Could Not Have Been Better
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Eyesopened. "Could Not Have Been Better: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp108644)". Mar 22, 2022.

1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
Could Not Have Been a Better First Time

I was living in Maui at the time, an unbelievably beautiful place even without drugs. I am the type to always try to push my limits. Trying everything except most pills, meth, and heroin. Those never interested me. Acid was always really intriguing but I never thought of taking it until I moved to Hawaii. I used to live in north Philly, and never felt very sure about the acid that was going around since I always heard about bad trips. I've done a lot of research about it and was sure I needed to be totally committed to it.

There is an event that happens just about every Sunday in Maui. It's basically a mini hippie festival on a beach with a drum circle, fire dancers, sometimes lazer light shows, and of course tons of drugs. It's also a nude beach, making it more private.

My friend S had already taken LSD the Sunday before and convinced me that it was the perfect time and place for me to take my first trip. I had that doubtful feeling in my gut, but I was way more committed to trying it than I had ever been before. Sunday came around and we decided to do it together. We went with our friend F so he could drive us home. It's always a good idea to have a sober person around that you can trust.

It was about noon when we got to there, S was very excited for me. I could feel his good vibes. The butterflies were going crazy in my gut now. We smoked some weed on the ride over and it got my mind racing about all the things that might happen. The overall feeling was that it was going to be a great experience dominated all of my doubts. We got to the spot and met up with this dude who S referred to as 'red eyes black dragon', that cracked me up til I saw him and wow. The dude's eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were huge. I guess he trips every Sunday and has been for a while. I already knew I would never let it get that far with me. He pulled out a huge sheet of blotter and a vial. He asked how much we wanted. We said 2 hits. He dropped the liquid on the paper almost perfectly. We gave him the 20$ and he said 'enjoy da ride braddahs'. We put em under our tounges right there. Id say it was around 12:30.

12:45 We found a spot on the beach with the hippies and just kicked it for a bit. I thought I was already feeling something but S assured me I haven't even begun my trip. I just wanted to flip a switch and trip already. The anticipation was unreal. F was just chillin with us, pretty cautious about what he said or did trying not to set us off. I could tell he tripped before. This guy we know, I'll call him M, arrived shortly after we sat down. He came over to us and we told him we just dropped. He looked at me and asked if I was feelin it yet. I told him I wasnt sure what I was feeling cause it was my first time. He sold weed around the island and he gave us a little bit of his buds. We had our own stash but he told us 'it's the crippest crip you'll ever smoke', can't really argue with that. It was a kind gesture.

1:15 I was definitely feeling the come up. I knew it was going to be unlike anything I have ever experienced before. Like the first time you sit down on a roller coaster. As if I'm about to explode with every possible emotion. I had a shitty feeling in my gut, S told me it was normal. We smoked a bowl and I felt so much better. The anxious feeling left me and my trip really took off from there. My breathing felt unnatural, I was taking super deep breaths, in through the nose and out the mouth. It was almost like I was falling into a meditative state. My thoughts were racing in a million directions. Every time I tried to focus on one solid thought, it kept changing and making me realize I was losing my grip on reality. I felt confused. I kept looking at my hands, they looked a little bit different every time. Was I supposed to be feeling this way? What if I go crazy? Every thought activated certain emotions and I felt like I was getting trapped in my mind. Every once in a while S would ask how I was feeling and bring me back. If I engaged him it was with wide eyes, a shocked look, and me saying something like 'dude, this is crazy' or 'are you feeling this too?' If I ever felt scared I was able to justify the reason and find a better reason to be happy. I was playing the ultimate mind game with myself.

2:00 I was tripping hard at this point and still climbing. S and I had been drinking a lot of water, we even had a trip motto 'water is life'. It made so much sense at the time and still does to me. Every sip felt like I was replenishing my health bar in a video game. The trip was taking such a toll on me physically and emotionally that I had to compensate with something. Especially since food was out of the question. I put my aviator sunglasses on and it made me feel cooler. Temperature-wise, I could care less about how I appeared to anyone. My body felt like it was vibrating super fast but gently at the same time, my muscles kept wanting to do work so sitting still was difficult.
My body felt like it was vibrating super fast but gently at the same time, my muscles kept wanting to do work so sitting still was difficult.
I would play with the sand in my hands. I felt like I could taste it through my fingers. The visuals were outstanding so I constantly ignored the little bothersome things. The clouds were blending together with the sky to make patterns that grew and shrunk, in and out, like it was breathing with me.

At one point I had been looking at the drummers and when I looked back out at the ocean the sky seemed to have that dome-like grid from The Hunger Games. I noticed someone close by open a beer can. I heard it so clearly and saw the initial spurt of beer fly off the top. I could smell and taste it. This made me want to try and activate more of my senses. I kept feeling things around me like tree roots and seashells. When I got up to take a piss I stood next to a tree with flowers pink flowers on it. They were so beautiful, and appearing to be leaning in towards me like they were trying to soak up some of the energy which I had an abundance of. I looked so intensely at them I felt like they were getting sucked into my eyes, which wasn't as bad as it sounds. However when I took a deep inhale through my nose I tasted the flower in my mouth. It didnt taste very good. My piss took forever, then I headed back to my friends. At this point the sun was starting to make its descent down to the horizon. I just kept myself satisfied by looking at everything and everyone I could.

4:00 I was climaxed at this point. The world looked brand new to me. Human beings were simply cosmic energy inside of an ever changing body. The sun was so intense, I felt the urge to just stare at it. The urge made me feel like I could absorb its power and harness it in my body. There were way too many feelings inside telling me how terrible of an idea it was, so I resisted. Plus it seemed I was already absorbing plenty from the way I was sweating. The trees and leaves were all looking at me and feeding off of my energy, as was I to them. Nature as a whole never looked so alive to me. The ocean showed me with every wave how it is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Crashing wave after crashing wave, not even trying to have all that power. I have so much respect for the ocean because I saw it as a whole body. Constantly breathing, cycling through emotions just like every living thing on earth. Sometimes the waves are calm and other times it is dangerously rough. Still, millions upon millions of inhabitants take shelter under the air. The vastness of the ocean seemed so incredible. I was able to see everything in 'the big picture' which made it easy to simplify and understand quickly so I could really appreciate it. I wanted to see some fish but was almost scared to go in the water. Mostly for fear of cramping and I didn't want to be 'the guy who almost drowned on acid'. That thought seemed funny to me. Everything had a humorous tone to it.

On one side of the beach there were hippies, most probably tripping harder than me. The other side was tourists who just came to the beach because they heard it was cool, and had no intention of doing drugs of any kind. It was like a zoo with no cages. I thought they were missing out big time.

The way my mind was working and the amount of energy I felt made me feel very powerful. Almost god-like, it made me think of God. I thought, 'if I were to die right now, what would he say to me?' I didnt really have an answer. I figured that since I was doing this mainly for enlightenment and wisdom, my intentions were good enough to be accepted. Maybe he'd take advantage of the situation and stuff my mind full of as much knowledge as possible. No matter how I thought of it, I never thought I was doing anything wrong. How could this be a bad thing? Never before in my life have I felt so accepting of new ideas and hungry for knowledge. At least not since I was a very young child.

Once again I saw the big picture. We are all just children. Some of us just think we know everything we need to know. Which may be correct if your goal in your life on Earth is to live in stale mediocracy. Now things were really starting to make sense. People in regular society choose to live their lives based off of feeling safe. Never stepping out of the comfort zone to try and see from another perspective. Fearing the possibility that they might change. While people who are open to change, want to travel to see different things, constantly needing to adapt, they are the ones who truly learn what it means to live. They are typically quite happy too, whereas the average society drone is a stressed out, unhappy mess. They feel like they need to spend money on things to make their life easy, and then they can start to relax, but you can be happy with absolutely nothing but a name. They wonder why their life hasnt come together the way they want it to. It's because you can't control everything in your life, so you might as well throw yourself as many curveballs as you can to see how many you can hit. That way you don't fall into depression after you miss the first one. I felt a certain obligation to use my newfound wisdom to help the people in my life. It was going to be hard if we were both in a sober mindset without sounding like a sterotypical hippy, but to be honest, they got this shit right.

Any question I ever had about life and its complexities had realistic answers. The best part about it is I feel like every person on Earth knows the things I am 'discovering', we just have to stop ignoring our hearts and do what really feels right. Stop pretending to be things we aren't. Lower our defenses every now and then so we allow ourselves to grow. We should all strive to be better than we were the day before. We are all competitive by nature, but we need to focus that into a competition against the self. If we all try to do the same things, our competitive nature will be taken out on each other, and every little difference between each other will cause negative feelings towards them. Best case scenario, you will become better than the other person, but you will still never recognize your full potential. It was all so simple. Damn, life is beautiful.

6:00 The sun was setting, a very intense part of the trip. The drummers all played much harder, there was chanting and singing. As if it were out of a movie, a group of whales breached the water directly in the reflection of the sun on the ocean surface. I will never forget how beautiful that sight was. It felt almost dreamlike. It seemed like everything was coming together at once just for me. That seems selfish as I write it but that's how I felt. So much love and good energy filling up the beach for an event I've witnessed my whole life but never been this grateful or even thankful to be able to see it. Always taking for granted the beauty of the setting sun. All day it has been giving us light and supplying this side of the planet with energy and life. It deserves a grand show for its daily goodbye. The colors in the sky were everything from blue to purple to red to yellow. Clouds mixed in making an amazing show in the sky. I could have cried if I wanted to. I was so happy to be alive. S and I smoke another bowl and get ready for it to set.

6:30 Me and S haven't said much to each other, there wasnt anything to say that we didn't already know. The sun was about to set, the drums were going crazy. My heart was beating with the drums and my eyes were completely locked on the horizon. It felt like they were growing bigger every second. The sun finally falls out of sight and I get this strange feeling of emptiness. I look at S and say 'dude this is amazing, thank you' he says that we still have a while to go. I think I said that to try and convince myself that there was nothing to worry about, it kinda worked. I was excited but still hanging onto the empty feeling inside. I missed the sun. And the thought of darkness was intimidating. If I had nothing to look at then my mind may become rampant which could trigger a bad trip especially in the darkness of night. In hindsight, the only thing that could have caused a bad trip was thinking about one too much.

7:00 The fire dancers come out, as soon as the flame was sparked I had a new favorite thing to look at. We had a great spot to catch the show. The dancers were not controlling the fire, but merely giving it a path to live. The fire was alive and dancing with them. Every flame was born, alive, and died in one solid motion. So much energy exhausted so quickly, I loved the fire for being so beautiful. In the back of my mind I knew the fires would eventually go out. And that emptiness came back very strong. It was dark now, so what would I have once the fires went out?

Around this time I realized that I had been tripping hard for a very long time. Time didn't really exist so it didn't seem like a relevant thought, but I knew somewhere there was a clock that said I dropped acid somewhere around 6-8 hours ago. Good thing I don't work tomorrow. WORK. What? How could I ever go back to work? What if I took acid before work? No. Bad idea. I shared this thought with S and F. We all laughed about the possible outcomes.

8:00 We started our journey back to the truck before it got too late. The walk was very extreme compared to the walk there. Every step felt jagged, like my body was on a track and only given a certain range of motion to ensure the perfect step every time. I would wiggle my body to loosen myself and I would feel so free. Still, I felt like I was walking very properly. We followed the line of flashlights leading to the rock that separated two beaches. We had to climb up a smooth sandy walkway to get to the top. Then there's the walk down, which is more of a downward rock climb. It was very uneven, with loose and bumpy rocks and pebbles. It was dangerous to say the least. While we were on top of the rock we noticed the tide was much bigger than we expected. People were nervous about climbing all the way down. This guy next to us yelled 'CMON PEOPLE LETS GO' and we offered to let him in front of us. He laughed and said 'nah I'm good but now they all think theres a big pissed off dude up here' Me, S, and F laughed so hard. Things on acid seem like instant classics if done with correct timing. We were about half way down the rock and this guy, who was surely about 2 stories above the sand which was mostly covered in huge lava rocks, decided to jump off to get in front of everyone. I felt like the three of us were the only ones who saw it because no one checked on him and we didnt hear a scream or anything. I said 'Did that guy like... Die?' I couldnt help but laugh after I said it and S laughed too. We didnt see him for the rest of the night, oh well, he made his choice.

We get to the truck, F driving obviously, S and myself hop in the truck bed so we could get the extreme-backwards-open-top-space-travel view. Wise choice indeed. At this point in the trip both of us were in pretty good control of our trip, but still tripping hard nontheless. You ever sit next to your best friend and everything makes you laugh even if you don't say anything? This was exactly that. We just kept exchanging faces and cracking each other up. Doing whatever we could to make the other person laugh. At one point we were cruising pretty fast and I noticed the moon was full. I got an incredible sense of fulfillment. S looked at me with a super serious look on his face and said 'Level 2' then he smiled with a goofy lookin face. I started laughing so hard and just like that, BAM I was off on another adventure. But this time the moon was my guide. It followed us the whole way home. So bright and beautiful. Even though it was night I could feel the world around me. I was flying through what I imagine felt like a wormhole. We were in our little spaceship, other cars were hilarious looking. Every time we stopped at a light and saw people in their cars we couldn't help but laugh at them. Especially if they looked like tourists. I didn't care if anyone saw us acting foolish, I was having the time of my life.

10:00 We get home, we were staying on a farm on a work trade/internship type thing. I had my cabin but I wanted to stay outside. Neither S nor myself were even thinking about sleep. So we went to the top of the zipline tower that was on our property. We each brought a blanket and just sat there talking and watching the moon. When I think back with a sober mind, I remember the moon flying across the sky. Hours going by in seconds. Time was nonexistent when we were up there, or for most of the trip for that matter. It was all about NOW. S and I are both very intelligent. We had a certain connection that did not require words. If I felt uncomfortable, he gave me some water or occupied my mind with something good. If he started fading out to the point where he looked stuck, I directed his attention to something I was looking at to snap him out of his spacy zone. When we tried to conversate, it seemed that we would only barely say a few words but the blanks were always filled and the thought was always finished
we would only barely say a few words but the blanks were always filled and the thought was always finished

It was around 3:30 when I laid down in my bed. It didn't really look like my bed or my room but I was so comfortable. The moon was shining perfectly through my window onto my face. I stared at it for a bit then turned my head away accepting that my trip was over.

Some things I should mention, I was constantly drinking water to prevent cramping. I ALWAYS trusted my instincts. I stayed with my friends the whole time unless I walked off to take a piss. In those times I made it clear where I was going and tried to not be gone for long. Its not cool to make someone worry about you especially if you're both on LSD. I constantly overthink things, and it took me until I realized I was at my climax to calm down. When I had a baseline I understood exactly what I had done and how I can turn this into an enlightening experience. I wasnt trying to get fucked up, I wanted to understand more about myself and everything around me. There was nothing to fear. Especially death, I will never fear death again because I know that when it is my time, I don't have a choice. That is why I enjoy my life every second I can. I also truly believe death is just a stepping stone to realizing more potential. Physical bodies can only go through so much. The human soul, however, is a beautiful and powerful thing that may never die.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed sharing it. It was truly one of the best choices I have ever made.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 108644
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 22, 2022Views: 1,095
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