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I Became a 2-Dimensional Rodin
Salvia divinorum (100x extract)
Citation:   Sailor Jim. "I Became a 2-Dimensional Rodin: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (100x extract) (exp109156)". Jul 21, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
It was a great day really; I was preparing to buy some salvia from a local head shop after having gone shopping and eating some sushi at a local restaurant. The attendant there suggested using a torch lighter, as it would be more effective; so I purchased the 100X salvia (the strongest they carried) and a clean bowl… I didn’t want the experience to be altered by remnant cannabis matter in any of my other bowls.

I eventually arrived home, sat down on the couch and backed the full gram into my new bowl and took the deepest hit in my life of salvia. Being a frequent meditator I was able to hold it in for quite a while. But when I let the breath out… WHAM it hits me with a great and instantaneous onset. And as I opened my eyes the floorboards of the apartment went stretching out in front of me. Whoosh… that short distance from the couch to the door seemed to stretch out like a corridor.

I would typically consider myself an experienced psychonaut, but this felt super negative and overpowering. I ran to my sister’s door, who was settling in from our day and whimpered, “Sis… Help” and immediately went into the other room and took a knee, much like Rodin’s the thinker.

I seemed to be stuck like that 2-dimensionally, like paper, screaming in my head. Thinking thoughts like:
-Why did I do this again?
-How long is this going to take?
-To have done this again I must be retarded. Maybe I am… maybe people have just been nice enough to me so I would’ve never known I was?

All this lasted maybe five minutes…but it felt like forever. Afterwards my sister told me I was silent and statuesque…. But I can still hear the screaming in my mind when I recall how it recoiled in horror from the experience. I much prefer DXM and Psilocybin to salvia. Dex for introspection, shrooms for loving nature. 100x salvia… never again.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 109156
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 21, 2020Views: 993
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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