Did Not Notice Any Adverse Effects
MDMA, Lithium & Lamotrigine
Citation:   Choss. "Did Not Notice Any Adverse Effects: An Experience with MDMA, Lithium & Lamotrigine (exp109087)". Erowid.org. Aug 22, 2016. erowid.org/exp/109087

T+ 0:00
900 mg oral Pharms - Lithium  
  T+ 0:00 250 mg oral Pharms - Lamotrigine  
  T+ 9:20 80 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 13:20 600 mg oral Pharms - Lithium  
  T+ 15:00 2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam  
MDMA on Lithium and Lamotrigine

As I had access to some very high purity MDMA, and nothing to do the next day it seemed like the perfect time to give it a go. I have taken MDMA three times previously, all before my bipolar diagnosis.

Prior to taking this combination, I read a number of reports warning against combining lithium with LSD and other hallucinogens, so I was careful to take the MDMA during the day, at home with a sitter present. I have to drink plenty of water with my lithium, and made sure to drink more water throughout the trip.

6:00 am - took my regular lithium carbonate and lamictal doses.

3:20 pm - took 80 mg MDMA in a gel cap. Went for a shower, then lay on my bed for some time.

4:15 pm - came up with a tremendous rush, which was quite overwhelming. I spend the next 30 min talking to my sitter, letting out a whole list of ways I want to improve my life. It was incredibly cathartic and I was rushing hard throughout.

4:45 - My energy was high and my mood had lifted. The rush subsided, and everything felt good - no anxiety, no cynical thoughts. No reactions so far other than what would be expected from MDMA. The sensation did not feel like mania, which is normally very unpleasant for me (extreme irritability).

Put some house music on - had a dance.

6:30 pm - cooked some fish on the bbq. I found the act of cooking very pleasant, and stood for some time enjoying the garden and feeling the breeze on my face. Colors were vivid, and my good, relaxed mood was still there. Unfortunately, I had little appetite for the food I had just cooked, though my sitter enjoyed it.

7:20 pm - took my normal evening dose of lithium (600 mg). This seemed to potentiate my high, and I started rushing hard again, but not to an unpleasant extent. Listened to more music, danced, held the dog. All good.

9:00 pm - I need my sleep, so I took some clonazepam. Calmed me down nicely and I slept from about 10:30 until 8 the next morning

The next day - Spent most of the day riding out the comedown. Apart from feeling very drained, and unable to do much except play video games, I still felt positive from the trip, and about my life in the future. Took another 1 mg clonazepam at about 7 pm just to take the edge off.

Overall, I did not notice any adverse effects from the combination of lithium, lamotrigine and MDMA. It is possible that the lithium potentiates MDMA, so would urge caution on anyone wanting to try this.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109087
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Aug 22, 2016Views: 4,217
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MDMA (3) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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