizophrenia and death, I'm getting out while I can, and thanking god, I am still alive.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10543
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2001Views: 22,187
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2C-T-7 (54) : Various (28), Second Hand Report (42), Bad Trips (6), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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