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Camping at 2 am...
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   eccentricdude. "Camping at 2 am...: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp10698)". Erowid.org. Oct 13, 2004. erowid.org/exp/10698

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral MDMA
  T+ 0:20 0.5 hits oral MDMA
  T+ 2:00 1 hit oral MDMA
In the summer, about 10 of my friends and I decided to go spend a weekend together for the sole purpose of relaxation and to renew friendships. Of course, there were the use of drugs but our trip didn't orbit around the use of it. We smoked weed once we set up our tents and were stoned for most of the day (which was a friday). On the Saturday of our camping trip, we all decided to chillout because we wanted to drop in the evening. We ended up eating some dinner, and we all took our first pill at 10pm. We were sitting around a rather puny campfire but we were all huddled together so we weren't that cold.

Within 30 minutes, the E started to hit hard. I decided to take another 1/2 a tab to get my peak going. We were all pretty much fucked up by then. There was a lot of emotions and talking; it seemed like one big happy fest or something. I was sick of the way too lovey environment and decided to chillout by myself in my tent to listen to some trance. I had the biggest urge to dance. Dropping outdoors sure was a different experience than dropping inside a rave. I had no 'floory' feelings and all I wanted to do was move around. Soon, all my my friends ended up in my tent and we were all chilling. We split up though, and there were about 4 of us just enjoying our trip. Two of my friends started feeling sick, and usually, I would've done everything to help them out but I wanted to explore. I wanted to hike, I wanted to run around in the grass, I wanted to walk the dirt path to the lake. It was beautiful. Dropping with nature was an eye opener to see how awesome nature is. I was looking up at the stars and contemplating my role in the world.

I started to think about philosophy and what life really is. I didn't give a fuck whether my friends weren't feeling good, this state I was in seemed like so much more. It went beyong the existence of this earth. I can't put it in words, I felt important, yet not so important.

Anyway, I could feel my comedown from my peak. It was only fucking 12am, so another two of my friends and I decided to go for a walk. We end up dropping 1 tab each. I peak all over again except this time, I'm surrounded by tall trees and walking around and around. Then, the hallucinations started happening with me seeing people that weren't there, electricity flying through the air, gates and doors to other places, a beach which disappeared once i tried to pick up some 'sand', and roads that led straight into the forest. I was fucked up, and soon the realization of the beauty of nature faded and soon I felt bad for leaving my friends behind. Yeah, that goddamn 'lovey' feeling started to kick in and I went back into my tent and chilled with everyone else. I started talking some nonsense though like I would blurt out 'How much is admission to the theme park?' and 'I wanna drink some mocha at a coffee shop with DSL internet access'. Don't ask me why, but these things just came out of my mouth without me realizing it.

It was a good experience. It was my first totally different experience with E with me not saying 'I love you' to everyone i saw. It was something different and indeed unique. I recommend an outdoor rave or a camping trip where you can drop with nature. Yeah yeah, it's a cheesy story but it's really something different.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10698
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2004Views: 10,594
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MDMA (3) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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