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Glowing Mystical Imagery
Citation:   demian's daemon. "Glowing Mystical Imagery: An Experience with Cannabis (exp10722)". Oct 13, 2004.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I often read reports, but I have never submitted one of my own. I think this is because I have never felt anything that has happened to be *truly* exceptional. This happened about this time last year, which is to say around the winter break of my freshman year of college. Freshman year was the first time I have begun experimenting with psychotropics in the truest sense of the word, i.e. tripping and not just smoking pot. At the time I had shroomed a couple times to varying degrees, used some nitrous, and had some weak acid.

I was in my home town on break and it was quite cold out, but not uncomfortable when bundled up in warm clothes. A friend who lives just down the street from me in my neighborhood came over. This was sometime in the evening, after most people, including my parents and sister, had gone to bed. It was a crisp night, probably with some cloud cover as I do recall, thought I'm pretty sure that sky was visible. The houses in the neighborhood, and ours, had Christmas lights up, it being some days away.

Well here's where the magic happens. We had obtained what I believe was purple kush, though it may have been something stronger. I had never had this type of bud beforehand, though I had had quite a bit in the mid-grade category. It was purple, and would stick to your hand when touched, and was not dense at all; it was very very light and fluffy.

Well me and my friend smoked a few hits of this killer marijuana. I believe we smoked in his car in our neighborhood, or perhaps in my bedroom, which was very good for smoking, having a black light, several windows, being on the second story, and basically filled with cds and other goodies. Well anyway, I'm not sure where we smoked but we were in this room for a short while listening to music. Autoditacker by Mouse On Mars was the cd. I highly recommend it for psychedelic purposes having achieved excellent results from its very organic, melodic, full brand of techno. Well anyway, we went outside and then the coolest thing ever happened.

As we walked out of my house I looked down at the grass by default, as my house is on a minor hill. To my surprise I saw a sea of the small type of green Christmas lights in place of the grass shoots. I was overjoyed! It felt simply magical and carefree and was unlike anything I have experienced on mushrooms or lsd. I told my friend what I was seeing but he didn't see it. We continued down into the street we were crossing when I got a big head rush. I saw some minor patterns and colors which stabilized into on of the most amazing things I have ever seen. A diagonally slanted plane of archetypal religious figures emerged in my view, superimposed over 'actual' vision! I recall the image extremely distinctly in my mind, even now, one year later. The plane was shimmering in transparent golds, coppers, and very ethereal looking tints and tones, all radiating warm light.

The figures were arranged in grid, chess board style pattern. Where the dark squares would be on a chess board, remember everything was actually in exquisite soft holy coloring, columns rose up with a different figure on each side. These were swamis, buddhas, christs, do nothings, atman, brahman, brahmin, priests, and essentially an array of, as I have said, archetypal religious figures. The sheer extreme clarity of the vision was incredible! It was not faint in anyway, or fleeting, or suggested, but was clearly visible as the ground was. The columns rotated on the diagonal plane upon which they existed in their holy faculty. Then I believe 6 intensely red, burning dots spiralled out of the middle in a circle and the headrush increased. I felt entranced at this point, whereas before clarity was in effect. More patterns seemed to emerge and as I said the dots were fiery, to the point of nearly being blinding. I felt like I had a choice at that point to continue the vision which rose at exponential proportion with every new development, or to return to the state of high.

Well I chose to become merely high again, as all the while I was in the middle of the street, and the manner of the visions' intensity started to become a little alarming. After all of that I never felt so amazed and amazing in my entire life. I explained vaguely to my friend, in not nearly so precise terms as I have presented here. I believe shortly afterward he went home, and I returned to my room where I listened to music, as I drifted off to sleep. I have no idea why I experienced what I did. I thought the marijuana may have been 'cut' with something else, but my friend was merely high. Also we had this supply of marijuana for a short while and it just resulted in really nice, non paranoid highs. To this day I am amazed by the trip. Had my imaginative mind simply taken an extreme intensification due to the pot? This seems the only possible explanation, but why it happened only once and to such a high degree is a mystery to me. It did not feel trip-like at all, but was its own extremely unique experience. It was profoundly joyful. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10722
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2004Views: 11,758
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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