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Honeyflipping: As Beautiful as I Dreamed
Citation:   infinite. "Honeyflipping: As Beautiful as I Dreamed: An Experience with 2C-B & MDMA (exp105917)". Erowid.org. Feb 12, 2022. erowid.org/exp/105917

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 2:30 25 mg oral 2C-B
Last night I dosed 100mg of MDMA at 5:45pm. Later, I dosed 25mg of 2C-B at around 8:15pm - the honeyflip.

I am definitely pleased with my timing and dosage of each drug - I am still coming down as I type right now. Definitely still feeling trippy, just on the very tail end at this point. Distinctly still feeling the 2C-B over ten hours after dosing is rather impressive to me. The combination of these drugs was wonderful, such glowing, warm and exciting feelings. Most of the times I've taken molly I have dosed at least 200mg; I decided for the honeyflip combination, 100mg would probably be perfect. And it pretty much was, the 100mg dose was such a warm, gentle roll.

I dosed at 5:45pm. I had a great time coming up, hanging out at home with some friends who took low doses of 2C-B. At around 7:00 we walked about 15 minutes to a building on campus (I live in a house near my college campus with some friends) where there was a concert. We hung around until the doors opened and the show eventually started at around 8:15. That's when I took my 25mg cap of 2C-B that I had brought with me to the venue. Within twenty minutes or so I am definitely feeling the effects of the 2C-B. More specifically feeling the combined effects of honeyflipping. This continues building for quite some time and the visuals are mind blowing but not too intense and I have a super fun time dancing at the show. We had two small bands from Montreal play. Afterward my friends and I hung around and chilled with the bands while they were packing up (this was a very small-scale type of thing). They were extremely cool and fun to talk to. Eventually, we wanted to go home but didn't want to walk through the cold again so piled seven of us into someone's sedan and drove back. Then we smoked weed and listened to music and made a small fire in the yard for a while.

I should add that I took 2C-B the night before as well. The honeyflip occurred Saturday night (it is Sunday morning now); I took 5 mg of 2C-B on Friday night at a friend's party. My friend and I had brought a 10mg gel cap each with us but ended up deciding to just split one of them. That experience was impressively trippy and awesome. This low dose provided such good body feels and trippy-yet-clear headspace. The effects of this drug come in such different ways depending on dosage, but not necessarily a linear relationship with intensity or overwhelmingness.
The effects of this drug come in such different ways depending on dosage, but not necessarily a linear relationship with intensity or overwhelmingness.
Well, I can't say I've ever felt overwhelmed by 2C-B. But like, that very low 5mg dose was still a significant trip. Granted, we smoked a ton of weed the whole time. I can recall a 25mg dose being delightfully intense and trippy yet EASY, and a 20mg dose being significantly less visual yet on a similar level of awesome body feels. There just seems to be all kinds of sweet spot doses with this beautiful drug.

This long 2C-B weekend has been pretty great and has allowed me to reexamine life in so many ways and have some great conversations with friends. The following is from a journal entry I wrote after my night honeyflipping.

I think 2C-B can bring change to the world. This is because it provides an absolutely delightfully wonderful tripping experience. This is a colorful, warm, soft, bright, bouncing, analytical, intense psychedelic experience, but always easy-to-do. The body feel is great, it's easy. 'Easy' seems to be a common descriptor of 2C-B among my friends. I find that the experience can be wildly different, very variable in such a great way, depending on dosage. But, no matter the dose, this drug always feels nice and warm and welcoming and provides just such an easy trip.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105917
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 12, 2022Views: 1,121
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2C-B (52), MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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