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Positive Mental Trip
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Medieval. "Positive Mental Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp108764)". Dec 21, 2020.

1 cap oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I went for a hike today on a flat terrain surface with the intention of eating some mush along the way. The notion I got in my head is if everything is going right why not go left. So it's about 12:30 pm and I crossed a busy road (50+ MPH) near the highway to get to the field where the trail started and at this point I am just dogging cars on the side of the road. Finally I make it to the trail and lo and behold I see an older women with shades walking toward me. I figured I should wait until she passes to bust out my bag of mush. I also really had to take a piss so that was not helping either. She passed and I figured now is my chance.

I took out the container that it was in and opened the baggie and snapped a large cap in half. The ones I have this time were blue and white ones not the traditional gold caps- I've had both in the past so I know what the deal is. I remember before I took them I had one song in my head that I was not pumped about and after I downed it another song popped into my head and I was like oh fuck yea! So I take a piss and I'm walking; sounds became more prominent and I am like looking at a little lady bug and just thinking how many universes could be in those little black spots. I passed bikers and joggers on this trail that is adjacent to the river. Finally I see the end and a sign, I came up to the sign and it said Danger Mountain Lions and bears live here and gave directions on what to do (FYI I live right next to the mountains so I do understand the circumstances but I was walking in a residential area where the was farms and neighbors nearby). Still being cautious though I busted out my knife from my backpack as a jogger passed with her dog that was off the leash even though the sign said all dogs on leash. I felt like I'm not the only baddass lawbreaker here. So I'm walking back ready for the mountain lion to come out of the tree and take me 6ft underground and I'm getting really thirsty and hungry it's like a hundred degrees out midday and I'm just carrying a tune with the goal of cold water. Finally I get back to the road put my knife away and get to my car which fortunately was not fkd with - THANK GOD. I'm driving and I hit up my buddy I barley could talk I remember I thought everything was funny and I know on mush there are moments where I like literally cannot stop laughing. But I somehow managed to make plans to meet up in like 20 min.

In my head conscious of me abandoning the idea of getting food I was like I'm going to stop at a gas station anyway. I bought a water a yoohoo and a banana. And then went back into my car and drove on. The music was really cool but It was also partly because I just thought music was a funny creation. So I get to my buddy's house and we started to jam on guitars and he knows alot more than me but I fumble my way though.

I remember my face feeling like it's melting on the inside. Were out back now cooking up some hamburgers on the grill and I'm having some mead. (It's crazy because on Acid I can drink alcohol like a fish. The only time I've ever drank a full 5th of whiskey was after I took a dose.) I basically understand why they call them boomers. It feels like everything comes in waves and it's like a big bang happening every few minutes or so.

The highlight of my time was when my buddy showed me a band that did a cover of the steve wonder song Living for the city. At this point I probably was the most high and was like that fuckin awesome I even sent myself a text so I wouldnt forget about it as I often do.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108764
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Dec 21, 2020Views: 535
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