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Citation:   dro-gato. "Irritability: An Experience with GBL (exp10666)". May 26, 2004.

60 drops oral GBL (liquid)
I wanted a substance that was a mild mood enhance for a long time. I have read a lot about GHB and I thought that was the one for me. A replacement for alcohol without the hangover. I wasn’t afraid of it being addictive, bc I just wanted it for some weekends, not for everyday.

I finally got some GHB, in GBL form, that was sold as a solvent when it was legal.

I took 30 and 40 drops a few times and I only got a mild buzz, roughly equivalent to two beers. It took me a while to increase dosage, because I know that the dosage curve can be unexpectedly steep. But yesterday I thought I'd do it, and I took 60 drops, mixed with water, which I drunk in a period of five minutes.

I got a very pleasant buzz after 40 minutes, that I certainly enjoyed, not a problem with that, it made me keep a constant grin and feel a pretty pleasant physical sensation. The effect lasted for about one hour only. The downturn came two hours later (actually it happened every time I took it, even when I did 30 drops). I became very irritable and moody. I could actually clearly sense the “pendulum effect” that I get with most drugs, in which I have to pay my high with a low mood afterwards. This happened every time I took it. Furthermore, I get a weird mild pain in what I think is my kidneys the day after. That's scary because the kidneys are a major energy producer according to chinese medicine.

This is my report. I bothered writing it because I never read this type of thing about GHB and I could clearly sense the irritability (specially to noises) and the pain in my kidney area.

I regret this fact, because I would still love a mood enhancer for specific situations, like nights out, or for facing a creative project. I’ll keep trying.

Enjoy your trips and take care of yourself

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10666
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 26, 2004Views: 17,531
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GBL (89) : Hangover / Days After (46), Health Problems (27), General (1), Various (28)

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