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After One Year of Continuous Usage
Citation:   Psychonaut. "After One Year of Continuous Usage: An Experience with Modafinil (exp108044)". Sep 20, 2019.

50 mg oral Modafinil (daily)
One Year on Modafinil

Since I read a great deal on Modafinil when I had just begun taking it, I feel it only makes sense to write down the pertinent learnings I’ve had on the drug. I’m going to keep it succinct.

Period: March 2014-Feb 2015 (I’ve just had my first three day break in this time-period)

Dosage: experimented a lot and finally realized that 50mg is the best dose for me; another 50 mg later in the day if I have a long evening planned

Effects: Awakeness and greater reserves of energy; ability to push myself physically

Positives: I’ve lost 30 pounds on account of a swimming regimen that I was able to keep up only on account of being on Modalert. Overall I just feel like I’m more aware of the passage of time and the need to utilize it.

Negatives: The feeling of wanting to ‘get things done’ can be overpowering to the point that I actually don’t. There’s been a definite change in my personality in terms of a lack of tolerance for people not on the same grid. I’ve also become more aggressive, perhaps needlessly so. Overall my productivity has not increased; on the contrary it’s decreased.
Overall my productivity has not increased; on the contrary it’s decreased.
Memory, especially short term has been affected.

In Summation: Modalert hampered my spatial reasoning and creative thinking abilities but made me more organized. I think its great if you have a mundane job but using it to drive productivity on a creative assignment doesn’t work. I’ve got to watch interactions with Alcohol; I did have a few episodes of complete over-reaction and aggressiveness after which I tapered the dosage down to 50 mg. I think it is dangerous specifically for personality changes it induces. But at the same time I love it for the drive it gives me. Everyone on the forum talks about interspersing periods of usage and that’s something I have not done over the past year. I will be doing precisely that now. After one year of continuous usage, it took three days for me to the drug to leave my system.

As a parting shot, let me just say that I dreamt today, after one year. There’s something about Modalert that changes the quality of my sleep that I don’t. That’s got to count for something.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 108044
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Sep 20, 2019Views: 1,264
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Modafinil (217) : Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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