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A Love Supreme
Cannabis & Prayer
Citation:   Jesusfreak. "A Love Supreme: An Experience with Cannabis & Prayer (exp109701)". Erowid.org. Jan 26, 2017. erowid.org/exp/109701

0.5 g smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Recently, obtained some Hawaiian flower in a recreational state. Had not smoked any cannabis in 33 years since I was an undergraduate. Was experienced with the best of 70's / 80's weed including thai sticks, colombian gold, and maui wowee.

Need to add that I have been a saved Pentecostal Christian for over 30 years and am active in church ministry. I also work full time in the IT industry. During a recent weekend, I decided to smoke two bowls of top shelf Hawaiian (approx. 28.5% THC). It was pure flower buds (colas) and I could not even finish the second bowl after 30 minutes. The Hawaiian bud was very similar to Maui Wowee from the 70's - very very strong with a distinct flowery tropical taste. Very trippy and very strong visuals (bright colors etc.). To make a long story short, I decided to drive to my church to pray alone as I have keys to the church. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] It is a beautiful church with a large altar. After I got there, I went directly to the altar to pray. Even though I was very high, I felt the love of God in a great and tangible way.

As I knelt, I told Jesus that I loved Him; I told the Father that I loved Him, and I told the Holy Spirit that I loved Him. I felt my soul, my body and my spirit on fire and consumed by the Love of God. Then and there I told the Lord Thank You and please let me feel your love. He did and I was outdone. His Love was so great and immense that I immediately gave Him my soul to Jesus forever and ever. All I wanted to do was to be consumed by His love- which He let me feel fully - My will melted and I surrendered my will right then and there; gladly receiving His Love. I told Jesus I would serve Him forever and to baptize me in His love. He did and He exceeded my expectations. A miracle.

This experience was life changing. I will never be the same. The cannabis merely brought out what was always in my soul; sativas just permit extra focus. My soul is now saved and happy - anointed by the love of Jesus. I am a certified Jesus Freak.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109701
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 55
Published: Jan 26, 2017Views: 1,694
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Mystical Experiences (9)

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