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Dope Ruins Souls
Citation:   dopehead. "Dope Ruins Souls: An Experience with Cannabis (exp108391)". Erowid.org. Apr 26, 2016. erowid.org/exp/108391

  repeated smoked Cannabis
BODY WEIGHT: 101.7 kg
My experience with cannabis was initially fun laughing increased sense pleasure in food, the emotion of greed for food, at one point it seemed to give energy, but what it really does is ruin my soul

It scatters the root chakra, causes paranoia, causes anhedonia lack of feeling which comes with more frequent use. I was a heavy smoker. I smoked an entire quarter in the space of about 1-4 hours and played video games. It made me quite paranoid.

Exp Year: 2009-2015ExpID: 108391
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Apr 26, 2016Views: 1,192
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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