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All the Usual Symptoms of Too Much Uppers
Ethylphenidate & Alcohol
Citation:   Phil H Smokes Beek. "All the Usual Symptoms of Too Much Uppers: An Experience with Ethylphenidate & Alcohol (exp108982)". Erowid.org. Oct 10, 2021. erowid.org/exp/108982

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
    repeated insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
First time trying this. I got given it off a mate, approx 500mg. I have experience with alot of uppers but not ethyphenidate or methylphenidate (ritalin). Insuffolated & F*!K me it hurt. The closest thing's I've up the snooter (with regards to the sting) is AMT & phenmetrazine & fluoro-phenmetrazine. Apart from the sting it was really nice. Account as follows:

From 15:00 - 18:30 I had a pint & 2 bottles (I'm not an alcoholic, it was my day off)
Approx 8PM - Went to meet a friend, he was in a good mood and he offered me some Ethylphenidate & AMT (He hadn't had any at this point). I wasn't up for the 13 Hr AMT ride and was reluctant to have the ethylphenidate as I got told it was & ADHD med extensive analogue (I'm a bit weary of RCs).
Approx 20:30 - Me & my mate got back to mine and drank a couple of bevvies.

Approx 21:00 I'm in the mood, I done a bit of research on the net & felt I was up for it, I crush a line of about 50mg (reccomended by friend) & insuffolate. I didn't have scales but I work in a lab and have experience weighing out powders (I assumed the ethylphenidate had approx the RD of table salt.
Approx 21:03 Nose hurts ALOT!!!! (eye watering shit)
Approx 21:10 Feeling a bit euphoric, enjoying myself (chewing my mates ear off a bit)
Approx 21:30 Redose approx 100mg
Approx 21:40 Feel really wired now, kinda like coke but without the jitteryness
Approx 21:40-22:30 Went the pub with 2 mates, feeling good, chatting alot but without the edginess of cocaine, more relaxed.
Approx 22:30 We jump in my mates car and the other passanger pulls out a bag of methylphenidate and offers lines. I am taken to another pub down the road.
Approx:22:35 Approx 30mg of methlphenidate insuffolated (stings less)
Approx 22:45 -00:30 Sit in pub & have 3 pints with mates, feel really up & wired ie heart racing, increase temp, more social but without the jitteriness of cocaine.

00:00 Mate asks if I want to go halves on a bag of coke, decline due to feeling content with where I was @. (If I hadn't has the ethylphenidate I would have almost definately gone for the coke)
Approx 00:45 Last orders so we leave the pub
Approx 01:00 Arrive back at mine insuffolate approx another 150mg in 2 lines.
Approx 01:10 I probly did a bit too much because I was bevvied, got all the usual symptoms of too much uppers, sweats, chatting shit, feeling of I'm on a mission to do something but I don't know what, this wore off within about 20-35 mins and after I felt fantastically up for the rest of the night =)

Approx 01:30-07:00 I have 4 beers and chill on the PC, (listening to music and searching for the shit you do @4am when your off ur box). I find this alot more enjoyable than if I had had coke. I'm fiending alot less for it and I feel alot less anxious, the anxiety is minimal. Probly Started writing this @06:00.
08:30 (Fuck I've spent about an hour and a half writing this) Time for bed zzz xxx

PS: I do cocaine at least once or twice a week so have a bit of a tolerance to dopamine binders. I take MDMA every 2-3 months. I'm only telling you this for your information.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108982
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 10, 2021Views: 695
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Ethylphenidate (563) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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