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Got Through the Disgusting Vibes
Unknown (NBOMe Series?)
Citation:   spectral. "Got Through the Disgusting Vibes: An Experience with Unknown (NBOMe Series?) (exp107641)". Erowid.org. Feb 3, 2017. erowid.org/exp/107641

2 hits   Unknown (blotter / tab)
[Erowid Note: The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since the 1960s. Although confusion associated with newer psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term "acid" to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language.]
I live in the Bay area of California. I was at a deathcore concert, apparently there was a dealer and he had acid, it turned out it was bitter, anyway I figured I would trip so I ate two tabs of blotter paper, it made my tongue numb. It started to hit me while I was at the concert and basically I was extremely confused and had no idea what to expect having only had trips on LSA and psilocybe. Basically they were tearing it up with that deathcore and I decided to call my gf, I said I was on something and I started to realized that I was forgetting where my phone was on my ear and it was an extremely bizarre sensation. Worst comes to worst, I was congratulating my friend backstage for performing and apparently someone was drunk enough to commit to an act of sadism, I sat right next to the biggest turd of shit unknowingly and my friend had to tell me I had just sat next to human feces before a trip on a psychedelic amphetamine.

I treated it like nothing happened, got into my friends moms car and went on a trip fer sure. When I looked at my friends mom, her eyes had gone black and she looked like a ghost version with black eyes, whenever I looked forward I wasn't quite hallucinating but out of the corner of my eye his mom was disfigured into a melted monster, like here head turning into a weird melted version convulsing around my peripheral vision, did I mention her eyes were black? I barely remember what happened because this happened 3 years ago, it was the dark of night and we were driving at top notch speeds through the north bay area, I barely remember the hallucinations other then I was staring out the window and I thought my body had gone missing, things started to get melted and the trees started to dance in this crazy frenzy. Everything I looked at was just in a frenzy unless it was square object like a house.

I act normal, I get through it. I get back to my house and I'm in a state of confusion, this is my first strong psychedelic trip with full blown hallucinations, I wait for my parents to go to bed and I only have mild hallucinations like green tinge, probably because I am in a state of shock, at around 3 or 4 in the morning I smoke a bowl of chronic cannabis and this is were it lights up. I go back into my house and start seeing spectral jelly's and ants crawling around my kitchen when I get my water, I go back into room with the lights on and stare at my blank ceiling and the whole thing turns into writhing maggots, shape shifts from that into a weird worm melt then artificial flowers start growing out of it followed by labyrinth patterns with tiny little creatures like nodes within the labyrinth writhing around. I then proceed to turn off the lights and try to go bed, the problem is I'm still tripping.

I start hearing auditory hallucinations and it feels strongly like I'm falling into an abyss or floating in the middle of fucking nowhere, even though I'm in my room. I start seeing artificial pink flowers and it feels like I'm flying and I keep hearing a weird echoing noise that just is not distinguishable. I start seeing my ego split into multiple clones and walk around a labyrinth and I'm pretty sure it was an out of body hallucination, long story short there a hundred versions of my ego walking around a labyrinth. The last hallucination I remember is a different colored tiger blob thing attacks me and I pass out It was a fucking miracle that I liked this trip after what happened with the shitting drunk person at the concert, my god it could of been worse for sure.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 107641
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 3, 2017Views: 1,641
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Unknown (120) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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