A Little Higher Than Expected
Tianeptine, DXM & 2C-B
Citation:   ButtDaddy. "A Little Higher Than Expected: An Experience with Tianeptine, DXM & 2C-B (exp109064)". Erowid.org. Feb 6, 2022. erowid.org/exp/109064

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Pharms - Tianeptine  
  T+ 0:00   oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 4:00 20 mg oral 2C-B  
  T+ 13:00 0.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  T+ 13:00 2.5 mg oral Melatonin  
Saturday morning, I woke up feeling kind of bored. The type of bored that means I'll probably end up getting wasted. My regular drug dealer was out of town, and I hadn't stocked up on all of my favorite drugs (coke, ketamine, benzos) in an attempt to see if I could go a weekend without them, save some money, etc. It sort of worked.

I was going to watch a preseason football game with my friends, so I decided to drink some cough syrup. I've always loved DXM and on lower doses (~2nd plateau) it's recreational for me- I haven't been drinking much lately so this was going to be my booze for the day. I took some tianeptine for my mood, went out and got some robo max cough, and drank the whole bottle (I believe they're about 250 mg each) at around noon.

Started watching the game alone but as word spread that I was tripping, some people came over to watch. The trip was not as strong as it usually is and I began to wonder if the tianeptine was affecting it. It felt prolonged, yet subdued, almost like taking DXM after drinking grapefruit juice, causing trips to be (in my experience anyway), less 'psychedelic' and more of a general mood-booster. I was still experiencing strange thoughts and impaired movement, but just not on the level that I normally do at that dose.

As the trip seemed to wear down, I drank a couple of beers. The game was over (last minute win!) but I was unsure what to do next. My friends had left and I was bored again, and coming down, so... Once I get on the ride I never want it to end, and I didn't feel like just drinking all evening. I had some 2cb someone had given me as a gift, so I took a 20mg capsule, thinking it would be a cool transition from one trip to another. I took it around 6pm.

After about an hour I began to feel the normal body buzz of 2cb, and was getting mild visuals- patterning, rolling movement, field of vision sliding around. Typical 2cb stuff. But as time went on I noticed I was getting higher and higher, and I realized I probably had more DXM still in my system that I'd thought. I had a minor 'Oh no' moment when I realized I was starting to sweat buckets and my senses of balance and touch were starting to go... the ground was rolling physically just as it was visually and my hands were melting into objects that I touched. I wondered how high I was going to get- I'm not the type to panic on drugs, but I began to run through any possible health problems combining these drugs might have. Didn't think serotonin syndrome was really likely, and my pulse rate seemed elevated, but fine, and my thought process still seemed coherent and clear (as is usual with 2cb, mercifully) so I decided I'd probably be OK. Texted a friend to let him know I was really high, and he agreed to swing by to check on me.

I went to my bed and laid down, and for a while, I probably couldn't have gotten up if I wanted to. The visuals became very intense, with swooping lines appearing on all of the surfaces of my room, and suddenly becoming encrusted with brilliant, sparking little gemstones. Looking at the back of my hand, the skin melted and I could see the veins and bones and tendons very clearly, rolling back and forth, rising to the surface and falling. My thought process remained clear, and while I wasn't afraid, I knew I had to steel myself for a heavy trip. Staring at the ceiling, reflections from the light became like stained glass, the lines and crystals swirled, and little blotchy purple dots appeared on top of them- the type I usually see on DXM. Definitely some synergy going on.

At no time after my initial realization that I was about to get really high, did I feel any anxiety or alarm.
At no time after my initial realization that I was about to get really high, did I feel any anxiety or alarm.
I have some experience with psychedelics and have gotten through difficult trips before, and just due to the analytical nature of 2cb, I never lost touch completely with consensus reality. Most of the time I spent considering the various sensory input I was receiving and how weird and beautiful it looked. But no deep emotions/spiritual feelings/breakthroughs. Just taking a trip through a strange and beautiful mind state.

Throughout the trip I kept imagining that my entire brain was malfunctioning, spitting sparks and misfired neurons, but 'I' had retreated into my prefrontal cortex and was riding the storm out there, where my thinking had barely been affected.

A friend came over and checked on my and we carried on a coherent conversation (I think) while I was laying in bed sweating and hallucinating. This was probably around 9 pm, and I was still tripping hard, but realized I'd peaked and was coming down. My friend left and I was able to get out of bed and wander around, but kept forgetting what I was doing and performing the same actions again and again, which lent to a feeling of futility and lack of control. But again, no negative emotions surfaced.

Finally, another buddy dropped by at about 11. I was definitely coming down at this point, but slowly. My friend got jealous and took 20mg 2cb as well, and he reports a normal 2cb trip, nothing heavy like I'd gotten. We hung out and talked until about 1 am, at which point I took .5mg xanax and 2.5 mg melatonin, because I was getting tired but was still feeling stimulated. I went to bed at around 2, leaving my friend still tripping his face off (sorry dude).

The next day I was wiped out, but not feeling bad by any means. I took it easy. The day after that was Monday, and I got up early to go to work. In the morning I felt slow and stupid, but as the day went on I was able to get into my work, and after another night's sleep, felt basically normal on Tuesday.

All in all, the combination is heavy. I got higher than I expected, which can be scary, but I think due to my familiarity with DXM and the short duration/retention of conscious thought on 2cb, I was fine throughout. I don't think I really 'took anything home' from the trip in terms of earth shattering insights or feelings of universal oneness, but it was an interesting experience. I'd probably do it again, but not soon.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109064
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Feb 6, 2022Views: 673
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DXM (22), 2C-B (52) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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