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Need Further Research
Citation:   Liddell. "Need Further Research: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp106392)". May 21, 2017.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:04 30 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
Ethylphenidate First Look

I ordered this and a few other RCs from a reputable RC vendor in Canada, waiting for shipping was dreadful despite it taking under 24 hours for my order to be completed. I am extremely excited for this RC as I hope to use it for a function stimulant. Due to excitement, my heart rate is already raised but does not feel aggressive or in a way that my chest is pounding. My resting heart rate is high 60s to mid 70s and is currently in the mid 80s due to excitement.

It is a very hot summer day (33 degrees C) but I am in an air conditioned room and have had plenty of fluid.

I plan to work on some summer semester school work.

I had a fight with both my girlfriend and someone close to me last night but we have made up since then and my head space is good and I am very positive.

My personality type is very loud, compulsive and in your face. I have what my girlfriend describes as infinite energy and at times I am able to stay up studying or working on something for multiple days.

I recently sustained a mild concussion which has left me with headaches, slower/foggy thinking, ringing ears, trouble focusing and sensitivity to light and very loud sounds.

I do not smoke drink coffee or regularly do any drugs or medications, I do drink occasionally and I take a daily multivitamin.

I have not had any issue with methylphenidate in terms of allergy and I did do a small amount <5 mg to test if I was dangerously allergic (throat closing and such) which I was not.

My experience with stimulants is there however I have not experimented with many, mostly just pharmaceutical's such as Adderall, Dexedrine, Ritalin, Vyvanse. I have also experimented with Mephedrone and cocaine but did not enjoy them much.

Substance came from a reputable vendor in Canada and looked like medium sized salt crystals (similar to the kind you may find in a sea salt grinder prior to grinding) actually these crystals are almost exactly alike to the salt crystals in my salt grinder right now.

11:54 Just prior to consumption I have a mild headache along with ringing ears and moderate sensitivity to light with slightly foggy thinking

11:55 consumed 50 mg oral (parachuted in the original crystal form), weighed on a freshly calibrated Gemini 20 (so +/- 3 mg)

12:05 increased heart rate (mid 80’s to low 90’s), probably due to me being very excited for this RC

12:15 Feeling slightly more focused (wanting to do this report and my school work) no visible pupil dilation

12:20 Vision feels more focused, almost like my FOV has been shortened, this could be placebo. I also feel slightly jittery but this may be accredited to how excited I am. Oddly my pulse has jumped back down to my normal mid 70’s.

12:30 I do feel sweatier than normal however it is a very hot day (35 degrees C right now) jitters are mostly all but gone, pulse is doing weird things but does not feel aggressive and isn’t extremely high (jumping to 109 at times but then falling back down to 80, again blaming my racing thoughts and excitement).

12:35 Do feel stimulated, would not say negative or positive. Some actions like running up the stairs spike my pulse and cause to me sweat heavily but this soon dies.
Some actions like running up the stairs spike my pulse and cause to me sweat heavily but this soon dies.
Just noticed now that my nipples have been erect (usually my nipples are squishy but these feel like they could cut glass, not painful though) for about 15 minutes, not something positive or negative but thought I should include.

12:36 Decide to measure out 30 mg to insufflate

12:40 Talk to grandmother for a bit and show her some things I am doing for school, conversation went well however my voice was a bit shaky, almost like I had too much caffeine. Hands (mainly fingers) were a bit shaky however unnoticable to others and effects nothing other than VERY fine motor control (the steady hand you may need for painting a model or measuring very small milligram doses.)

12:58 After conversation I measure 30 mg of ethylphenidate, crush it up fine (this substance is very dry and will blow away if you have any sort of airflow in the room) and insufflate it all in one nostril. This causes a first strong but short lived burning sensation and made my right eye water.

13:00 I find myself drinking quite a lot of water to rid my mouth of the taste, it wasn’t repulsive but it also wasn’t very pleasant. There is a slight burning sensation as it drips down nasal cavity but it isn’t too uncomfortable (comparable to if you have ever gotten some hot sauce in your nose)

13:05 Notice some odd vision anomalies in my peripheral that is almost like a mild blurring but is not present where I am focusing, this creates an almost physical tunnel vision. I did check my pupils however there was no dilation.

13:10 I have an urge to get up and dance to the music I am listening to (although I often dance to most music I listen to) and my heart rate is about 90 to 95 bpm. The hot and sweaty feeling from before is not present however I am noticing that I am perspiring more from my armpits than usual. I feel stimulated and have increased focus and my thoughts are accelerated. I find though that my thoughts are moving so fast at times that I am forgetting things while mid thought (this happens sometimes to me already and I do have a concussion at this time) also worth noting I am typing faster and enjoying my music more than usual.

13:20 The drips have left an odd cotton mouth like feeling in the back of my throat (it does not feel like it is closing at all), I despise this feeling and have been downing lots of water and juice along with jolly ranchers to try to get that to go away. Should also be noted my face is much more round than usual almost as if I had not drank enough the day before (not a fan of this as I already have a round face however my girlfriend says I look like a cute chipmunk) both girlfriend and I are not worried about this issue as this often happens if I don’t drink enough the day before, use a new shampoo or don’t sleep enough.

13:25 Oddly I find myself able to sit still for once (I usually have to keep moving and tap my feet or such and this is quite difficult for me) I am able to just sit and not have my thoughts wander or get distracted, almost like I can sit absent minded or with one thought and just enjoy it. I still feel very stimulated and find that my fine motor control in my hands is still deteriorating ( to the point I had to turn down the DPI on my mouse from 8000 to 6000 so uber sensitive to very sensitive) but not to the point I wouldn’t be able to type, pour a glass of water or write with a pen. My, what were constant headaches, are a lot less noticeable almost to the point where if I have to think about them to notice them.

13:30 After an hour and a half I do a more in-depth pulse and circulation check. My pulse is on average in the mid 100’s which is high but not concerningly high for me but did spike to over 150 after running up and down the stairs a few time. It should be noted that my pulse does not feel any stronger than usual if so it is slightly weaker. I checked the circulation in both my hands and feet find that my feet felt quite cold and took awhile for the skin to return to normal tone after pressing (I do have poor circulation in my feet already but this is obviously more than usual) my hands are also cool and also take longer than usual to get back to normal tone after pressing. My girlfriend complains now when touching her whereas an hour ago my hands were fine. My nipples are still erect which is odd as when erect they usually return to normal with a few minutes. Was possible to get and maintain erection however should be noted that flaccid penis seemed smaller than usual (this happens often to me while on stimulants, I accredit it to vasoconstriction.) The cotton mouth feeling is gone thanks to lots of water and jolly ranchers.

13:45 Was in the first stages of sex with girlfriend but stopped because my cold hands turned her off. As said before no issues with getting or maintaining erection and returned to flaccid in a normal amount of time. Should note I do not feel increased sex drive nor any negative sex drive but my girlfriend has moderate to extreme increases in her sex drive.

13:55 Had a conversation with uncle that popped by to get something, noticed talking was much faster but not to the point I sound like Speedy Gonzales. Thoughts are very accelerated and however my focus is back to what seems like normal or slightly above. Pulse is very high 105+ spiking to 155 (somewhat concerning however I have seen my pulse go up to 180 while playing rugby.) Stimulation does not feel forced or overwhelming however not euphoric or pleasurable as some describe (possibly to low a dose but I did not want to push it with the first real adventure) Had a pain in my arm for a bit which was concerning (I quite often over react and immediately assumed I was having an heart attack however there was no chest pain) Girlfriend also complains of cold hands.

13:57 Pain in arm goes away, my anxiety of thinking I am going to die is now gone. I realized that I had carried two 5 gallon water jugs into the garage and it was probably a muscle thing.

14:10 Both of us notice that we had not eaten lunch but also found we were not hungry, I will eat some leftover pizza just because.

14:15 Nothing of note for me but it is clear that girlfriend is more talkative and sociable, she says she has an odd tingling sensation on the top right side of head that isn’t pleasant but isn’t uncomfortable.

14:16 Actually something of note for me is that time is seeming to travel very fast and I am not looking at the clock as much I normally do. It’s almost as if I forget about time and look back 15 minute later

14:34 Stop working on assignment and go to watch TV. Pulse is high 80s. Was worried for a bit there but I think the worrying was causing a lot of it. Wouldn't say this is enjoyable but also wouldn't say it's bad. My expectations were very high for this and it's somewhat letting me down.

14:39 Girlfriend complains my nose is cold while kissing her. Most feeling of stimulation is gone apart from raised pulse.

14:55 Find myself cognitively back to what I would consider my norm (needing to shake legs, getting distracted easily, and wanting to do something else every 5 minutes) Pulse is low 90s but feels stronger, still not the aggressive pulse I get with some other stimulates. There is no urge to redose however I feel like it may be positive.

15:00 After talking for a bit girlfriend and I decide not to just to be safe as at times her pulse was going quite high (she is 5’8 and about 105 pounds and was resting at 120 bpm) Fingers and Feet are still cold and nipples are still erect. Thinking next time to try smaller insufflated doses and building up to see if I possible did a large or small amount and missed some effects that are only achieved or lower or higher doses.

15:05 Odd eyelid twitching on only one eye. Girlfriend says she still feels slight euphoria and is still more sociable than usual.

15:15 I would say that everything save the cold fingers and elevated pulse (resting 89 now) is gone. I am disappointed in the fact this only lasted about 3 hours however some may say my doses were rather small for someone my size and I will try again some time soon. I experienced no real notable euphoria and reflecting back if I felt any I think it was just my excitement causing a placebo.
I experienced no real notable euphoria and reflecting back if I felt any I think it was just my excitement causing a placebo.
Should also be noted that I never encountered a dry mouth or feeling of being dehydrated although I was drinking quite a bit of water (probably 3+ litres during the experience but I do usually drink upwards of 7 a day.) My appetite has not come back although I feel a bit of discomfort in my stomach (probably because I have barely eaten today) Should also note my girlfriend is still very horny and although I can achieve and maintain erection on this drug, she can not take the feeling of my cold hands at all and becomes rather irritated by my cold hands touching her (cold hands and feet are an instant turn off for her normally so this is expected.)

15:35 Girlfriend says all notable effects of hers are gone or nearly gone other than increased sex drive and raised pulse (now at about 105 bpm.)

Reviewing the experience I would say that it was nice for the first hour and music felt very good but once my pulse rocketed up my anxiety took over and made the experience not as great as it could have been, I would not say it was negative though. The stimulation was nice and I did not feel over stimulated thus giving me more of a drive to do my school work and an easier time focusing and doing said work. I wouldn’t rule this out as a dud but I was not as happy as I wanted to be although this could be due to dose and I will experiment again.

Having headaches and sensitivity to light prior to doing this substance makes it hard to tell if, after the drug wears off, I am crashing or just returning to normal as the headaches feel about the same.

I would classify this as a “Need further research” in my book of substances and rate it at a 6/10 (my scale is from -10 or extremely scary or negative to 10 which is perfect or to the point I may consider using more than twice a month.)

It should be noted as well that my girlfriend found this much more pleasurable and experienced the euphoria I was missing, I accredit this to her being half my size and doing the same dose. She says she would quite enjoy this at a music event or party and said it was comparable to Methylone. (I found this comparable to its sister substance Methylphenidate however I did also have increased enjoyment of music and my pulse was higher on this.)

Total Dose: 80 mg
Total time of experience 3 hours
Come up time oral: 30 to 45 minutes (parachuted)
Come up time insufflated: 5-10 minutes
Peak: 1 hour 15 minutes in
Afterglow: Unnoticeable if existent
Come down: Unnoticeably smooth (probably after the 2 hour mark)

1 day later: After the experience I was urinating like crazy (probably due to my increased water intake as to be safe from dehydration) and have weighed myself and since yesterday I have lost 5 pounds (this is just water weight and I assume I will gain it back by the end of the week but interesting nonetheless.) Nothing negative else to say, no crash or hangover whatsoever.

Weight 100 Kg
Height 188 cm

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106392
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 21, 2017Views: 2,235
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Ethylphenidate (563) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), General (1)

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