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Lung Expansion
Citation:   Marco. "Lung Expansion: An Experience with Cannabis (exp106211)". Nov 30, 2017.

1 hit smoked Cannabis
My report concerns the most explosive and most reliable event that anyone who has ever smoked with me can attest to.
Someone fires something up and eventually it makes its way to me. Now, I swear, it seeks me out. I never go looking for it. Its not exactly my favorite high. But I am a die-hard drug addict after all. I'm of the belief that no card carrying, self-respecting drug addict can really call themselves that if they continually somehow manage to slip away when the bong comes out, kinda like what a cheapskate does when the check comes.

I take the bong or joint or pipe, whatever, and take my hit. I don't try to clear the bong. Oh hell no. I don't even burn through half of whats loaded in the bowl. I take my finger off the carb and lightly inhale. I don't even take the whole thing in. Then while some smart ass is saying, 'Aw you didn't smoke it all. You gotta finish this.' I'm turning red in the face just waiting for the top of my head to come off. 'Oh God', I think as I'm making one of those feeble attempts to not cough. This is gonna be a bad one because I can't hold it. Not for one more second!

COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH more air in my lungs. Which I could swear are on fire right now they burn so bad. Need air!!! Try to inhale... Suck air back into my lungs with great effort because I have to cough some more.

The whole thing repeats itself. Now, mind you, these coughs are more like whole body spasms. I cough so hard I wouldn't be surprised to see my shoes come out of my throat!!!

'Hey there! Are you okay? Yeah, this stuff really expands in your lungs. Geez, here's some water. Take it easy. Hey, you want another hit?' My friend has just uttered that phrase that I've been hearing all my adult life - this stuff really expands in your lungs.

I have never understood what that means. Smoke expanding that is. I want to know the mechanics behind it and nobody seems to know. This doesn't happen to everyone. Some can take a big hit, no problem. Some people have much milder versions of what happens to me. But NO ONE, I mean NO ONE loses it like I do.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106211
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 54
Published: Nov 30, 2017Views: 1,023
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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