10 Days of Sodom
Citation:   Kinder. "10 Days of Sodom: An Experience with GBL (exp108675)". Erowid.org. Jun 10, 2016. erowid.org/exp/108675

  repeated oral GBL (liquid)
So let’s start with saying that I had tried GBL multiple times at parties from people I knew that ordered it online. They were giving me 1ml, but considering ecstasy or other stimulants I could have taken, it wasn’t getting me high. So after going a bit further into these friendships, I could ask them for a couple ml at a time and I would get high successfully. It was marvelous. It was difficult for me to dance on MDMA or pills, not because I had some sort of sedation or anxiety like my girlfriend did, but I wouldn’t enjoy it, I would only enjoy sitting and talking to her and my friends. So I guess I became too empathic and sociable with these substances. Anyway the amount of euphoria I get from the empathogens is by far my favorite. Until GBL came along and although its potential abilities as an empathogen and sedative I would enjoy my night in front of the DJ.

With time I did enjoy it more and more, even while masturbating or listening to music while riding my bicycle. It quickly became my drug of choice considering the price (30 cents a dose), the short acting effects and its way of showing me how beautiful life can be or become.

I started ordering with my girlfriend and a foreign friend. The price at the moment goes from 70-150 Euros a liter. Hence it was not that simple keeping orders coming all the time, and with the first three orders I had a couple of weeks of pause in between orders. And I had no big tolerance building or trouble sleeping or cravings, even if I started every morning with 1.5ml on an empty stomach.

73Euros a liter excluding commission and shipping (cheapest): Except from the unpractical bottle which made me drop dozens of ml., the foul odor of sweaty ass and the need to wait more for the substance to take effect there was nothing wrong with this GBL. Anyway I started dosing more, starting with 1.5ml as usual but redosing very soon with another full ml. I started taking it 24/7.
I started dosing more, starting with 1.5ml as usual but redosing very soon with another full ml. I started taking it 24/7.
I’d sleep at midnight with 1.5 ml, wake up on 3am for another 1.5, again at 5am and another one at 8am before going to school. A couple of nights were also accompanied with heavy sweating. But after changing three t-shirts a night for 2 consecutive nights, I tried to control it a bit more, especially before going to sleep. 1mg of Xanax or some hits of weed would do the trick and keep me asleep. Anyway I am home writing this with my last 20 ml. And I’m trying to make only 0.5 ml every 40 minutes or so. I could easily borrow some from my girlfriend or other friends, but I don’t want to I want to kick it out as soon as possible, have a nice break for a couple of weeks before receiving my next order.

I advise ordering from [ ] or [ ] since all of this happened with this cheap ass GBL. With the next one I plan on having no more than 2-3 sessions a day (instead of non-stop dosing) and trying to keep some days sober so I can fully enjoy the weekend. This is a wonderful drug when used responsibly in combo with coke or Ecstasy at parties, or even on its own if I want to have fun the cheapest way possible. But this can become your worst nightmare so I’d be very careful.

Today I’m starting to truly feel the anxiety since I’m taking 1/3 of what I’ve taken the last 10 days, but it’s manageable. I’m starting to feel motivated too, probably by mixing up the dopamine rebound and relaxing effects of these small doses.

About tonight? I plan on buying some coke and do an assignment for school. I really hope the dopamine rebound could work successfully with coke (also taking small doses of G) to make me productive and motivated.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108675
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 10, 2016Views: 4,643
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GBL (89) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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