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When Magic Becomes Tragic
Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   godspeed785. "When Magic Becomes Tragic: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol (exp109552)". Apr 20, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (tar / resin)
    repeated oral Alcohol  
This was my last summers experience, but I remember it just like it happened yesterday. I've written this report in 2 part- effects (Speed of light) and Aftereffects (Summertime sadness).

On a hot day in May I went out to get my last weed score, just when my old doper friend spotted me and talked me into joining him on a picnic. As weed was available I was in, I spent score money on alcohol. Now the stuff I'm talking bout is black weed, this stuff is green but is concentrated with black chemical that alters the effects of THC, giving a potent, lasting high like intense auditory hallucinations, stoned feeling. Normally the stuff looks black but on closer look it appears dark green (It's an Indian speciality).

Wwe began the journey to go to the best spring in south Goa. We started the journey getting high, I wasn't much of an alcohol guy, I drank 4 or 5 packs, while my friends kept getting wasted. Throughout the journey I was completely stoned smoking the stuff while exploring the breathtaking beauty of Goa. By 10pm I was home & had 1 last joint remaining.

Speed of Light 🌈
Smoking since morning, drinking alcohol, these effects got me sedated. Right where I sat silently I could hear slow soothing music like trumpets out of nowhere. To end things on a high note I smoked the last joint. Now the trip gets interesting. Right where I lay on the bed, I look up at the dark room, it ain't no longer dark, the whole room started to glow in colors. The intense auditory noises I could hear behind the silence started forming shapes and colors.
The intense auditory noises I could hear behind the silence started forming shapes and colors.
I turned on the music, played- Juice (1200 micrograms remix). My imagination had gone to the next level. Just to test how high my imagination was, I stared at my left hand and just thought about an eye while the juicy melody at runtime 3.00 of that track was playing.

What happened next left me alienated. Within a split second a cyan eye opens right in the center of my palm, the window besides me distorts in zig-zag shapes with tiny countless eyes on them, twisting across my fingers. I froze in that moment. Time had completely slowed down. I felt euphoric and at the same time speechless by what I hallucinated. Then soon I took my hand down and my attention goes to the window in front of me which looked like a trippy temple (mandap). And just before the bass dropped at runtime 3.45 of the track I closed my eyes only to see a vision of sun rotating, transforming into patterns in sync with the beat. The rest of the trip was like a funny euphoric adventure till I passed out.

Summertime sadness
The next 2 days I felt like I'm still high. Any color around me I looked at started becoming vivid. The next 3-4 days I felt completely nauseated unable to eat, anything I ate I immediately threw up. I guess this was because I had developed an intolerance for alcohol for a long time. I was fucked up. Any moving shadow of a tree or a fan immediately caught my attention and I just couldn't help but stare at them. Every night the darkness in the room started visually distorting. Worst of all every time I closed my eyes, my subconscious thoughts projected like an animated movie that spoke to me. My mind had gone in a schizoid, psychosis state temporarily. The positive side was I was hallucinating but at the same time on the negative side my mind got in a state of depression. I also popped lorazepam to help me sleep, but that only made it worse.

All this shit lasted for a month. What I learnt from this experience is chemicals and alcohol can fuck me up, although it was weed but chemicalized and maybe because I smoked up all that shit in one day. Now whenever I'm gonna try acid I hope it isn't such a bad fuckup like this one.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 109552
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 20, 2018Views: 2,078
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