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I'd Grown Up
by Fx
Citation:   Fx. "I'd Grown Up: An Experience with Cannabis (exp10983)". Jul 10, 2019.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I'm a quite regular user of cannabis, I often buy half ounces and sort out little gatherings of a few people.

I bought a half ounce for a night, expecting 3 people (including myself) to turn up, O and D. I got home with my stash and rolled up a big joint with about 1/4oz in it. Only O turned up, and we walked up a hill to one of our usual haunts, a nice hilltop bench with a brilliant view of the sky. It was around 8pm this time, and already getting hard to find the floor underneath the cover of trees. We sat down, and sparked up the joint. O took a few tokes on it before curling up on the bench. I proceeded to smoke the rest of it. We started talking about other drugs and whether we would or wouldnt do them, and then started looking at shapes in the sky. O rolled up another joint, just a kingsize one, and started smoking it.
Light clouds quickly flowed through the stars and the last of the sunlight died.

As I neared the end of the joint, we started saying little things that just had us laughing for ages. I started thinking of everything good and bad in life, and then started to feel quite sick, like I'd drunk too much alcohol. This passed shortly, and then my right leg started shaking uncontrollably. O laughed, because I was shaking the bench, and then all of a sudden my left leg started too. We laughed at this for about 5 minutes and then decided to head off to a set of tennis courts in the hope that some other people would be there. We walked in, and lay down on the tennis courts. I stared straight up at the sky and started thinking of when I was a little kid; I used to stare up at the sky during the day, the white clouds against the blue skies. Now I had grey clouds against a black sky. I kept thinking of all the ways I'd changed, how everything had gone wrong, how all my aspirations burned and all my love lost. I'd grown up and I'd hated it.

The trees bordered my vision and I got the nauseous feeling again. I sat there thinking about everything and decided to close my eyes. I kept thinking back to a time when I'd drunk about 1.5l of rum and felt like I was going to die. This felt like that.

We walked back to O's house and I rolled up a few more joints. We went around to another friends house, S and smoked these in her bedroom. Eventually we said our goodbyes and see you tommorows, and I headed off home.

I had a strange walk ahead of me, through groves of trees, with a pinprick of light at the end. I couldnt see my feet because of the dark. I usually would have been slightly nervous when sober, but the effects of the weed were just intensifying this. I felt incrediably scared, I was sure the grim reaper was following me. I kept repeating 'its just the drug, home is only a few minutes away', and got out of the first tunnel of trees.

Then the rain started. Gently it covered my face in a mist, and I started down the grassy hill, and got into the second tree-tunnel. I eventually got home, and it was about midnight. I went up to bed and experienced the spinning head I last remember with alcohol. It took me a long time to get to sleep, and thoughts raced through my head.

Anyway, looking back on it, the laughs I had on the bench were well worth it, and the spiritual aspects I experienced in the tennis courts were quite interesting and well worth 30mins of mildly severe fear.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10983
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 546
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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