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Feeling Very Hot, and Very Nauseous
Citation:   Daelic. "Feeling Very Hot, and Very Nauseous: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp10822)". Feb 14, 2002.

25 ml oral Yohimbe (extract)
This was my third attempt with yohimbe in 4 nights. The first 2 attempts were at lower doses, the 2nd being higher than the first, for the sake of experimentation.

I poured the contents of my extract tincture into a dixie cup, and used an eyedropper with ml markings to transfer the liquid to a 2nd dixie cup. I measured out 4 5ml droppers and the las was just above halfway between 4.5 and 5ml. I estimate actual dose to be 24.7ml.

the yohimbe filled about 1/2 an inch of the dixie cup. In an attempt to distract myself from the horrible yohimbe taste, I filled the remainder of the dixie cup with cold Dr. Pepper. This was the most vile tasting concoction I have ever tasted. It took me 4 attempts to finish off the dixie cup, and each attempt was followed by gagging... drinking cold Dr. Pepper to wash the taste away.... then more gagging... I probably took about 15 minutes to drink the entire mixture.

Having finished the mixture, I went to bed where my wife was anxiously waiting for me to join her. We talked and touched each other, creating a very loving environment... we were waiting for the big boner from hell to arrive. About 30 minutes after I first started to drink the mixture, I started feeling very hot, and very nauseous. I tried to ignore it, as I had heard from other trip reports that nausea is normal.

At about 60 minutes, my nausea was still going strong. My wife suggested I take some pepto bismal. I took 4 pepto capsules with a mouthful of Dr. Pepper. I started to sit back down, and suddenly a flood of nausea flowed over me.. I excused myself and left the room in search of cool air, or something to calm me down like a cold wash cloth over my forehead.

When I entered the bathroom to get a wash cloth, I started vomiting. I vomited what looked like the entire yohimbe concoction the I so diligently consumed just an hour or so earlier.

I immediately began to feel better, but I was still nauseous. Now, it is 6:51pm the following day, and I still feel a little nauseous. I can honestly say that I will never try liquid yohimbe again. If I ever do decide to attempt a yohimbe experience, I will get it in pill form.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10822
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2002Views: 25,826
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Yohimbe (96) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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