First Time Went Okay
Citation:   MDMDave. "First Time Went Okay: An Experience with 2C-B (exp107431)". May 24, 2018.

T+ 0:00
11 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 2:00 5 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 6:00 5 mg insufflated 2C-B
Woahahoahoho. Let me preface this that this is the first time properly with a psych. I've used Weed, MDMA and 'MDMA' before so I thought I knew what to expect. Nope.

I measured out 2 doses, one of 11mg and one of 5mg. I took the larger one to get a taste of the effects and if I liked it I'd do the other smaller booster. Here is an approximate trip report.

T:00 No turning back now!

T:1 Starting to feel a bit shakey. Not much happening.

T:1-30 Alright now we're getting somewhere. I started playing a game with my friend over skype and things started to feel pretty good. My shaking was getting worse though and my vision was kinda wavey and pulsating. Some patterns started to appear in game which I thought was pretty cool.

T:2 At this point the effects stagnated so I decided to drop the other dose and jump into the shower. When I got to the shower my shaking stopped for the most part and I was just focused on getting clean. At this point I started to notice that I was in fact not entirely plateaued from the initial dose
I started to notice that I was in fact not entirely plateaued from the initial dose
I took as my vision was starting to cycle through hues, and the tiles looked fucking awesome. I was starting to freak out a little about this time because this was all super new to me. But I perceived with my shower and carried on.
Now things start to get dumb.

T:3 The second dose has joined the party. Fuck me, its going off now. Fractal patterns everywhere I see, and everything I focus on had a rainbow like halo around it. It was super interesting and cool but I kept shaking... Even more so. It got so bad that I logged into the tripsit chat and asked for advice. I should note that I wasn't having a 'bad' trip visually or mentally, I was just concerned about my shaking and that was in turn making my anxious. A vicious cycle. Some bright spark in the tripsit chat suggested I lay down. So I got into my bed with double duvets and after a while, the shaking stopped. Completely.


I seemed to forgot I live in northern Scandinavia and its about -7c outside. The heating wasn't on and so I was shaking, which was making me nervous. Good fucking hell I feel so dumb.

T:4-30 At this point my vision is going ham. I put on the Simpsons on TV and that became the focus of my attention. Weirdly the contents of the TV didn't really change much, but everything around it was mental. Like rainbow-halos, kaleidoscope fractal visions etc. It felt really cool. However with that being said, I tried to enjoy it as much as I could but there was (of course) that one voice at the back of my head going 'What the fuck is going on this is so weird'. So, a little anxious but for the most part a fun ride.

T:6 The main effects have tapered off. I took a 5mg bump nasally to see myself off and call it a day. This was a nice down-to-earth level that I felt was more my jam. At this point I warmed up and got quite bad stomach cramps that were concerning me. Real bad.
It was then I remembered that I had not eaten in 14 hours.
Had a cake thing, went back to my warm chamber and rode it out for another 2 hours.

T:8 This is where I am now. Completely comedown as far as I'm aware, some very slight patterns and hue-shifting still present but that will go away once I go to sleep. I'm now warm and fed, hooray!

So what did I learn?

1. I cannot read my own body in any way shape or form

2. 2C-B wasn't like MDMA at all.
2C-B wasn't like MDMA at all.
I was expecting some sort of euphoria or rush but all I really got was fucky visuals. Which is not a bad thing at all. For someone who was tripping absolute balls my headspace was incredibly incredibly clear. I steered away from some grim news stories about ISIS on the front page as they kinda bummed me out but this surprised me how 'sober' I was.

3. I need my partner next time for maximum enjoyment.

4. Be warm. Be fed.

Thats it I suppose! Overall it was super fun, I cannot wait to give it another go :)

Massive thank you to the tripsit crew. I feel so dumb yet so relieved.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107431
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 24, 2018Views: 1,473
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2C-B (52) : Guides / Sitters (39), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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