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A Trip to Remember
Citation:   Ethan_B. "A Trip to Remember: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp108166)". Apr 12, 2016.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
This was my first time taking mushrooms, did hear great things about them so I figured I would give them a try. I chewed mine because I figured I would just get the full effect that way. The taste is awful (but I am not a fan of regular mushrooms so whatever).

An hour passes by as I wait, slight buzzing noises and lights, everything around me is really bright.

2 hours pass and things start getting distorted, music and sight.

Peak was amazing everything just hit at once and everything just felt alive. The floor was moving, my cigarette was breathing, and the music was just too prime to put into words.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108166
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Apr 12, 2016Views: 1,523
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