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Brain Broke Down
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   ElDudorino. "Brain Broke Down: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp109364)". Oct 30, 2020.

one half hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
This was my first time trying LSD, which my Girlfriend brought. We both planned the day by bringing food, a Tent, a Hammock, and everything we would need to a small hill just outside the city.

From there we even had a look all over the town - and as we built the tent, it was around 11:00 in the morning. We took half a paper of LSD, and then waited in the hammock. After approximately an hour, the LSD began to kick in. First slowly, then more noticeable. Everything was nice, colorful and trippy. We began giggling at small stuff and talked to each other in languages the other person was not speaking – and somehow still understanding each other. It was an amazing feeling, although I did not have significant Hallucinations with my eyes open. When I closed them, I could see a vivid picture of constantly changing forms and patterns.

At one point, we felt the need to be naked, so we spent a few hours running around without clothes and looking over Leipzig. My senses were all more present, I felt, and the wind on my skin was just a great feeling. The point that was also really interesting was the completely non-existing sexuality in this time. We both agreed that it was really freeing to feel a general connectedness even more than usual, but all that while being absolutely non-sexual. It was like a feeling on a whole new level.

The day passed like that and the feeling decreased gradually. At sunset, it was still noticeable but slowly going, so the sexuality also came back. Sex while coming down from LSD is really awesome. I also decided to roll a small blunt with some good weed I recently got from Amsterdam - the mistake of the day.
I also decided to roll a small blunt with some good weed I recently got from Amsterdam - the mistake of the day.

Everything was fine the whole day, but this small son of a bitch just ruined me. It is difficult to describe how I felt, but it was a mixture of paranoia and psychosis, I guess.I was clearly paranoid, since it got dark and we were alone on that hill. I grew anxious.And second, which was really fucked up, I was feeling changes to my usual way of thinking. If you picture the brain as a reservoir lake with a few small pipes allowing some water to pass (as a metaphor for your thoughts), that dam was just gone. The whole weight of my thought processes was open to me, I could see and track it all, I could switch memories on and off.

My thoughts were racing, and so did my heart. I felt the weight of existence, and felt that the whole state of being was so mystical and unexplainable that there are thousands of possibilities how we can just be characters in a computer game of some weird species far more advanced than we are, et cetera… It was unbearable. Just for fun, I could switch off that I knew my Girlfriend, and then I was sitting there with an unknown person. That was scary. Usually, nobody notices how your brain deals with information it gets in a situation. You evaluate, check with experiences already made, react in a way you most likely already did. It felt like I could track all of that, which gave me chills and a huge brainfuck. According to my Girlfriend, my eyes were also moving very fast in uncontrollable directions. Overall, the combination was a very unpleasant experience for me. I would not combine LSD and THC in the way I did – the weeks afterwards, I was still thinking about what I experienced.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 30, 2020Views: 637
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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